Despite the variety of decorative houseplants, flower growers are constantly looking for new options to decorate their home. Some plants attract with their original leaves, others with an elegant shape, and others with fragrant flowers. Would you like a home plant to please not only with flowering, but also with delicious fruits? Then especially for you there is a homemade carissa plum. She is easy to care for at home.
General Description
This is an evergreen plant that belongs to the kutrovy family. Under natural conditions, it grows in the form of a tree; at home, flower growers form a crown at their discretion. Externally, the plant is very attractive, with large leathery leaves.

But the most amazing thing is the duration of flowering. From May to September, the shrub is covered with snow-white fragrant flowers of five petals. At the same time, most plants please us with flowers.not longer than a month. Their aroma resembles jasmine, but it is weaker and more refined. Flowering is not in vain. The plant bears red or purple fruits that resemble plums. The fruits are edible, while all other parts of the plant are poisonous.
Growing conditions
Carissa was brought to us from Africa. Today it is widely cultivated in Europe and almost all over the world. The genus includes more than 30 species, among which there are also dwarf plants that get along normally in room conditions. It should be borne in mind that this is a native of tropical latitudes. Therefore, if you take the pot out to the garden for the summer, then do not forget to take it back before the first night frosts. Even a slight drop in temperature can be fatal for an overseas guest. And in response to your worries, the carissa will surely respond. Home care for her is not burdensome, but, as you can see, she has her own characteristics.

Poison family
Almost all representatives of kutrovy contain poisonous milky juice. They are the most dangerous plants in the world. If you have children or animals at home, then you need to take precautions. It is best to use tall stands to limit access to the plant. All work with it must be done with gloves. Do not ignore this rule, even if you are used to washing your hands thoroughly after working with your green pets. The poisonous juice contained in the stalks of carissa can cause irritation and burns.
Care inat home
Carissa is a flower for beginners. Even if you do not have deep knowledge or do not have the opportunity to devote a lot of time to your plant, it will grow well and even delight you with delicious fruits. And how interesting it will be for children to pick berries directly from a home tree. However, you will still have to face some difficulties.
This is one of the key things to keep in mind. This plant is tropical and very thermophilic. At home, it bathes in the rays of the hot sun. Therefore, at home you need to provide him with conditions close to natural. If you plan to grow carissa on the windowsill, then it must necessarily go south. In extreme cases, western windows will do, otherwise additional lighting will need to be arranged. With a lack of light, the branches will stretch and the plant will not look very aesthetic.

Temperature conditions
This indicator determines the growth rate, as well as the splendor of the carissa. Care at home will be optimal if the temperature is maintained within +20 degrees. She has a rest period in autumn and winter. The temperature will need to be reduced to 14-18 degrees. With the onset of spring heat, you can move the pots to the glazed loggia or balcony.
Irrigation and humidity
Water the plant regularly, but not too much. The drought is not fatal for him, as well as for any indigenous inhabitant of hot countries. But excess moisture leads toroot and stem rot. The fact that the plant needs to be watered is indicated by the complete drying of the soil.
It is important to remember that plants should be watered only with settled water. To do this, tap water must stand for several days in an open vessel. Glass is ideal. In this case, melt or rain water is the best option.
But large-fruited carissa is completely undemanding to air humidity, so if the apartment has dry air, then it is not necessary to acquire a humidifier for it. On the other hand, it can be very useful to you too. Of course, it is advisable to periodically bathe the plant in the shower or simply spray it. This will wash the dust off the leaves, and they will breathe freely.

Soil and top dressing
Indoor carissa plum is not very demanding on the composition of the soil mixture. But she needs a nutritious and at the same time light substrate. Most often, the following mixture is made: turf, leaf and peat soil, as well as sand. All components are taken in equal parts.
It should be noted that the plant is quite loyal to the choice of soil mixture. It is better to take a ceramic pot, but if this is not the case, a regular plastic one will do. Drainage in a flower pot must be done so that excess moisture can freely leave. With each transplant, you need to choose a wider and deeper pot.
About the transplant. The flower grows very fast. Before reaching the age of three, it must be transplanted annually in the spring. After that, the plant is considered an adult, andthe interval increases to once every three years. This is very important, because if the plant does not have enough space, it will begin to form small leaves and it will stop growing.

