HB-101 (fertilizer): reviews, instructions for use

HB-101 (fertilizer): reviews, instructions for use
HB-101 (fertilizer): reviews, instructions for use

When growing different crops, certain problems arise. To resolve them, all kinds of drugs are being created. Each of them has a special purpose. Particularly valuable are natural universal products, which, unlike chemicals, are environmentally friendly and harmless with sufficient efficiency. Over thirty years ago, the excellent growth stimulant HB-101 was created in Japan. Feedback on the use of this fertilizer testifies to its popularity all over the world. It has been used in Russia since 2006.

Composition of the drug

HB-101 fertilizer has no artificial chemical components. This is not a synthesized drug, but completely natural, highly purified.

hb 101 fertilizer reviews
hb 101 fertilizer reviews

Biological growth stimulator, capable of restoring the immune system of plants, is highly concentrated. It is recommended to use it for almost all types of plants. This list can include various crops: vegetables, fruits, flowers, berries. Equally useful stimulant for trees, bushes and mushrooms. It contains extracts of long-lived plants:

  • Himalayan cedar;
  • pines;
  • cypress;
  • plantain.

The incomparable immunity and high level of vitality of these plants form an excellent cocktail that can help weakened relatives and transfer positive potential to seeds, seedlings and soil.

Scope of application

HB-101 (fertilizer) has a wide spectrum of action. The application is based on the positive effect of the drug on plants, as a result of which nutritional deficiencies are compensated, growth is improved at any stage of crop development, and immunity is acquired and resistance to infections, diseases and adverse weather conditions increases.

hb 101 fertilizer instructions
hb 101 fertilizer instructions

It is used for processing seed material, when growing seedlings, as well as during the vegetative period. The universal rescuer is able to restore the soil and be a healer for trees suffering from diseases, as well as contribute to a good survival of seedlings and seedlings. Versatile action has HB-101 (fertilizer). Reviews about this drug are only positive. Consumers who have already used it claim that the seeds treated with it give friendly and strong shoots, vegetable crops are slightly affected by diseases and do not suffer from adverse weather conditions after using the universal lifeguard. In addition, the yield and product quality increase.

Positive aspects

First of all, the advantage is environmental friendliness, naturalness and harmlessness. Widespread use is due to the absence of toxic components. HB-101 fertilizer is absolutely safe. Reviews of gardeners who used it emphasize cost-effectiveness, accessibility and ease of use. Due to the universality and complexity of the impact, a large number of different cultures are covered. The rescuer is equally effective for all types of plants. The use of this fertilizer is not limited by the shelf life and does not require the creation of special conditions. However, the prepared solution is used immediately after preparation. It cannot be stored.


Most summer residents and gardeners refuse to use chemicals. They strive to grow organic vegetables. At the same time, the environment should not suffer. In this case, HB-101 (fertilizer) will be indispensable. The instruction gives the most detailed recommendations for use.

fertilizer hb 101 reviews
fertilizer hb 101 reviews

Universal natural preparation suitable for all types of crops. Release form:

  • liquid - 100ml, 50ml, 6ml;
  • granules -10 g, 300 g.

The HB-101 preparation (fertilizer), the photo of which is given above, is suitable for both small summer cottages and large-scale farm areas. Sharing with organic and mineral fertilizers is recommended. At the same time, their consumption is reduced several times.


Natural stimulant should not be used withall kinds of oily substances, as well as with drugs that include urea.

Aqueous solution

For the treatment of large areas, a biological product is used in dosages of 50 ml and 100 ml. Fertilizer HB-101 (6 ml) is a stimulant release form that is convenient for use in indoor floriculture, as well as in summer cottages. The volume of the drug is designed for 60-120 liters of water. The scope of delivery includes a dosing pipette. For each culture, a certain concentration of the drug is provided. When preparing a working solution for ten liters of water, one milliliter of stimulant is enough. When processing small volumes of seeds or plants with a pipette, add one or two drops of fertilizer per liter of water. This concentration is universal. Such an aqueous solution is used to treat various crops. At the same time, it is suitable both for spraying and for watering or soaking seeds and the root system of seedlings. Used immediately after preparation. The working solution is not intended for long-term storage. Therefore, you should accurately calculate the required volume.

Granular shape

Use the drug in strict accordance with the instructions. Do not overdose or use that is not covered by the attached recommendations. Granules are used when long-term exposure to the plant is necessary. They supply nutrients for five to six months. Therefore, their use for one plant is possible no more than once every six months. This form of the drug is applied directly to the upper soil layer. Granules applyduring spring and autumn processing of deciduous and coniferous trees. They are also suitable for fertilizing garden shrubs. The consumption rate depends on the age of the plant. For two-year-olds, the consumption is one gram per square meter of soil. Trees older than two years will require a consumption of two grams per square meter. For perennial fruit-bearing trees, three grams per square meter of the near-trunk circle is used.

Processing of vegetable and berry crops

HB-101 (fertilizer) is used at different stages of plant development. The instruction in an accessible form gives recipes for the preparation of solutions for a particular operation. An aqueous solution is prepared at the rate of 1-2 drops of the stimulant per liter of water. It is used for various types of processing.

Before planting crops and at the beginning of the sowing season, it is advisable to carry out a three-fold tillage with this solution. Seeds of crops are soaked for twelve hours. Seedlings are kept in an aqueous solution for thirty minutes before planting in open ground.

hb 101 reviews coniferous
hb 101 reviews coniferous

For better survival and development, plants are sprayed with regularity once a week.

