What is an insecticidal lamp. Instrument efficiency

What is an insecticidal lamp. Instrument efficiency
What is an insecticidal lamp. Instrument efficiency

Insects are not only painful bites and an irritant. In fact, small saboteurs are carriers of germs and viruses, and this is a direct threat to he alth.

So you need to get rid of insects, the only question is how to do it. Today you can find on sale an electrical appliance for fighting flies and mosquitoes - this is an insecticidal lamp. Let's take a closer look at this device and find out how effective it gets rid of insects.

insecticidal lamp
insecticidal lamp

Insect control methods

Small flying pests are either repelled by an unpleasant smell or ultrasound, or killed with various poisonous substances that are relatively safe for humans. There are many sprays, aerosols, creams and devices that work on one of these two principles. Their effectiveness is different, but the question of the safety of all these products for humans remains open, because they contain harmful substances, even in low concentrations.

You can use folk methodsinsect control, that is, the use of various odorous substances. But they are usually ineffective and act for a very short period of time. Yes, and he alth safety requirements are not always met: a person may develop an allergic rash, irritation and headache due to a strong pungent odor.

Someone will say that ultrasonic devices are absolutely safe, but consumers question the existence of two modes of regulation: in the presence of a person and in the absence of people in the room.

production of insecticidal lamps
production of insecticidal lamps

Insecticidal lamps against flies, mosquitoes and other winged insects are very effective and at the same time completely safe - this is what the manufacturers of these devices assure. And this confidence is based on the principle of operation of the device.

Insecticide Lamp

The device is a small metal (plastic) case in which one or more UV lamps are installed. They emit light at the wavelength most attractive to insects. And when they fly up, they fall on a metal fine-mesh grid under voltage, which closes the lamps. After an electric shock, insects fall on a special removable tray: it is located under the lamps, it is easy to pull out and clean.

insecticidal lamps instruction
insecticidal lamps instruction

The insecticidal lamp works well against pests such as flies, wasps, mosquitoes, moths.

But when using the device, there are also disadvantages: the lamp attracts insects wellonly in the absence of bright sunlight or artificial lighting. Therefore, the device is recommended to be installed in shaded places.

Insecticidal lamps: instructions for installing and using the device

  1. The device is installed at a height of 2-5 m.
  2. The lamp is mounted on the wall or ceiling.
  3. Installation should avoid excessively lit places and drafts.
  4. UV lamps lose their effectiveness over time, so they need to be replaced annually.
  5. The insecticidal lamp does not need any special care, the grate does not form dirt, but the tray needs to be cleaned periodically.
  6. insecticide lamp
    insecticide lamp


Manufacturers claim that the device is 100% safe. It does not contain any harmful substances that are used in electric fumigators. The device does not emit any odors, only light that is harmless to human eyes.

Only 13 mA is applied to the metal grid, so it cannot harm human he alth even if it is grabbed by hands. Vendors of such devices like to put on a mini-performance when they talk about the safety of insecticidal lamps. They take a metal pin and drive it along the grid, which clearly demonstrates the absence of any damage from electric shock. For those who still have doubts, they are reminded that the lamp must be mounted high enough so that small children still cannot touch the grate.

insecticidal lamps against flies
insecticidal lamps against flies

Where can I apply

Production of insecticidal lamps is a process in which designers must take into account all the safety requirements of devices in rooms with special requirements. For example, there are models that are not equipped with a special insect tray, so insect residues fly to the floor. This is completely unacceptable in some enterprises, in particular, in grocery warehouses, shops, food industry workshops, etc. In such conditions, insecticidal lamps with enhanced light exposure (green light increases efficiency by 30%) and a deep tray are used. For industrial facilities, there are models with several lamps and increased dimensions, which allows you to protect a large area. Many devices are immediately equipped with unbreakable shatterproof lamps, which also adds safety benefits.

So that the insecticidal lamp can be used everywhere, you just need to choose a device with the right characteristics.

Customer Reviews

Many consumers were delighted with this device. The insecticidal lamp copes very well with flies, midges and mosquitoes and is 100% worth the money spent on it. Buyers note that this is an excellent replacement for electric fumigators, which often emit an unpleasant odor and sometimes cause a headache. Consumers are pleased with the declared safety of the device: the device does not contain any harmful substances and does not emit dangerous toxins, which means that it can be used in rooms where there are pregnant women and children. In general, there are a lot of positive things about these devices.reviews and very few negative ones.

The disadvantages include the fact that the device is good at destroying flying insects, namely flying ones, since others simply do not get to it. So ants, spiders and small bugs will most likely not go anywhere.

Also, consumers sometimes refer to the lack of autonomy of the device. That is, buyers know that electricity is needed to operate such a lamp, which means you can’t take it on barbecue or fishing. Although, perhaps they are simply not familiar with the entire range of products, since stand-alone insecticidal lamps powered by solar or conventional batteries have been on sale for a long time.
