Cucumbers are an amazing vegetable crop of the pumpkin family, which is consumed unripe. The heat-loving plant, whose homeland is India and China, has long been grown in Africa, Greece and throughout the Roman Empire. Cucumbers were brought to Russia by overseas merchants in the fifteenth century. At present, it is a popular culture all over the world. The versatile vegetable is equally good fresh, s alted, canned and pickled. Cucumber is an ingredient in many recipes. Pickled and pickled pickles are especially tasty. There are a lot of varieties of this vegetable crop. They can be combined into several groups: greenhouse, soil, gherkin. They can be early ripening, medium and late. In addition, they are distinguished by properties: pickling and salad.

Among the huge variety of varieties and hybrids of domestic and foreign selection, the Temp F1 cucumber deserves attention.
When choosing a vegetable crop, you should clearly understand the expected result. Usuallychoose different in terms of ripening and productive plants that will provide vegetable products for the whole season. At the same time, they must be unpretentious and resistant to drought. Valuable qualities are resistance to diseases and pests. Which varieties of cucumbers are good can be determined by their description and reviews of gardeners. The hybrid of cucumbers Temp F1 differs in early terms of maturing of fruits. From germination to the collection of the first pickles, thirty-seven days are needed. The gherkins will be a week later. This hybrid is parthenocarpic. The female type of flowering and bouquet formation of the ovary predominate. The yield of cucumbers of the hybrid Temp F1 increases due to the formation of three to five fruits in one node.

From one square meter they collect from eleven to fifteen kilograms of beautiful fruits, the mass of which is thirty or fifty grams. They have great taste without bitterness. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical. Its tuberous surface is covered with small white spikes. The length of the cucumber is from five to seven centimeters, and the diameter is one and a half or two centimeters. The color of the fruit is green with longitudinal stripes. The plant is slightly branched.
Key Features
The Temp F1 hybrid is designed to produce gherkins that have a universal purpose. Cucumber Temp F1 is equally good both fresh and in culinary dishes. Reviews confirm the excellent taste of gherkins. They can be canned, s alted and pickled. At the same time, they retain elasticity, excellent taste. Hybrid Tempo F1 is attractive forfarms. These short-fruited cucumbers have excellent marketability and transportability. Hybrid Temp F1 is resistant to diseases: cladosporiosis and powdery mildew. Weakly affected by peronosporosis. The hybrid perfectly tolerates drought and high summer temperatures.
Cucumbers self-pollinated for open ground bear fruit without pollinators. Hybrid Temp F1 is able to produce crops without pollination. It can be grown in film greenhouses and outdoors.

To speed up the harvest, the seedling method is used. Cucumber varieties F1 are first-generation hybrids obtained from crossing several plants. By growing such vegetable crops, it is impossible to obtain seed material on your own.
The F1 Tempo hybrid is characterized by fast growth and a stable high yield of excellent gherkins that do not outgrow. Facilitates cultivation good resistance to diseases and pests.
Cucumber seedlings
Seedlings can be grown at home. When to plant cucumbers for seedlings? For film greenhouses, seeds are sown in early April. Cucumbers do not take root well if the root system is damaged. Therefore, the seeds are sown in cups or peat pots.

