Toilet cuff: types and purpose

Toilet cuff: types and purpose
Toilet cuff: types and purpose

Work on connecting the toilet in an apartment or house will not require any special skills or knowledge from the home master. But during the installation process, many have to face certain difficulties. Sometimes the axes of the sewer tube and the outlet of the toilet bowl do not match. These holes can be located at different levels. It is not excluded and the displacement of the axes in any direction. A toilet cuff will help the home master solve this problem. Let's look at the main varieties of these devices, as well as their purpose and installation features.


This is a simple but indispensable item. The product provides the maximum level of tightness when connecting sanitary equipment and a sewer drain pipe.

toilet cuff
toilet cuff

The cuff must be used when installing any type of floor-standing toilet. Even when buying a compact product, you should immediately purchase a toilet cuff.

Why change them?

The need to replace this part may appear as a result of leakage. An old product simply cannot withstand pressure.and let it flow. Also, cuffs are changed when installing a new toilet.

Important parameters

All the parts that are on sale today differ from each other in materials, shape, diameter. There are important things to know before purchasing. So, pay attention to the diameter of the sewer pipe, to which one end will be fixed. The standard diameter is considered to be 110 millimeters. However, sizes may vary in some homes.

Also, before choosing, you should clarify what type of outlet a particular toilet has and the diameter of this hole. The second end of the cuff will be fixed on it. It may happen that the sizes do not match. Then you will have to purchase a custom model.

Main types of cuffs

There are two main varieties of these products. This is an eccentric and bellows seal.

cuff for toilet bowl rubber
cuff for toilet bowl rubber

The eccentric is nothing more than a straight toilet cuff. The product has a simple shape and configuration. Most often they are used together with standard toilets, which do not have any specific parameters. Such a cuff perfectly performs its functions and guarantees a completely tight connection.

Corrugated products are more complex. This option is chosen for the installation of non-standard toilet bowls, when it is not possible to use a conventional straight part. Corrugated product is particularly elastic and flexible. This allows you to install the plumbing fixture at a variety of angles. With a pleated cuff for the toilet, you caninstall a plumbing fixture anywhere in the bathroom.

There are other types of these products. So, you can select smooth straight lines, angular, conical models. There are also combined ones. For example, on one side the part is smooth, on the other it is corrugated.

conical cuff for toilet bowl
conical cuff for toilet bowl

As for the materials of manufacture, these elements are made of plastic and rubber. For more modern toilets, as well as for a plastic sewer pipe, it is recommended to install polymer or rubber cuffs for the toilet. If the pipe is cast iron, then it is better to use traditional elements made of dense rubber.

These products vary in color. But the shade doesn't matter. Manufacturers usually supply gray, white or black elements.

Select based on release

When buying a product, it is important to focus not only on the size. It is worth considering the design features of a particular toilet bowl. The release form is important here - it can be of three types:

  • Vertical.
  • Horizontal.
  • Slanting.

Vertical release

Toilets with this release are rarely used, since the sewer pipe is located above the floor level. And this is contrary to the design of the modern toilet bowl. Pipes must be hidden in ceilings or under flooring.

cuff for toilet bowl
cuff for toilet bowl

For such toilets, it is appropriate to use straight short plastic cuffs. In this case, the product should be short and have a cylindrical shape. Applyeccentrics and more complex solutions are not necessary here. Such products are installed above the drain hole.


With horizontal release, everything is much simpler. The outlet is directed towards the wall. Ideally, when the bottom of the toilet is directly in front of the sewer pipe. In this case, you can use a smooth plastic cuff for the toilet. Its length should not be large. Also for this situation, you can purchase an element with two cylinders at the edges and a corrugated middle part.

Corner outlet

In old houses where the pipes have never been changed, the toilet is installed using a rubber cuff. This is most often a conical cuff for the toilet. It is connected to a cast iron pipe. If the entry / exit axis is displaced, then an eccentric is acquired. Suitable smooth or with corrugated tube. With a significant distance to the pipe, you can use the corrugation, stretching it to the desired length. An eccentric is also needed to get a tighter connection.

cuff between cistern and toilet
cuff between cistern and toilet

The principle of mounting products made of rubber or plastic, corrugated or smooth parts is very similar. But there are some nuances. Next, we will consider three options for connecting a toilet.

Mounting the rubber seal

The rubber cuff is a short and dense element that is inserted into the socket of a cast-iron pipe. This is a seal or gasket that provides maximum tightness. In addition, this part protects the toilet bowl from various chips and damage.

toilet cuff straight
toilet cuff straight

First of all, measure the diameter of the socket and get a seal. Most often it is a 110 mm toilet cuff. Then the product is installed in a cast-iron pipe. Then you can go directly to the installation of the plumbing product itself.

Installing a toilet with an eccentric

Before installation work, the toilet should be put in its place and measure the length to the sewer. Next, get a suitable eccentric. Then the sewer hole is cleaned of deposits. The cuff is put on with its wide end. Places of contact are coated with sealant. The second end is connected to an oblique or horizontal outlet on the toilet (always using a sealant). Then let the water in and look for leaks. If they are not, you can tighten and fix the toilet.

Cuffs for the tank

Modern toilets require the installation of a cuff for the toilet bowl. It ensures the tightness of the connection and makes these parts one whole. There are models made of silicone, rubber products, polyurethane. The shape of the elements can be round, conical, oval and in the form of a truncated cone. You can often find cuffs in the shape of a figure eight, as well as curly models.

toilet cuff 110
toilet cuff 110

These products should be selected according to the shape of the toilet bowl. Often manufacturers of sanitary equipment produce various accessories and related products for it. In the assortment, cuffs between the tank and the toilet are often found. When buying a product in a store, you need to carefully choose -unscrupulous sellers offer dry models that do not differ in service life and will not keep tightness.

Installation and replacement of the cuff of the tank

This is a very simple process. The first step is to turn off the water, and then drain it from the tank. The latter is opened and the drain pipe is disconnected. Next, unscrew the locknut on the siphon. Now it remains only to remove the supply pipe. After that, you can unscrew the screws securing the tank.

At the next stage, the old cuff is removed, and the place is thoroughly cleaned and wiped. After cleaning, install a new gasket. So that the product does not move out, but constantly stands still, it is additionally fixed to a silicone sealant. Then the tank is put in its place and fixed with screws. After that, you can start full operation. If the installation is done well, the toilet will work properly for many years.
