White ash tree: cultivation and care

White ash tree: cultivation and care
White ash tree: cultivation and care

White ash tree (otherwise - wild star anise, bergenia, ash tree) is a perennial plant of the rue family, distributed almost throughout Russia. It grows in a slender, compactly collected bush.

White ash tree: burning bush

People call this culture "burning bush" for the ability to ignite in dry hot weather, provided that a burning match is brought to the plant. This happens due to the release of volatile essential oils into the surrounding atmosphere (this happens most intensively during the flowering period), which can easily catch fire. Interestingly, the flame does not bear any consequences for the plant itself.

white ash wood burning bush
white ash wood burning bush

White ash is mentioned even in the Bible. During his wanderings, Moses, who was grazing sheep in the desert, saw a burning bush, from the flame of which he heard the voice of the god Yahweh, commanding to bring the Jewish people out of Egypt to the Promised Land. It was the ash tree.

External characteristics of the plant

The height of the described plant reaches about a meterand is characterized by a densely pubescent, erect stem. Glandular hairs, when in contact with the skin, release a substance that causes burns.

Moreover, they do not appear immediately, but after a few hours and can develop into poorly healing and bursting blisters. Therefore, it is recommended to work with this seemingly harmless plant only with gloves. Obviously, therefore, in Latin it is called Dictamnus, which means "punishing bush" in Latin.

Ash tree leaves are lemon-green in color with a silvery sheen, long-petiolate, dense, solid at the base of the bush, and odd-pinnate on the stem. The Russian name yasenets received because of the external similarity with a tree - ash. The root system is branched, with a thick underground stem and a system of filiform long shoots.

Ash tree as a garden plant

white ash tree photo
white ash tree photo

White ash tree, the photo of which you can see in our article, is an attractive plant characterized by very fragrant, white flowers (about 2.5 cm in diameter) with red streaked.

Its flowers, each with 10 curved stamens, are irregularly shaped. One of the five petals is turned down, the other four are raised. Ash tree white, all parts of which have a specific lemon aroma when rubbed, pleases with its flowering in June and July for 30-45 days.

The fruit of the plant is a box consisting of 5 nests. Seeds are shiny, black, ripen in August. But collect themfollows a little earlier, since at full maturity the plant shoots them over a long distance.

Belonging to the early flowering perennials, white ash is often found in gardens. It looks great in group plantings, on lawns, in rockeries, it is original against the background of stones, near which it likes to grow in nature. Ideal for linear single plantings along garden paths. It goes well with low perennials: tenacious, kotula, antennaria, acena, loosestrife.

Reproduction: ways


White ash-tree blooms in the 4th year of planting. The plant can be propagated by seeds, green cuttings and division of the bush, which is produced in early spring or autumn. In summer, you can use the method of propagation by cuttings, which are recommended to be treated with a growth stimulator before planting and covered with a plastic bottle for faster rooting.

For this propagation method, it is required to take young shoots, since adult and partially lignified stems are not suitable for cuttings, because they do not form roots.

With the seed method, the optimal sowing time is autumn. Only freshly harvested seeds have a high germination rate. Also, sowing can be done in autumn and spring, using stratified seeds for this.

The emerging sprouts can be planted in a small greenhouse, grown for 3 years, and then planted in a permanent place: 4-7 plants per 1 m². Plants can stay in one place for up to 8 years. Further transplantation is required.

White ash tree:cultivation

For planting ash, it is recommended to choose sunny areas. The plant will do well in the shade. It does not like damp soil, so when planting, close groundwater should be avoided. Good drainage is desirable.

white ash tree cultivation
white ash tree cultivation

Caring for the ash tree is not particularly difficult: watering, loosening the soil, weeding, mulching. During the flowering period, fertilizing with complex fertilizers is recommended. Does not require any shelters for the winter.

White ash tree, which contains a large number of useful substances, is widely used in folk medicine. Important factors in this are the timely collection, proper harvesting and drying of raw materials and their proper storage.

The plant is useful in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, regulates the menstrual cycle in women, helps with chronic cystitis and kidney stones. Ash tree perfectly eliminates bloating and removes worms. Infusions of this herb are used in the treatment of gastritis and flatulence. Effective for insomnia, fatigue, asthenia. Aqueous extracts based on ash tree are used for sciatica.