Fertilizer selection
Each grower may have his own opinion on this matter. But today let's look at how to fertilize carissa, from the point of view of specialists in this field. It is necessary to feed indoor plums throughout the year. The optimal frequency is once every two or three weeks. For abundant flowering, the tree requires a large amount of phosphorus. Therefore, from the moment the buds are set, this need must be fully met. With the beginning of the growing season, it is necessary to make iron, and during the winter time, feed the indoor plum with minerals.
Today, there are complex fertilizers, but it will be difficult to find special formulations for an overseas beauty. Suitable complexes for roses and other members of this family. And the dosage can be calculated individually based on the size of the pot.

Plant propagation
The plant propagates in two ways. If it is possible to get a carissa stalk, then we can assume that you are lucky. In this case, the plant will take root quite quickly, and the growth will be noticeable. Literally within a year you will show off an adult tree. That is, this year you can already wait for flowering. The only thing you need is the presence of an adult plant in yourfriends and their desire to share twigs.
Reproduction of carissa will take place as follows:
- Sprigs for planting should be prepared in advance, best in autumn.
- The tip of the shoot is chosen as the material for the future plant. There are three internodes for the cutting.
- The cut of the cutting needs to be processed with "Kornevin".
- The rooting substrate is different from the soil for permanent germination. Usually, peat and perlite are taken in equal proportions for these purposes.
- After planting, the cuttings should be covered with a film or glass jar to create a microclimate.
But the popular method of rooting in water is not suitable for this plant. The cuttings most often just rot.
Seed propagation
Carissa remains viable for quite a long time, so you can try to grow a plant from seeds. They can be bought at the store or obtained from the owners of an adult plant. For sowing, usually the spring period is chosen. A mixture of peat and sand is suitable as a soil. Consider the basic rules:
- Before planting, you need to fill a shallow bowl with soil, which will become a seed box.
- Seeds should be soaked in warm water the day before planting.
- Plant to a depth of 1 cm.
- It is advisable to cover the cuttings to create a greenhouse effect.
Landings require mandatory ventilation. To do this, the film needs to be removed for a while. At the same time, it is recommended to spray the greenhouse. You can wait for sprouts in about 2 weeks. After themappearance, you can remove the film. When studying the description of carissa, it is necessary to emphasize that plants grown from seeds enter the flowering phase only at the age of two. That is, seed propagation is far from a fast way to grow.

Difficulties in growing
If the grower makes a mistake in care, this will definitely affect the appearance of the plant. So, the flower signals you about its problems in the following way:
- If its internodes are strongly extended, then you need to find another corner for the plant, where it will be more comfortable. Most likely, we are talking about a lack of light and heat.
- Too long branches and faded leaves indicate that the plant is not getting enough light. If it was not possible to correct the situation due to natural lighting, you need to install special lamps.
- Often the buds fall off the plant. This most often indicates that the apartment is too hot. The plant needs to create cooler conditions by moving to another window or by spraying frequently. Some flower growers at the time of bud formation spread ice around the pot. It cools and humidifies the air around the pet. Of course, it needs to be constantly updated.
- Dropping foliage indicates that the plant lacks moisture.
As you can see, every ailment has its own reasons. It is necessary to recognize the signs of the disease in time and take appropriate measures so as not to start the problem. The sooner you fix the containment, the less damagedecorative plant.
Pest control
If the plant is strong and strong, it is much less susceptible to various ailments. Therefore, you should think about prevention and the formation of strong immunity. Succinic acid for indoor plants is both a growth stimulant and top dressing, a means for building a strong root system and green mass. In addition, succinic acid contributes to good flowering. As a result, the plant retains its decorative effect all year round, and you also get a large number of delicious fruits.

How is succinic acid used for indoor plants? This applies to all other cultures as well. It is necessary to dissolve one tablet in a glass of water and spray the plant. Repeat the procedure throughout the growing season once a week. When rooting, you can dip the cutting in a crushed tablet of succinic acid. It is an excellent root and growth stimulant.
If preventive measures have not helped, and you see a spider mite or scale insect, aphid or whitefly on the plant, then it is recommended to pay attention to broad-spectrum insecticides. But if the infection is not too strong, then you can fight it off with improvised means. Pests can be collected by hand, and the leaves washed with soapy water. In some cases, this is enough.
Instead of a conclusion
It is not difficult to grow indoor plums. It is enough to choose a suitable place for her and study the basic care needs. On theToday, the popularity of the plant is only growing. This is not surprising, given the high decorativeness of the plant, its active flowering and fruiting in room conditions. If you are still thinking about what other flower to diversify your collection, then pay special attention to carissa. The plant is bright, interesting, original. If you like ficus, then carissa is definitely a great choice.