Carpets in a modern interior add coziness and comfort. However, this type of flooring is not very practical and needs to be cleaned from time to time. In this review, we will take a closer look at how to clean the carpet at home with baking soda and other means.
Ways to clean carpets

Let's take a closer look at this. There are several ways to clean carpets. They can be used to remove not only dust and dirt, but also traces of food, drinks and pet hair.
Here are the main ones:
- Using a vacuum cleaner. This household appliance allows you to remove both small and heavy dirt from the surface of the carpet. It is best to use special washing models for cleaning carpets. As for old stains, the vacuum cleaner will not cope with them. After cleaning the products with washing equipment, you will have to dry it additionally.
- Snow stain removal. One of the most common carpet cleaning methods. Snowwell removes dirt and dust. However, to remove old contaminants, exposure to aggressive chemicals is required. There are also other drawbacks to the snow clearing method. These include the need to apply significant physical effort when beating the carpet, as well as the need to dry the product after this procedure.
- Use of specialized cleaning compounds. You can buy them in stores. Cleaning products should be applied to the surface of the carpet, wait for a while, and then rinse with clean water. With this method, you can remove any dirt from the carpet. At the same time, such compositions are quite expensive. In addition, carpets will also need to be dried after cleaning.
- Professional dry cleaning. This method is usually resorted to only when all the previous ones are ineffective. In dry cleaning, not only dirt and dust, but also old stains can be removed from your carpet. Another undoubted advantage of this method is the absence of the need to dry the product. The disadvantages include significant financial costs.
You can also use folk methods to clean carpets. Some of them raise serious doubts, for example, cleaning the carpet with tea leaves or sauerkraut. However, in reality, these methods are quite effective.
Main recommendations

How to clean the carpet at home with baking soda? To get rid of stains, you must follow these recommendations:
- If the carpet is made of natural materials, do not try to scrub it with aggressive chemicals. Even if the instructions for this product do not prohibit its use, try not to do so. For starters, you can try cleaning the carpet with baking soda and vinegar. If the use of these funds did not give the desired result, then there is nothing left but to use household chemicals. Just be sure to test the effect of your chosen chemical composition on a separate section of the carpet.
- Try not to use too hard brushes for cleaning. They can damage the pile. Soft-bristled brushes are best.
- Do not wash carpets in too hot water. Such washing can lead to the fact that the dirt is simply more absorbed into the carpet. It is better to use cold or cool water for cleaning.
- When brushing, try not to rub the product hard across the pile. It is better to move the brush exclusively along. So the dirt will be easier to go, and the carpet itself will not be damaged.
- After wet cleaning carpets, be sure to dry them well. Moisture promotes mold and mildew, which can destroy the fibers of the garment.
Clean the carpet with baking soda

What is the peculiarity of this method? Baking soda is a great tool that will even cope with the deep cleaning of rugs. To figure out how to clean the carpet with soda, you should understand the main properties and characteristics of this substance. Regular baking sodarefers to substances that do a good job of cleaning rugs and carpets. At the same time, it is cheap, sold in any store and completely safe for he alth. When cleaning with soda, the carpet regains its original color. Baking soda is also suitable for cleaning natural and artificial materials. By using a baking soda solution, you can also remove unpleasant odors, such as those from animal hair or alcohol.
Cleaning Methods

Let's take a closer look at this aspect. To date, there are three main ways to clean the carpet with baking soda. Consider them in more detail.
The first method involves preparing a cleaning mixture from a spoonful of plain laundry detergent, a spoonful of soda, half a glass of hot water and four tablespoons of vinegar. The process of preparing this mixture is quite complicated. It requires compliance with a certain technology. How to clean the carpet with soda at home? Experts recommend that you first prepare a mixture of vinegar and hot water. After that, soda and washing powder are added to the solution. If you carry out all the steps correctly, the components should enter into a violent chemical reaction with the active release of bubbles. When the alkaline environment of soda is combined with the acid contained in vinegar, heat is released, which has a positive effect on the cleaning properties of the mixture. Chemical "boiling" helps to clean the carpet from dirt, both outside and inside the pile. This point must be taken into account if you are going toclean the carpet with baking soda. Feedback from housewives confirms that it is best to apply the mixture to the carpet after the bubbling begins, so the ingredients listed above should be mixed in close proximity to the cleaning site.
After preparing the solution, it is applied with a soft cloth to the carpet and begin to clean off the dirt from it. Since the coating will heat up under the action of a chemical reaction, the contaminants present in it will be easily removed. If the first time to remove the dirt from the carpet does not work, the procedure must be repeated. When the solution is prepared, it must be applied with a rag to the carpet. Dirt is carefully brushed off along the pile.
The easy way

How to clean carpet with baking soda? If the floor is not heavily soiled, an easier cleaning method can be used. To do this, simply sprinkle soda on the surface, and after 15 minutes, remove it with a simple vacuum cleaner. This method allows you to get rid of pollution, as well as eliminate unpleasant odors.
You can also use this method: dilute 100 grams of soda in 5 liters of water, pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and spray on the carpet. After 15 minutes, the coating can be vacuumed and left to dry. Cleaning on this can be considered complete.
Hydrogen peroxide recipe
How to clean the carpet at home with baking soda? In addition to the methods described above for cleaning carpets from dirt with soda, there are other methods. You can use formulations that, in addition to soda, containas well as other aggressive components. For example, a recipe based on hydrogen peroxide shows high efficiency. To do this, the substance is mixed with a 3% peroxide solution. This composition can even be used to eliminate serious contaminants. It can even remove traces of red wine.
Because peroxide has bleaching properties, it is best to use it on white or light-colored carpets. This composition is also suitable for cleaning coatings in children's rooms. Before the procedure itself, you should check the effectiveness of the substance on an inconspicuous area. If the test is successful, it will be possible to safely cover the remaining surface with the resulting composition.
Recipe with soda and s alt

How to clean the carpet? Vinegar, soda, powder, hydrogen peroxide - the use of all these ingredients has already been discussed above. There is another recipe - based on s alt. First you need to mix fine s alt and soda. S alt not only enhances the cleaning effect, it also adds shine and brightness to the pile. These components are mixed in equal proportions and rubbed into the surface of the carpet. After about a quarter of an hour, you can vacuum the carpet.
Using ammonia
How to clean the carpet at home? Soda can simply freshen up the flooring. When it comes to removing a single stain, it is better to use a stain remover such as ammonia. Take 1 tablespoon of laundry detergent and 2 teaspoons of ammonia. This mixture is added to500 grams of cold water and stir well. After that, the contaminated area is wiped with the resulting solution. Next, the carpet should be wiped with a dry cloth and left for some time until completely dry.
Going to the dry cleaners
Now you know how to clean carpet at home with baking soda. However, the above methods are not always effective. Serious contamination may require the help of professionals. If the carpets are made of expensive natural fabrics, it is also better to use the services of dry cleaning.

In this review, we examined in detail how to clean the carpet with baking soda and vinegar. Feedback on this method confirms its high efficiency. Simple carpets made of artificial fabrics can be cleaned using this simple method. Depending on the degree of contamination, you can choose any of the presented methods. If the carpet needs only a little freshening, it is enough to use dry cleaning with soda. For more serious pollution, compounds with hydrogen peroxide and ammonia are better suited. If traditional cleaning methods do not help, you can always seek help from specialists.