Having an aquarium at home is very cool. After all, such an object will bring peace, comfort and harmony in the atmosphere to the house. Arriving home after a hard day's work, you can relax on an armchair or sofa, watching the serene aquarium world, and peace will reign in your soul, all the burden accumulated during the day will go somewhere far away. If you decide to have such an object in your home and not buy it, but make it yourself, you need to know how to equip an aquarium.
Aquarium equipment
Aquarium is able to bring beauty to the interior of the room. This is a kind of living corner and a place for relaxation. The size and volume of the container can be from the smallest to the largest sizes. Mostly in apartments and houses of an average resident, medium-sized aquariums are from 80 to 200 liters. When you have decided on the dimensions and purchased the container, you need to buy some more equipment fornormal life cycle of fish. These functional items include:
- Filter. It is necessary to filter the liquid so that the inhabitants of the aquarium can feel comfortable and not in danger.
- Backlight. Since the artificial reservoir should receive light up to 10 hours.
- Compressor. An integral part of the aquarium. It saturates the water with oxygen, which is necessary for the fish.
- Feeder. This is a plastic frame that floats on the surface of the water. This helps keep the food from spreading all over the surface and the fish can focus on one feeding spot.
- Heater. It regulates the temperature of the water to make it comfortable for the fish and algae that also grow in the aquarium. A scraper to clean the glass, and a siphon with a pump to remove fish waste.

Aquarium decoration
After we have purchased components for a home pond, we need to decide how to beautifully equip the aquarium. What do you need to buy for decoration and how can you arrange them all?
In our time, finding decorative elements is not difficult. Specialized stores provide a huge selection of such aquarium fixtures. In addition to the beautiful design, these elements also perform special functions. These decor elements include:
- Stones. They, in turn, are divided into mountain, volcanic and sedimentary rocks. The most commonly used sandstone, granite and gneiss.
- Driftwood. This is a very good item.decor, as the snag can serve as a shelter for fish, and for some types of aquarium inhabitants it also becomes an additional delicacy and a place for spawning.
- Plants, shells and corals. These items will complement the water world of your aquarium. How to equip an aquarium with these elements depends only on your imagination. One rule - do not overdo it. When applying this or that decoration of the container, consider the characteristics of the fish that will live there.
- Ground. This is one of the main components for the dwelling of fish. In addition to decor, it acts as a mechanical filter and is a substrate for the plant.

Screen background
A well-designed aquarium interior would not be complete without a backdrop of a homely underwater world. How to arrange an aquarium so that everything looks harmonious? This will help us design the rear view. There are many ways to design. Consider the most popular:
- Paint the back wall of the aquarium. This is the most economical way to design. The main thing is to choose the color of the paint to get a harmonious composition of the entire ensemble.
- One more of their simple design is with the help of a film. It is attached to the outside of the aquarium and you can choose any pattern of your choice. Yes, and changing the landscape will not be difficult for you.
- Volumetric inner world. Three-dimensional background design can be either flat or embossed. This design method visually looksquite natural and very beautiful.

Plants for aquarium
To decorate a small pond, you can use artificial plants, or plant real greenery. Each aquarist decides for himself how to equip the aquarium, but if you choose natural plants, then unpretentious plants are suitable for beginners, such as:
- Javan moss. Outwardly, it resembles a tangled green ball of thread. Such a plant is easy to grow and looks very aesthetically pleasing in an aquarium.
- Thai fern. This plant has no root system and can be used to create all sorts of compositions.
- Elodei. In the aquarium, they look like thickets. Fish and their fry can hide in such green bushes.

Turtle Aquarium
In home ponds, not only fish, but also turtles can live. How to equip an aquarium for fish, we already know, for turtles the conditions are slightly different. First you need to consider the size of the container, since in the process of growth, the turtle can change in size. The second criterion is that the container will perform two functions: an aquarium and a terrarium. So we can safely say that the main rule of how to equip an aquarium for turtles is to make your stay there comfortable. The terrarium aquarium should be placed in the brightest and sunniest place in the apartment. In winter, you will need to turn on the ultraviolet lamp. There must also be special plants, in the process they will servefood for turtles. Well, set up a small land area so that sometimes your pet can swim out and dry.

Snail house
Snails have become popular pets lately. Beginners should definitely familiarize themselves with how to equip an aquarium for snails.
What should be the terrarium:
- The volume of the aquarium must be at least 10 liters.
- The container for snails should be closed with a hole in the lid so that the pet can get the necessary ventilation.
- Place the terrarium in a dark place, as the sun's rays can kill the snails.
Snail Aquarium Decor:
- Snail soil should be moss or coco.
- Several feeders. All existing pet growth supplements are placed in them.
- Capacities for bathing snails.
- Be sure to install a thermometer, hydrometer and other elements in the aquarium that control the external environment of the terrarium.
- Purchase a spray bottle. Thanks to him, you will maintain moisture in the snail house. And a sponge to clean the aquarium.
In what style to decorate the aquarium
How to properly equip an aquarium for fish and in what style is everyone's choice. But there are some of the most popular styles for decoration.

Japanese style combines ethereal scenery and Zen philosophy. The design of the aquarium is dominated exclusively by stones, but according to Japanese philosophythe number of stones should be odd and they ideally have different sizes.
Pseudo-natural style. In this style, the most common decorative elements are used, unpretentious fish, ordinary soil, etc.
Dutch style. Plants predominate in this style. They are selected by color, size and height. Visually, such an entourage looks like a modeling garden. It takes a lot of effort and patience to design an aquarium this way.
Marine style. The aquarium is filled with sea water and marine inhabitants are launched. In addition to fish, corals, crustaceans and anemones inhabit. This style looks more effective than other styles.

Conceptual style. Here you can make your preferences come true. It can be the theme of space, sea pirates, cartoon characters.
Properly clean the aquarium
Watching fish swim in an aquarium is always touching. But do not forget that the house for your pets should be cleaned and cleaned. After all, like us, fish love comfort and coziness.
Cleaning algorithm:
- It is necessary to clean the walls of the aquarium from plaque.
- If there are decorations, they must be cleaned and washed.
- Get the algae in order. Weed and trim as needed.
- Siphon the soil. It can be cleaned every other time.
- Rinse the filter system.
- Pour in clean water.
For safety reasons, do not forget to unplug all equipment from the mains before cleaning. Once you have decided anddecided how to equip an aquarium for fish, make the practice a reality. And may the aquarium and its inhabitants delight you for many years.