Indoor plants are usually divided into two large groups: beautifully flowering and decorative foliage. Some delight with bright buds, others with their size, patterned greenery and its diversity. Today we will talk about indoor flowers, blooming (photos and names below) all year round or periodically. It is not possible to list all the representatives within the framework of one article, because only violets, for example, can be talked about for a long time. Let's conditionally distribute all flowering houseplants into small groups.

Light-loving plants
They all prefer bright lighting. In addition, these are quite unpretentious indoor flowers. Photos and names of some of them are known to everyone.
- Abutilon, which was named indoor maple for the characteristic shape of the leaves. The plant grows very quickly, forming a bush. The flowers resemble paper Chinese lanterns and appear withearly spring to late autumn, covering the entire plant.
- Jasmine. It is grown not only as a garden plant, but also as a houseplant. Unlike others, it blooms from winter to spring, filling the whole room with a wonderful aroma. Using decorative supports and wire, you can create green arrangements.
- Hibiscus. Indoor flower, whose name is familiar to everyone. This is another evergreen shrub that resembles a tree. Prefers to grow in places with bright but diffused light. Its flowering lasts almost throughout the year. Numerous varieties and hybrids have been developed. The flowers are large, of the most varied color and degree of doubleness.
- Camellia (on the first photo) is a popular exotic indoor plant with a slightly capricious character. This evergreen tree grows up to 1 m and pleases with large flowers from November to May. In the warm season and until late autumn, it can be kept in the garden, but with shading from direct sunlight.
- Orchids are recent favorites. Types of indoor flowers, the names of orchids are very numerous, but they all captivate with beauty. The key to success in growing is strict adherence to temperature, proper watering and air humidity.
- Passiflora is a curly flower (indoor). The name in Russian is passion flower. Liana loves regular pruning, which promotes active growth and branching.
- Pelargonium, or indoor geranium. Having survived some oblivion, this unpretentious flower returned to our houses and apartments again. With proper care, which is simple, they bloom all year round, exuding a characteristic aroma and help to disinfect the air.
- Fuchsia. The plant attracts attention with its unusual flowers, resembling an elongated bell. Fuchsia is unpretentious and not demanding on room conditions. The main feature is the shedding of leaves immediately after flowering.
- Escription. An ampelous plant resembling a violet with beautiful leaves and many small flowers.

All listed types of indoor plants are by no means shade-loving indoor flowers. Their photos and names are familiar to experienced flower growers, as well as the fact that their decorative effect directly depends on the right lighting.
Both flowers and leaves
When a plant blooms, it's great, but doubly good if it also has decorative leaves. If you want to kill two birds with one stone, then pay attention to the following species.
- Anthuriums. Professionals consider them to be the real leaders in indoor floriculture among other representatives of the Aroid family. Tropical plants indulge their owners with bright colors (red, pink, carmine), and the rest of the time with dense leathery leaves with a beautiful wiry pattern. The most popular types of anthurium Andre, Scherzer, crystal, majestic. This species leads the most famous namesred indoor flowers.
- Spathiphyllum. The structure of the flower resembles the previous view - it is a veil with an ear (directly inflorescence). Beautiful at any time of the year, especially large-leaved forms.
- Hoya. Amazingly beautiful tropical liana. In room conditions, she needs support. The plant forms large inflorescences of star-shaped flowers that exude a sweetish smell. An interesting feature is that they are formed annually in the same place, so you should not cut them off. But even without them, hoya with its leathery leaves with a wax coating and spots of various sizes looks impressive.

Plants with a dormant period
All of them are distinguished by the splendor of flowering and a pronounced rest time, when the ground part dies off, and the tuber hibernates in the ground. Caring for them is quite simple, but you need to adjust to the biological rhythm of the plant.
- Achimenez is a plant native to South America. Grow for the sake of lush flowering from spring to late autumn. After that, the shoots die off and underground tubers are stored until the new season.
- Gloxinia is known for its magnificent bell-shaped flowers. Numerous hybrids bred are not just one-color, but of varying degrees of variegation and doubleness.
- Cyclamen. These indoor flowers, blooming (photo and variety names below) in the winter, have long wonpopularity. They are quite capricious and require certain cultivation skills. The most popular Persian cyclamen and its varieties Cardinal, Decora, Cattleya.

