Aluminum windows: do-it-yourself installation and installation

Aluminum windows: do-it-yourself installation and installation
Aluminum windows: do-it-yourself installation and installation

If you decide to install aluminum windows, then the same technology should be used in the process of work as when manipulating other types of windows. However, there are still some features. Compliance with the technology will ensure durable and reliable operation of aluminum systems. They are chosen for their durability, because the service life of such systems exceeds 50 years. Repair of aluminum windows will not be required during this time.

They are lightweight and highly reliable. Such performance characteristics are due to design features. In the production of frames, a set of window profiles is used, which includes a sash profile, a glazing bead, a profile for sashes, as well as an impost profile. This set allows you to get windows that are not only different in configuration, but also with different opening methods. When choosing aluminum windows, you can choose a tilt, turn or tilt-and-turn system. The latter variety is the most common due to ease of use. Blind windows can also be installed, which are nothave opening doors. When glazing loggias, multi-leaf windows are used, in which it is possible to combine frame-type sashes. The production of aluminum windows provides for this. If you have to work with limited space, then it is best to prefer sliding systems. Aluminum window profiles are produced in the form of a warm profile and a cold one. The first has thermal insulating inserts, while the second lacks them.

aluminum windows
aluminum windows

Preparation before installing the aluminum profile

If you decide to install aluminum windows, you first need to make a preparatory stage. Before installing the window, the old structure should be dismantled, and then the window opening should be prepared.

Preparation of materials and tools

In the process of removing the old frame, you may need to use an electric jigsaw, chisel and hammer. But during installation, you will need a puncher, metal drills, a screwdriver, a drill, a construction knife, a building level, wooden blades, and a dowel-nails.

window aluminum profile
window aluminum profile

Dismantling the old frame

Before installing aluminum windows, most likely, you will have to dismantle the old wooden structure, while you can use a saw or an electric jigsaw, with one of these tools you will have to cut the frame in several places, which will make it easier to remove the box from the window opening. In the place where the cut is made, you need to pry the frame with a crowbar, and then carefully remove it. When carrying out these works, it is preferable to start from the bottom of the window.

After the old window is removed, it is necessary to remove the window sill, for this it is most convenient to use a hammer and a chisel. After dismantling the old structure, it is necessary to prepare the window opening, this work involves the removal of fasteners, as well as concrete fragments that remained from the old frame. If the opening has been damaged or uneven, then it must be leveled using a traditional mortar. In this case, the installation of the aluminum profile is postponed for 2 days, until the solution completely hardens. If you decide to install new windows, an aluminum profile is perfect for this. Before starting, it is advisable to moisten the opening with water and cover with a primer. In order to prevent damage to the window opening during dismantling, the force must be applied in the area of the window, and not in a perpendicular direction. With such an impact, fasteners in the form of nails are quite easily removed from the concrete.

installation of aluminum windows
installation of aluminum windows

Mounting the aluminum frame

Production of aluminum windows is made according to the latest technologies, this ensures their high reliability and durability. However, in order for the structure to serve for a long time, it must be installed correctly. The window construction is implemented in a partially disassembled state, so it is important to know how to work. The process begins with the installation of the frame, if the window arrived assembled, then you need to free the frame from the sashes and double-glazed windows. This element must be installed in the opening, and then leveled with wedges. The position of the structures must be checked using the building level. Holes should be made around the perimeter of the frame and wall for mounting fasteners. Anchor plates should be strengthened using dowel-nails. Using one self-tapping screw through the holes in the plate, it is necessary to fix the structure to the wall, while the second self-tapping screw is used to attach to the frame, which occurs through the second hole.

production of aluminum windows
production of aluminum windows

Mounting seam

The mounting seam must be formed in two stages, the first involves sawing the frame around the entire perimeter, then it is important to wait an interval of 2 hours, only after that you can remove the wooden wedges used to level the frame. Formed holes must be treated with construction foam. After the joint has hardened, excess building foam must be removed.

If you decide to install windows, an aluminum profile will be a great solution. The most suitable distance from the frame to the side walls of the openings is 5 millimeters. If you increase this distance, which may be necessary to align the frame, then additional plates should be used.

aluminum window repair
aluminum window repair

Installation of the window sill and outflow

At the lower perimeter of the frame, you need to fix a vapor-permeable film that can pass air and retain moisture. To the bottom of the aluminum frame from the outside, you need to fixebb, using self-tapping screws for this. The gaps that are obtained between the ebb and the frame must be filled with construction foam. The excess must be cut off, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe joints should be covered with a layer of sealant. The window sill is brought under the frame, and then inserted into a special groove. In the next step, you can align the location of the window sill horizontally. It is installed on mounting foam. The junction of the window sill and the frame must be treated with a sealant. If you install a window sill with a slight slope, then this will protect the window block from moisture penetration.

production of aluminum windows
production of aluminum windows

Installation of double-glazed windows and adjustment of fittings

When installing aluminum windows, at the last stage it is necessary to install double-glazed windows, as well as sashes. At the same stage, window fittings are adjusted. Inserts must be placed around the perimeter of the frame, and then double-glazed windows should be installed. The latter is fixed with glazing beads. It is important to hammer them with a rubber mallet. Installing a double-glazed window is quite difficult, so this process is recommended to be entrusted to professionals. Before installing the sashes, it is necessary to check the availability of a set of fittings, after which the handle on the sash is set to a horizontal position. The sash is put on the bottom loop.

In the upper loop you need to bring a loop-corner. After that, everything is fixed with a pin and pushed through until the latch is released. In order not to need premature repair of aluminum windows, it is important to correctly adjust the fittings, for this, the fasteners are tightened or loosened.screws.

installation of aluminum windows
installation of aluminum windows

Features of installing sliding windows

On the top and bottom of the frame, it will be necessary to drill holes at a distance of 30 cm. The guides are reinforced with screws to the frame. The double-glazed window is installed in the sash. The installation of aluminum windows of this design requires the installation of two rollers at the bottom of the sash, they must be located on both sides. The step from the rollers to the edge of the sash should be 5 cm.

Installation of aluminum windows involves ensuring a distance from the outer edge of the frame to the guide within 5 centimeters, otherwise everything will freeze through in the cold season.


Before proceeding with the installation of the window, it is necessary to check it for defects such as scratches, distortions and cracks. It is unacceptable to use steel plates to adjust such windows. It is necessary to align the location of the window with the help of wooden and plastic wedges. The production of aluminum windows involves the use of the latest technologies, however, during transportation, the structure may be damaged, this must be identified at the initial stage.