Two seeds are placed in each of them. If the acquired hybrid seeds are not treated with growth stimulants, they are sorted out before sowing, removing damaged and underweight ones. After that, the seeds are soaked. sproutedseeds germinate faster. Seedling containers are filled with a special earthen mixture. It is easy to cook it yourself. The earth mixture consists of garden soil, peat and sand. After sowing, the cups are covered with a film and placed in a warm place. When sprouts appear, you need good lighting. Seedling care is quite simple. This is regular watering and the creation of the necessary temperature and light conditions. At the age of twenty or twenty-five days, she is planted in closed ground.
When to plant cucumbers for seedlings for open ground? Seedlings are moved to the beds when stable warm weather sets in, when the threat of spring temperature drops has passed. Ready planting material is planted in late May or early June. Therefore, sowing seeds for seedlings occurs at the beginning of May. At the same time, plants have three or four well-developed leaves.
Outdoor cultivation
You can sow seeds of Temp F1 cucumbers directly on prepared beds. Planting cucumbers in the ground is possible when the surface layer is heated to fourteen degrees Celsius. When choosing a site, it should be noted that cucumbers should not be grown after zucchini and pumpkin. The best predecessors are early white and cauliflower, potatoes and onions. You should also pay attention to the ground. It should be quite fertile and loose. The site is located in a well-lit and protected from drafts place. Before sowing seeds, it is weeded, loosened and leveled. At the same time, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied. Sow seeds in furrowsbetween which maintain a distance of fifty centimeters. They lay out two seeds at a distance of at least thirty-five centimeters. Planting density should not exceed three or four plants per square meter. With more dense cultivation, the area of \u200b\u200bplant nutrition decreases. This reduces productivity and increases the risk of disease and pest damage.
Planting seedlings
A plot for growing cucumbers has been prepared since autumn. It is dug up and organic fertilizers are applied. Temp F1 cucumber is planted on a previously prepared site at the end of May. Reviews of gardeners say that it is easy to plant seedlings grown in separate cups. At the same time, the root system of the plant is practically not injured. Seedlings grown in tablets and peat pots are placed with them in prepared holes. The distance between the holes should be thirty or thirty-five centimeters. They are arranged in rows.

Row spacing is fifty or sixty centimeters. When planting, seedlings are well watered and mulched with peat.
Growing on a trellis
Cucumber Temp F1 will please with high yields. The description of this plant emphasizes the bouquet formation of the ovary. Cucumbers of this kind feel great on a trellis.

This improves the quality of fruits that are not injured. It also simplifies plant care and harvesting. Cucumbers are well lit and ventilated. This iscontributes to the reduction of morbidity. With the trellis method of growing, cucumbers are planted every 20 cm. A trellis is built along a row with plants, on which the lashes will be fixed. As a support, you can use metal or wooden poles. Their height must be at least two meters. Three rows of wire are stretched between the posts. A plastic mesh is attached to it. Its cells are 15-20 cm. Plants are fixed with twine.
Cucumbers in the greenhouse: planting seedlings
Self-pollinated cucumbers for open ground are perfect, and such plants are also suitable for growing in spring film and stationary greenhouses. Hybrid Temp F1 has parthenocarpic properties, which will allow its cultivation in film greenhouses. This early ripe vegetable crop is able to provide a fairly early harvest of beautiful short-fruited cucumbers. Seedlings are planted in spring film greenhouses at the end of April. If they are heated, then this period can be shifted a month ahead. The plants are planted in rows, maintaining a distance between the bushes of at least 30 cm.
Regrowing whips are placed vertically.

They are tied to the frame of the shelter. Successful cultivation will require the creation of a special microclimate. When leaving, regular moisturizing and fertilizing for cucumbers are necessary. In the greenhouse, watering plants is carried out only with warm water. Its temperature should be 24-26°C. Before flowering, moisture should be moderate. The bouquet type of ovary is characterizedcucumber Temp F1. Reviews of gardeners who grew this plant in a greenhouse indicate that the bundle consists of three or five ovaries. During their formation, watering is increased to three liters per square meter. Also, for the ripening of fruits, fertilizers for cucumbers will be required. The greenhouse uses full mineral fertilizer. Ten liters of water will require 40 g of ammonium nitrate and 30 g of potassium magnesia. In an aqueous solution add 2 g of boric acid and copper sulphate, as well as 3 g of manganese sulphate and iron. For foliar feeding, liquid complex fertilizers can be used.
Cucumber tempo F1 has a stable yield. The reviews confirm the excellent commercial and transportable qualities of the fruit.

The bouquet type of ovary formation significantly increases the yield, which can reach fifteen kilograms per square meter. When picking pickles, the yield will be seven kilograms per square meter. Regular picking of cucumbers will be required. Frequent eating of fruits helps to accelerate the formation of ovaries.