Clothes, no matter how good they are, get dirty when worn. A mink coat is more difficult to clean than trousers or a jacket. Fur products need careful treatment and careful care. How to clean a mink coat at home without ruining it forever? The answer to this question can be found in the article.
How to clean a mink coat at home with sawdust
Of course, the easiest way is to take the product to dry cleaning, but this possibility does not always exist. How to clean a mink coat at home? This can be done with sawdust.

- Sawdust is better to buy in pet stores, they should be from maple, oak, linden or aspen. You also need to stock up on medical alcohol.
- Sawdust is laid out in a compact container, filled with alcohol. All this must be thoroughly mixed. Some housewives prefer to use gasoline, but this is fraught with an unpleasant odor.
- The fur product that needs to be cleaned should be laid out on a flat surface, for example, on a table. Contaminated areas are sprinkled with the prepared composition.
- Fur must be carefully wrinkled by hand. Such actions will help the wood absorb all the dirt. The sawdust is then removed, the fur coat is cleaned and combed with a special fur brush.
How to clean a mink coat at home without compromising its appearance. Sawdust is not as effective in fighting old stains as shampoo.

- The right choice of product is the key to success, as it should not dry out the skin of the product. A highly hydrating shampoo is essential. You also need to prepare a basin filled with water at room temperature.
- It is necessary to pour about a cap of shampoo into the water, mix it with your hands. Stirring is required in order to form a dense foam. Then you should fill another container with clean water without impurities.
- The fur coat unfolds on a flat surface. Next, you need to moisten a sponge in the solution and process the area of \u200b\u200bthe product that needs cleaning. The fur should not be heavily wetted, and it is better not to touch the leather part at all.
- Then it is necessary to treat the same area with a cloth soaked in clean water. Excess moisture is removed with a tissue or paper towel.
- Fur must be combed with a special brush or thin combs. Next, you need to hang a fur coat to dry on a coat hanger. Preferablykeep the product in a well-ventilated area.
How to clean a mink coat at home with sand? The instructions below will help to cope with this task.

- You need to collect river sand, rinse it several times under the tap. Then it is doused with boiling water, excess moisture should drain.
- Sand is laid out in a frying pan, heated over a fire to a temperature slightly above average.
- The fur coat that needs cleaning is laid out on a flat surface. Only the dirtiest areas are sprinkled with sand.
- The tool should reach room temperature, then it can be removed. Be sure to brush outerwear after treatment.
How to clean a white mink coat at home? Talc is a tool whose effectiveness is beyond doubt. This product perfectly absorbs grease, excess dirt. To protect your hands, you will need thin medical gloves.

- The fur product is laid out on a flat surface, all contaminated areas are sprinkled with talc.
- Next, slowly and carefully rub the product into the surface. Then the product is taken out to fresh air, shaken.
- Get rid of powder residue easily with a hair dryer. Next, you need to comb the fur coat.
How to clean a light mink coat at home if there is no talcum powder at hand? Alternatively, you can useordinary potato or corn starch. Processing technology remains the same.
You can also clean a white mink coat at home with the help of semolina. This product absorbs dirt well, returns shine to clothes. Also, semolina does an excellent job with the yellowness that often forms on white fur products.
- The fur coat unfolds on a flat surface.
- The affected areas are sprinkled with dry semolina. Next, the product is rubbed with hands. This must be done carefully, avoiding strong pressure.
- The fur coat is carefully shaken off and combed. It is important that all semolina be removed.
How to get rid of stains
Almost all of the methods discussed above are dry processing. If the product needs to be removed from old stains, it is better to resort to a wet method.

- Soap solution. The basin will be filled with water at a temperature of about 30 degrees. A few drops of liquid soap are added to it, then the foam is whipped. The fur coat is laid out on the table, after which the contaminated areas are treated with a sponge dipped in a wet solution. It is advisable not to touch the leather part. Next, the product is processed with a damp cloth, combed.
- Gasoline for lighters. You can clean a black mink coat at home using gasoline for refueling lighters. This tool is effective in the fight against difficult stains. It must be remembered that it cannot be used to clean light fur coats. ATgasoline wets a brush for clothes, then the thing is combed. After processing, the fur coat must be left in the fresh air to get rid of the smell. The product must not be exposed to direct UV rays as this will stain.
- Table vinegar. This product will help not only clean the fur coat, but also restore its lost shine. It is worth choosing vinegar with a concentration not higher than 6%. The product is processed with a cotton sponge dipped in it. If the fur is long, you should move according to your height. If it is short, the movements are carried out against growth. The cotton pad should definitely be squeezed out before use. Vinegar must not get on the skin of the fur coat.
Cleaning the lining
The above is about how you can clean a mink coat at home. However, not only fur needs processing, but also the lining, which often suffers even more.

Method 1
- To effectively clean the lining, you need to rip off the fabric. It is important to do this carefully without damaging the material.
- Followed by machine wash.
- The choice of washing mode depends on the material in question. Silk and polyester fabric needs to be handled with care. The temperature should not be more than 40 degrees. If the lining is made of cotton, it may be higher.
- After washing, be sure to rinse thoroughly, this will prevent the formation of stains when dried. Then the fabric is well ironed, sewn back onto the fur coat.
Method 2
- Not everyone decides to tear off the fabric. Fortunately, it can also be cleaned on a fur coat. Soap solution is best for this purpose.
- The lining is treated with a sponge soaked in the solution. The fabric is then cleaned with a clothes brush. Be sure to blot it with a cloth to help remove any remaining moisture.
- Fur coat should dry at room temperature.
Thinking about how to clean a mink coat at home will be less common if you do not forget about preventive measures.
- Do not store the product folded. If this has already happened, outerwear should be hung on a hanger. After a while, the coat will stretch out.
- If the fur coat gets wet, you need to hang it on a hanger to dry. The product should dry at natural temperature.
- It is strictly forbidden to iron the fur, no matter what mode is set.
- The fur coat cannot be washed, even if it is heavily soiled. This will permanently deform the fur.
- It is impossible to dry the product near a heater, battery, open fire. This will also negatively affect the appearance of the fur.

- Fur is only cleaned when needed. If you do this too often, the pile will begin to crumble, lose its original structure.
- The fur coat should not be stored in plastic bags, as this material electrifies the pile.
- The room where the product is stored is best treated with special means frominsects. The absence of pests is a guarantee of the safety of things. You can also stuff the sleeves of the product with newspaper, as the printing ink repels insects.
- Fur items should not be stored next to each other.
- Spraying perfume on a fur coat is strictly not recommended, it can lead to stains. Even dry cleaning sometimes does not help to get rid of such traces. Also, do not constantly wear a bag on your shoulder, on your arm. Otherwise, the fur will simply be erased.
- Minor dirt is best removed by dry cleaning. Wet sanding is only necessary when dealing with serious stains.