Application for root crops and bulbs

HB-101 (fertilizer) is an excellent growth stimulator. Instructions for use recommends its use for the treatment of various root crops and bulbous crops. An aqueous solution for this group of plants is prepared at the rate of 1-2 drops per liter of water. The areas allocated for planting these crops must be treated with an aqueous solution at least three times. Planting material is kept for at least thirty minutes.

hb 101 reviews
hb 101 reviews

They are immersed in an aqueous solution of the stimulant for the prescribed period of time. Further, after planting the treated planting material into the ground, the soil cover is irrigated every ten days during the entire vegetative period.

Use in indoor floriculture HB-101: instructions, reviews

Growing plants at home comes with some challenges. Each of them will require the creation of certain conditions. They are prone to various infections and diseases, suffer from a lack of light. Undoubtedly, a biological product in indoor floriculture will be a great help in growing capricious pets. Complex application has HB-101 (fertilizer). Reviews of flower growers confirm the positive effect of its use. It is both a growth stimulant and an excellent fertilizer. An aqueous solution, which is prepared at the rate of 1-2 drops per liter of water, is irrigated with an earthen mixture and the plants are sprayed.

hb 101 fertilizer in granules reviews
hb 101 fertilizer in granules reviews

With regularity, once every ten days, plants such as violets, orchids, cyclamens, camellias, etc. are processed.

Garden flowers: recommendations for the use of the stimulant

When growing garden plants, the set of measures is almost the same as for vegetable crops. Chrysanthemums and roses, peonies and asters and many other flowers need a biostimulant. Activities begin with soil cultivation in areas allocated for flower beds and rose gardens. Herirrigate three times with an aqueous solution prepared at the rate of 1-2 drops of fertilizer per liter of water. This event is carried out before sowing seeds and planting seedlings. Flowers will gain good immunity after seedlings are processed during the planting period. To do this, the root system of plants is immersed for thirty minutes in an aqueous solution, which is prepared in the same proportion as for cultivating the land. During the vegetative period continue to use HB-101. Fertilizer reviews of gardeners are evaluated as a biological product that contributes to excellent survival and intensive development of flower crops. Its use is cost effective. Significantly reduces the need for additional feeding.

When forming the lawn, apply HB-101 (fertilizer). Reviews of gardeners confirm the effectiveness of this tool. After feeding the shoots that have appeared, the lawn is transformed. The treatment is carried out by introducing a granular form of the drug. To do this, one scoop of fertilizer is distributed over four square meters of lawn.

Cereal processing

When processing large areas, an aqueous solution is prepared at the rate of 1 milliliter of a biological product per ten liters of water. Pre-sowing tillage is carried out at least three times. Seeds of cereal crops are soaked for two or four hours. After the emergence of seedlings, weekly spraying is carried out. This treatment is planned until the culture is fully ripe.

Feeding coniferous and deciduous plants with HB-101: reviews

Coniferous and deciduous trees, like any other plants, are susceptible to various diseases. Atcaring for them, it is advisable to use various forms of the drug. The list of spring activities includes top dressing and preventive measures to reduce plant damage by various diseases. Granules that are placed in the near-trunk circles of trees have an effective effect.

hb 101 fertilizer photo
hb 101 fertilizer photo

The surface soil cover is not dug up. In this case, the consumption rate of the drug is one gram per square meter of soil. Such application of fertilizer will restore vitality and feed plants weakened after wintering. During the flowering period, fruit trees are sprayed with an aqueous solution, the concentration of which is easy to calculate. It is prepared at the rate of one milliliter per ten liters of water. An aqueous solution is also suitable for the prevention of coniferous diseases, as well as for the treatment of plant sunburn. For this, spraying with an aqueous solution is carried out. Heat-loving species of shrubs and trees are processed no more than three times per season.

HB-101 fertilizer in granules will be needed again during the autumn period when working in the garden. Reviews of gardeners confirm the beneficial effect of this drug on the winter-hardy qualities of trees and shrubs. The granules are laid out in near-trunk circles without digging the soil. An aqueous solution of the drug is also used. It will be needed when planting seedlings in the autumn. It is an excellent remedy for the stress experienced by newly planted plants. The root system of shrubs and compact seedlings is kept for fifteen minutes in solution before planting.stimulant, which is prepared at the rate of 1-2 drops per liter of water. More voluminous planting material is processed differently. This will require at least ten liters of the drug. Part of the solution is poured into the prepared landing hole. The rest of the soil is irrigated above the root system of the seedling.


Growing garden and horticultural crops is a troublesome business. All of them require the creation of certain conditions. To simplify the care of plants, it is advisable to use a universal remedy. Among the variety of drugs, HB-101 fertilizer is especially popular. Reviews of summer residents and farmers who used it emphasize cost-effectiveness and accessibility in use. Completely harmless to the environment and humans, the product will be an excellent support for plants at all stages of development. According to gardeners, it has an effective effect on both seeds and seedlings. When growing seedlings in winter, the plants tolerate low light very well after applying the biostimulator. Acquired immunity when planting in open ground will help plants cope with dangerous diseases and adverse weather conditions. Many vegetable growers, when growing seedlings, subject the seeds to long-term processing, which includes several stages. The use of a biostimulator allows you to charge the seed with the necessary energy. At the same time, germination is increased. Seedlings grown from such seeds have excellent resistance to adverse conditions. She is less affected by diseases. Vegetable crops begin flowering at moreearly terms and abundant fruit. This improves the quality of the fruit.

hb 101 fertilizer instructions for use
hb 101 fertilizer instructions for use

Reliable protection and good nutrition will provide the drug to houseplants. Only positive feedback can be heard from amateur flower growers. When comparing plants that are treated with the drug and grown without it, the difference is visually noticeable. Beautifully flowering houseplants amaze with powerful foliage. They practically do not get sick and are not affected by pests. According to gardeners and gardeners, the HB-101 universal remedy will be useful for almost any plant at any time of the year. It's really effective.
