Ficus microcarpa: home care, photo

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Ficus microcarpa: home care, photo
Ficus microcarpa: home care, photo

Growing ficus microcarp is quite an exciting activity. This is the most popular representative of the many of his "brothers", occupying a leading position in terms of the number of varieties. Increasingly, this plant adorns public buildings and residential buildings. It is interesting for its shape, representing an intricate, miniature tree, with intertwined roots. In connection with these features, beginner flower growers should find out how to properly form a ficus, how to care for it at home.

At a Glance

The natural habitat of the plant is tropical forests. It is found in China, Australia, Asia and Taiwan. In comparison with indoor varieties in nature, the ficus microcarp reaches a huge size - 22 m. A powerful tree blooms beautifully and bears fruit, which cannot be expected from a miniature one located in an apartment. The berries have a yellowish tint, and as they ripen, they become burgundy.

In the wild, the plant exhibits incredible vitality. It is able to break through the rocky slopes of hills, is found in gorges, mountains and even on roofs.abandoned buildings.

Home care for ficus microcarp
Home care for ficus microcarp


The root system is the main advantage of indoor ficus, which is what won it over many floriculture lovers. Rapidly developing roots protrude to the surface, creating all sorts of incomparable curves. Thanks to this skillful confusion, each plant has an individual structure, completely different from the other.

Leaves give the tree a decorative look. They have a glossy surface, which is as if rubbed with wax. Their petioles are short, the leaves themselves are wide, lanceolate. Against the background of brown bark, a bright green hat looks simply chic.

In room conditions, the tree never blooms and on average reaches up to one and a half meters in height. Fortunately, it has retained good branching, which allows you to create intricate crown configurations. You will be able to observe a living exotic object in yourself if you provide microcarp ficus care at home. The photo in the article perfectly illustrates the features of the root system of the plant. Using certain techniques, the tree is shaped like a bonsai.

Photo of ficus microcarp
Photo of ficus microcarp


It is important for beginner flower growers to know that a newly acquired plant is undergoing an acclimatization process. There is no need to panic if the leaves of the ficus microcarp have fallen. This is a natural phenomenon. Thus, the plant accumulates in itself the forces to adapt to the new environment. It even happens that the leaves fall off completely. To shorten the durationleaf fall, you need to start carrying out frequent spraying (up to 3 times a day). A flowerpot with a tree must be moved to a room with a high level of humidity.

Such a problem can befall a ficus when you change your place of residence. Usually young leaves appear in a month. If you follow the necessary recommendations, this will happen a little earlier. It is not necessary to transplant a bonsai tree immediately after it has been brought in from the greenhouse.

Frequently moving the pot with the plant around the apartment leads to thinning of the crown and lifelessness of the leaves.

Ficus microcarpa, home care, photo
Ficus microcarpa, home care, photo


It will be appropriate to consider how professionals form bonsai in flower shops. This is a kind of art of creating ornamental plants that are very unpretentious and interior.

  • Ficus microcarp seeds are sown first. When they germinate well, a root system is formed.
  • The underground part is dug out, washed thoroughly, and the thinnest obvious processes are removed.
  • The prepared root with a smooth surface is planted in a new pot, which will serve as a permanent place for the plant. They deepen only the lower part of the nutrient system, and leave the larger one in sight.
  • The outer root process is gradually covered with a layer of crust, darkens and transforms into a trunk. Since it still contains nutrients, it is excellent for supporting the development of the whole tree.
  • The lower branches develop in the soil and eventually form a new powerfulroot system.
  • Next, allow the bush to grow on its own or immediately graft already well-grown branches taken from another plant.

After all the described manipulations, you need to observe how the ficus microcarpa (bonsai) will develop further. Care for him is to adjust the intensive growth of branches. They must not be allowed to cover the unique exotic tree trunk.

Ficus microcarpa, care, photo
Ficus microcarpa, care, photo

Basic care

As soon as a tropical plant has appeared in the house, it needs to create the right atmosphere. It does not tolerate direct sunlight, dry air, drafts and unventilated rooms. For ficus microcarp, home care is not so simple, but possible. If you follow all the rules, you will be able to grow a wonderful tree.

In addition to spraying, it is important to monitor the condition of the soil. It must be probed with the deepening of the fingers, it must not be allowed to dry out. It should be watered little by little, as needed, when the topsoil is 2 cm dry. High humidity contributes to the rapid decay of the roots. Water at room temperature is used for irrigation.

