In recent years, transforming children's beds and similar strollers have gained considerable popularity. Perhaps the reason for their demand, in part, lies in the desire of a young mother to save a little: despite the fact that initially such little things cost a little more, in the future they may allow you to avoid additional expenses. In addition, their versatility captivates, but before buying such a stroller or crib, you need to seriously think, and here's why.
There are no universal things - everyone knows that. Transforming beds with a pendulum are, of course, a rather interesting thing, but the mother must immediately decide for herself whether she will allow the baby to spend the night in the parent's bed or not. If such an opportunity is nevertheless provided for, it is worthwhile to postpone the purchase of a crib at all, since children rarely move "to themselves" before a year. In addition, these cribs are very heavy and difficult to assemble without a specialist. The rocking mechanism, both longitudinal and transverse, which transforming beds with a pendulum are famous for, is not used by everyone and not always - in most models it still has to be constantly pushed so that it does notstopped. And when the child starts to get up and walk on his bed, he can cause frequent falls, although most models have a lock.

On the other hand, transforming cots with a pendulum can be used up to and including 12 years old! In addition, there are models, complete with a small changing chest, which can be used up to 6 months. On sale

there are beds from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. But such children's furniture requires more space than an ordinary bed for a baby.
As for universal strollers, two main varieties are popular among economical and practical mothers: 2 or 3 in one, as well as baby strollers - transformers. They have one fundamental difference: in the first case, the same wheelbase is used, but the system works on a modular basis, that is, a cradle, car seat or walking block can be attached to the base. In transformers, the cradle turns into a stroller chair with the help of

backrest lift. Most models belonging to one of these types suffer fromone drawback - a significant mass. Transforming strollers, moreover, have large dimensions, so you need to choose them after measuring the elevator.
Choosing a stroller is quite difficult: mom should be comfortable and easy to carry, sheshould have a goodpatency and depreciation, especially if the main period of operation falls on the winter. On the other hand, in summer it can be hot for a baby in a transformer, so it’s better to buy a stroller separately. In addition, transforming strollers have a more complex design than conventional ones, which means that it is easier to break some link in them.
Universal things are a very special category, and each mother will have to decide for herself whether she needs them, be it transforming beds with a pendulum or all-weather strollers for children under 3 years old.