Orchid pots: what should be? Indoor orchids: care

Orchid pots: what should be? Indoor orchids: care
Orchid pots: what should be? Indoor orchids: care

Indoor floriculture is a popular hobby. At home, plants from all over the world coexist on one window. Successful cultivation of various representatives of the flora depends on proper care and creation of special conditions for them. If in the past the most popular flowers were geraniums and ficuses, now unique, bright tropical flowers in a pot are increasingly settling in city apartments. The orchid is a very beautiful plant that will require special care.


Growing any plant begins with studying the characteristics of its growth. Orchids are epiphytes whose natural habitat is the tropical rainforests of Asia, Africa and Oceania.

orchid pots what should be
orchid pots what should be

They grow on trees, attaching their roots to the ledges and uneven bark. The orchid family is numerous. This detachment is constantly replenished with artificially bred hybrids. Representatives of this family differ in external data. Herbaceous perennial plants are united only by the structure of the flower, which may differ in color and size. They delight with long abundant flowering.


For normal growth, you will need special pots for orchids. What should be the containers for a tropical unusual beauty? A feature of the plant is that it does not grow in the ground. Representatives of this species feed on other plants. And on how correctly the necessary conditions for growth are created, normal growth and abundant flowering depend. If a decision is made to grow tropical inhabitants, they first select a pot for orchids. How to choose the appropriate containers, and what substrate to fill it with instead of earth?


In their natural habitat, orchids live in trees. Therefore, instead of an earthen mixture, a special substrate will be required. It can be purchased at speci alty flower shops, but it's easy to make your own.

orchids price
orchids price

This requires pine bark. Before placing in a pot, preventive measures are taken. The bark is boiled. Then it is dried for several days. Then boil again and, after drying, grind. Prepared bark is mixed with Sphagnum moss and filled with flower containers.

Choose a pot

Under natural conditions, the root system of an orchid is constantly exposed to light. Also, flowers will need constant access to air. These conditions can provide transparent pots for orchids. At the same time, water should not stagnate in it. This is achieved by a special design of containers for this type of plant. The walls of the pot must have special holes through which air will flow andmoisture. Its dimensions should correspond to the volume of the root system. Large containers should not be used. Medium-sized pots will suffice, in which the root system will fill the entire volume.

Plastic planters

Today, it is not difficult to find everything you need for growing indoor flowers. Orchid pots are made from a variety of materials. Ideal plastic pots for orchids. They can be simple and inexpensive. At the same time, the orchid feels great in them. The price of such planters ranges from 11 to 200 rubles. For beginner gardeners who wish to grow orchids, it is best to purchase transparent plastic pots. They are convenient because the root system of the plant is clearly visible.

flowers in a pot orchid
flowers in a pot orchid

This will allow you to properly organize watering and detect signs of disease in a timely manner. At the same time, the state of the root system is monitored. It should be green. If the roots are dry, this is a sign of insufficient moisture. Moisture evaporates more slowly in plastic pots. There is no s alt deposition on the walls. When changing the pot, the root system is practically not injured. The top of the container should be wider than its bottom. There must be drainage holes. They are located at the bottom and side of the pots. If there are a small number of them, then additional holes are made on the side part, which will be necessary when watering the plant. The main condition is the purity during cultivation. The appearance of mold and dirt on the containers in which they are placed is not allowed.flowers.

Basic Requirements

The most common are transparent plastic orchid pots. What conditions must be observed when planting plants in them? First of all, the planter must be made of high quality material. For an orchid, a pot of the appropriate size is selected. It should be slightly larger than the volume of the root system. This will ensure its growth. To ensure stability, a couple of granite pebbles are placed on the bottom of the pots. The shape of the pot is selected depending on the type of plant.

clear orchid pots
clear orchid pots

The bottom of the pot should have special perforated cones that are directed inward. Clear plastic pots can be decorated by placing them in a variety of hanging baskets or glass coasters.

Glass orchid pots

Exotic plants will require special attention. At the same time, pots are also unusual for them. They must be transparent. Orchids are plants in which photosynthesis occurs in both leaves and roots. In a glass pot, the orchid will receive sufficient lighting. The price of such planters ranges from 250 to 550 rubles. They differ in texture and color. You can choose various forms that will fit perfectly into the interior of an apartment or office. A volume of one or two liters have glass pots for orchids. What should be the conditions for keeping flowers in such flowerpots?

Features of cultivation

Glass orchid pots can have many holes, which are located at the bottom and side. SuchOrchid pots are grown in a special substrate. It can be prepared according to the same principle as for plastic pots. However, a decorative glass pot can be with one hole in the center of the bottom or without them at all.

glass pots for orchids
glass pots for orchids

Such planters can be used for growing only certain types of orchids. These can be plants recommended for growing on blocks, with an open root system. These include the Vandu, Ascocenda and Philenopsis orchids. A feature of cultivation is the absence of a substrate. Orchid in glass is easy to care for. Plants are watered once every three days. To do this, the pots are filled with water to the base of the flower. Dive time is 30 minutes. After that, the water is drained. If there is a hole in the pot, watering is done by immersing it in a container with liquid. In cool weather, moisturizing baths are less frequent. Their regularity is once every five days. It should be noted that after moistening, water should not be left at the bottom of the planter. This can lead to rotting of the root system. It is also unacceptable to use various hydrogels in glass planters. This beautiful technique is completely unsuitable for growing orchids.

Ceramic pots

The main condition for orchid pots is aerobic properties. They must pass air and moisture well. Ceramic products must be slotted and have drainage holes. Clay pots cool more strongly than other types of orchid containers. Therefore, in such flower pots, you can grow individual varieties of flowers, rootwhose system prefers moderate temperature conditions.

plastic pots for orchids
plastic pots for orchids

Ceramic pots are good because they are more massive and stable. Such orchid pots will not turn over. What should be the growing conditions in ceramic pots?

Problem issues

Clay pots, with good aerobic properties, have a rough surface. This can lead to the growth of the roots of the flower to the walls of the container. If it is necessary to transplant orchids, they will be injured. Quite often, this can only be avoided by breaking the pot. Therefore, when choosing a ceramic container, glazed ceramic pots should be preferred.

orchid pot how to choose
orchid pot how to choose

In this case, it is preferable to choose light or white tones. Such pots in the summer will not overheat. Clay planters can be infected with various pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, before use, they are calcined at a temperature of two hundred degrees Celsius for two hours. Immediately before placing in orchid pots, clay containers are kept for several hours in a container of water.

Orchid baskets

This method is very decorative. The basket is made from various materials. Bamboo or wood, plastic or stainless metal mesh is suitable for it. The basket can replace blocks and orchid pots. What should be the rules for placing flowers in it?

ceramic pots
ceramic pots

First of all, the inner surfaceshould be smooth. This will prevent the growth of the root system of the orchid. The basket is filled with substrate. The gaps in it are closed with sphagnum moss. When growing at home, daily moisture will be required. To preserve moisture, the root system is covered with sphagnum moss on top. Coriantheses, Draculas and Stanhopeis are grown in hanging baskets.