After a period of adaptation, it is necessary to transplant the ficus microcarp to a permanent place. Usually two weeks is enough for the plant to feel at home. In the store, bonsai are placed in a plastic container. It is better to change it to a beautiful flowerpot, filling it with special or universal soil.

Ficus microcarp leaves fall, what should I do?
Ficus microcarp leaves fall, what should I do?

Soil requirements

Exotic tree likes to grow on enriched, well-permeable soils, with neutral acidity. To prepare the mixture, the following components will be required: hardwood mixture and turf land 2 parts each, peat and sand 1 part each. To disinfect the soil, add a little activated or charcoal.

If, when planting a plant, all the necessary substances were added to the ground, the first time it is not fertilized. Its growing season starts in March and lasts until October. It is during these months that feeding should begin. For the normal development of the plant, it is better to buy fertilizers intended for ficus microcarp. This is especially important if you are using the bonsai technique.

Fertilizers are poured after moisturizing procedures. Foliar top dressings are also obligatory, since the tree instantly responds to them. In this case, it is important to observe the correct concentration of the compounds indicated in the instructions.

Ficus microcarpa bonsai care
Ficus microcarpa bonsai care


Ficus needs to be transplanted every 3 years. It should be noted that the root system of the plant is very sensitive and does not suffer damage. Some growers find it useful to restrain its growth. For this, a shallow pot is selected that will not allow the roots to grow quickly.

How to transplant ficus microcarp? This process will require the following steps:

  • A more spacious flowerpot is selected.
  • The drainage layer is separated from the ground with a plastic mesh, which is covered with coarse sand.
  • A small amount of earth is poured on the partition.
  • The plant is removed from the old pot, freed from the soil and washed with warm water.
  • All roots are shortened and completely removed small processes.
  • Cuts and various damages are treated with charcoal.
  • Bonsai are placed on the substrate and sprinkled with the remaining earth, leaving a third of its part on the surface.

At the end of work, the soil is compacted and watered with settled water.

A tree is transplanted if it is necessary to reduce the number of roots or enrich the soil. By the way, during this lesson, you can intertwine the roots together, in accordance with the desired style.

How to transplant ficus microcarp?
How to transplant ficus microcarp?


In addition to propagation by seeds, specialists practice cuttings. The twigs are cut, cleaned of milky juice and put in water for several weeks. To speed up the process of root growth, a little crushed activated carbon is added to the container with the cuttings.

Cut branches can be rooted in a substrate of peat, perlite and earth. The cuttings are placed in the mixture and kept moist and at the right temperature.

Difficulties in leaving

Most often, flower growers are faced with such a difficulty when the leaves of the ficus microcarp fall. What to do in such a situation? It will be easier to prevent such diseases than to fight them later. First you need to figure out why this is happening.

  • Ficus is a heat-loving plant, but at the same time it is located tomoderation. He needs warmth, so you need to make sure that the temperature in the room does not fall below 18 ° C. Hypothermia, like excessive heat, can harm the plant. In summer, spraying can be increased.
  • Excess moisture leads to decay of the roots, and as a result, to the appearance of characteristic spots on the crown.
  • Leaves may fall due to lack of moisture. At first, they wither and look sick and drooping.
  • Sudden temperature changes, drafts and watering with cool water cause crown wilting.
  • Reduced humidity creates suitable conditions for the emergence of spider mites.

As soon as any manifestations of plant disease have been noticed, it is necessary to immediately create the right conditions in the room. When the roots rot, they must be removed from the soil, washed and cut off the damaged parts.


Crown pruning is an important component in caring for ficus microcarp. Photos with well-groomed plants allow you to see the effect of this technique. The shortening of the shoots allows the trunk to form and become more powerful.

If you want to get a bonsai from a young seedling, you need to cut off a little the top of the spine representing the trunk. Thanks to this, it will get stronger and significantly increase in size.

The formation of the crown begins with the lower branches, gradually moving to the top and giving the crown the desired configuration. For processing thick sections, garden var is used. To set the main branches in the desired direction, they are fixed with wire. The shoots are shortened by 4 cm, after which the crownlooks more curvaceous.

The main pruning is carried out in early spring, before the active growth of the plant. Then they simply cut off the extra branches that protrude beyond the contour of the formed tree.

For an exotic plant, there is almost no state of rest, if rest happens, then it is quite insignificant. For this reason, you can shorten the branches at any time of the year. This procedure does not injure the tree at all and is easily tolerated by them.


When looking at photos of microcarp ficuses, it is impossible not to admire them. Despite the fact that they have long been in use, interest in them is still growing. The miniature tree can rightfully be considered one of the most impressive houseplants.
