Indoor flowers are a great opportunity to update the interior, make your home more comfortable, beautiful, cheerful. Fresh living greenery, bright colors improve mood, contribute to the development of the aesthetic side of the personality, purify the air, heal the atmosphere, establish a comfortable microclimate, a good psychological environment. Of course, the selection of colors for the interior should be approached carefully. Especially carefully you need to furnish the child's room with green friends.
Handsome Abutilon

Very beautiful, original blooming indoor flower that your baby will be happy to place on his windowsill - megapotamian abutilon. This plant takes root well in small rooms where there is a lot of sun and light, and this is exactly what a children's room should be like! Abutilon does not require special care, except for protection from direct rays on a hot day, annual transplantation. A blooming indoor flower is accustomed to wateringto the moderate, in a word, he is an easy neighbor. But how much joy and delight the appearance of his pet will cause in a child! After all, the plant really surprises and amazes with exotic beauty. It is a small bush (about 50 cm tall). The branches hang gracefully. A blooming indoor flower is covered with juicy rich green foliage. The flowers themselves give the bush a special charm: they are shaped like bells of rich red and orange hues. With good care, the whole plant is covered with them, resembling a small Christmas tree. In addition to the aesthetic function, this blooming indoor flower refreshes the air in the room well, purifies it, intensively absorbing carbon dioxide and filling it with oxygen.
Blue Lily

Another cute, attractive houseplant that will be very comfortable in your son's or daughter's room is the Nile or blue lily. If you are interested in the scientific names of flowering indoor flowers, then the name of this one sounds like "umbrella agapanthus." In appearance, it resembles a bush of ornamental grass: the leaves are narrow, elongated, the stems are long. All the charm of the plant lies in its flowers, surprisingly delicate, graceful in shape, collected in lush inflorescences. A flowerpot with such a lily will decorate the nursery and become a source of joy and admiration for the child. The plant needs to be watered in reasonable quantities and shaded somewhat in strong heat. The flower is unpretentious in the sense that it feels good both in a warm and in a cool place.

Among the ornamental indoor plants, begonias occupy a special place. Thanks to the secreted essential oils, they perfectly raise the vitality of the body, purify the energy of the room. The aroma of stems and leaves is very useful for various colds. Therefore, when listing indoor blooming flowers (photo, name are attached), one cannot help but recall this wonderful decoration. It's not for nothing that the begonia is called royal! A distant relative of the "Kalachikov", together with them, she long ago took pride of place on urban and rural window sills. Large brightly colored leaves, a festive appearance of flowers - with all her appearance, the beauty seems to emphasize how good she is and how she can turn the most ordinary room into the embodiment of sophistication and comfort. Begonia propagates by cuttings, loves moderate light and watering, and gets along well in the neighborhood with other flowerpot plants.
Grow more flowers and you will see how joyful and pleasant it will be in your home!