Representatives of Amaryllis
This is a fairly large family of predominantly bulbous plants, distributed throughout the globe, except for Antarctica, but most abundant in the tropics and subtropics. In indoor floriculture in Russia, four species with large flowers resembling lilies are most popular. All of them have a pronounced period of winter dormancy.

- Clivia (pictured) - originally from Africa, reaches a height of up to half a meter. Flowers are collected in a neat umbrella on a high peduncle. Bright and showy plant.
- Amaryllis. A plant with a large bulb, which is almost half peeking out of the ground. With proper care, the peduncle rises 100-120 cm. It has 2-4 large flowers, the color is from white to dark red.
- Hippeastrum. This member of the family is often confused with the previous species. The main difference is in the number of peduncles, he may have several of them.
- Eucharis. The second name is the Amazonian lily. With proper care, it pleases with flowering twice a year.
Magnificent begonias
This is an indoor flower, the name of which is known to many, but poorly represents their impressive diversity. The vast genus of plants includes about 800 species, and at the present stage more than 2000 varieties have been bred. Shrub forms are characterized by rapid growth, and tuberous -lush and bright blooms. All representatives are characterized by an asymmetric leaf shape, while they can be monophonic or with bright veins, spots, etc. Plants are unpretentious and can easily grow in partial shade.
Uzambara violets
Their second name is Saintpaulias, familiar names to everyone. There are many beautiful indoor flowers, but this group stands apart. There are entire associations and, as they say, interest groups - people involved in the special breeding of these plants. They gained their popularity in the 20th century. Due to their miniature size, they do not take up much space, but bloom all year round. Saintpaulias prefer bright places, but they also tolerate partial shade well. Demanding on soil and air moisture.

If you do not have the opportunity and time to take care of indoor plants all the time or there is too little space in the apartment, then be sure to pay attention to succulents. The classic representatives are cacti, but about them a little later. However, in addition to them, this group includes a lot of different plants from more than 40 families. A characteristic feature is fleshy stems and leaves rich in moisture. But besides this, some have unusual and bright colors. Here are just three of the most famous and common.

- Kalanchoe is an indoor flower whose name is known, if not to everyone, then to many. It is mainly known as a medicinal plant. However, there are many species with high decorativeproperties. For example, Kalanchoe Blossfeld (pictured) has a large number of beautiful flowering varieties.
- Guernia. Another common genus of plants in indoor floriculture. It consists of a branching stem of a 4-5-sided shape, leaves are completely absent. Flowers appear unexpectedly and literally before our eyes. They look just amazing, something cosmic and unearthly, the only negative is that the smell is not very pleasant.
- Stapeliya. Plants in appearance resemble the previous genus. Showy flowers are quite large and last for 10-12 days.

Blossoming cacti
A significant group of succulent plants (5 thousand species) attracts attention for a reason. They are mostly compact, content with occasional watering, wintering generally takes place at rest. At the same time, they are spectacular, and some are distinguished by bright flowering. For example, the familiar "Decembrists" and epiphyllums (pictured below), reaching truly gigantic sizes. Or the genus Mammillaria. Small cacti are completely strewn with small flowers of various colors.

And in the photo below you see an indoor flower, the name of which is little known, but the appearance is familiar. It is customary to call it a cactus, period. Perhaps the most common representative of a large family in our homes is echinopsis. Distinguished by its magnificent, but, unfortunately, short flowering.

How to choose?
From the whole variety of indoor plants without obvious preferences, it can be quite difficult to choose something. First of all, pay attention to the following aspects of the question:
- how much time are you willing to spend caring for flowers in your home;
- how often are you away from home and for how long;
- lighting in a house or apartment (bright with southern windows, partial shade or solid shady side);
- temperature and humidity, there are significant differences between apartments and private houses;
- housing area.
Plants in the house are its ornaments, especially if they are he althy and blooming. In many ways, success depends on the correct choice of species, as well as your willingness to spend your time caring for them. Here is just a short review, including both shade-loving indoor flowers (photos and names above) and light-loving ones.