DIY aquarium filter. How to assemble an aquarium filter: diagrams, tips

DIY aquarium filter. How to assemble an aquarium filter: diagrams, tips
DIY aquarium filter. How to assemble an aquarium filter: diagrams, tips

Before you start a fish, you need to take care of the availability of not only an aquarium suitable for them, soil, vegetation, some decorative elements, but also a filter. You must understand that this is not only a water purifier, but also an item that is essential for the life of your domestic aquatic inhabitants. And if you do not have the opportunity to purchase this or that model in the store, you can consider how to make a filter for an aquarium with your own hands.

Importance of an aquarium filter

No matter how clean the water you put into the aquarium, it will still become dirty over time. This is due to the appearance in it of dead particles of algae, waste and other small particles of debris. In order to get rid of all this and keep the aquatic environment clean, you need to install a water filter in the aquarium.

DIY aquarium filter
DIY aquarium filter

This mechanism has the following functions:

  • purifies water from inorganic particles;
  • removes all kinds of dissolved substances from the water (for example, tablets or other drugs after treating the inhabitants of the aquarium);
  • fills the water with oxygen, without which no fish can survive;
  • creates water circulation.

Undoubtedly, fish and other aquatic animals cannot be introduced into any aquarium without a filter previously installed in it. But, given all of the above, it is still worth remembering that if you know how to install a filter in an aquarium and have already decided which model to buy, it still will not create natural running water for you. After all, each filter pumps the same fluid.

How do filters differ from each other?

Before you install the filter in the aquarium, you need to decide on its type, installation location and functionality. After all, in every specialized store you will come across a large selection of these devices. All of them differ from each other in design features and scope.

how to install a filter in an aquarium
how to install a filter in an aquarium

Some do not want to face such a choice and prefer to make a filter for an aquarium with their own hands, simply by studying all the features of purchased designs and finding out which model is right for this or that situation.

Types of aquarium filters

According to the principle of operation, the following types of modern aquarium filters are distinguished:

  1. Mechanical ones are able to clean the water in the aquarium from turbidity and floating particles that were raised from the bottom by the movement of fish and a compressor. Without installing such a devicenot enough. After all, the dirt in the aquarium gradually accumulates and, as a result, decomposes, making the water cloudy. Such a filter must be washed as it gets dirty. The first sign of clogging will be reduced water flow through this device.
  2. Chemical filters to a greater extent purify aquarium water from organic matter. They remove phosphates and nitrates. For excellent results, such filters must be changed periodically.
  3. Absorptive-chemical filters help purify water from waste products of fish and other "animals" of the aquarium. As a rule, such a device includes a constantly circulating pump, a special sponge and a substrate (usually gravel) located directly next to it. It can be installed both inside and outside the aquarium. It should be noted that the main component of each biological filter is nitrifying bacteria, the vital activity of which must be maintained without fail. This means that such an external aquarium filter should only be rinsed under running water. And in no case should it be dried.
Bottom filter for aquarium
Bottom filter for aquarium

Types of filters depending on their placement

Each filter for an aquarium, photos of which show not only their appearance, but also how they are attached, can be installed in different ways. According to this, the following types of device data are distinguished by their location:

  1. The bottom filter for the aquarium is located almost at the bottom of the tank. He has greatthe number of openings from which air is supplied. These filters help clean the water from small blockages. Manufacturers recommend installing them immediately before the settlement of fish. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to place and fix this type of filter in the aquarium.
  2. The internal filter is installed inside the aquarium (hence its name). As a rule, it consists of a sponge or activated carbon and a pumping device. These filters clog very quickly. This must be constantly monitored, as the throughput of such a device decreases.
  3. External aquarium filters are very similar to internal ones. The only difference is the location.

How to make an aquarium filter yourself?

A good filter device is never cheap. What to do? How to save? In this case, we advise you to make the simplest filter for an aquarium with your own hands. To make it you will need: a sponge (you choose its size depending on the capacity of the aquarium), a spray bottle, a suction cup, a rubber tube, two 20 ml syringes, a small compressor.

filter for aquarium photo
filter for aquarium photo

Take one syringe. In one part of it, into which the medicine should be drawn, make holes with a heated awl. The second syringe you need to connect with the first. This can be done with soldering. To do this, hold the widest ends on a hot plate for a while, quickly connect them and hold for 5-7 seconds. Cut off at both ends the part where you wantinsert a needle. You should end up with a long plastic tube.

Take a sponge, make a not wide but deep incision in one of its sides, insert a part of the syringe with holes into it. Insert a rubber tube into the resulting “pipe”, connect it to the compressor. Attach a suction cup to one side of the syringe. This is where your filter will be attached to the wall of the aquarium.

how to assemble an aquarium filter
how to assemble an aquarium filter

Can I make my own aquarium filter sediment?

No filter can fully purify the water in an aquarium without a pump. The simplest such device can also be made by hand. To do this, you must have at hand: nozzle, fitting, pump core and tee.

The nozzle can be replaced with a simple pipe. It must be brought into one of the holes of the tee. After that, take a tap with a thread, screw the fitting onto it, and pull the hose from above. On the opposite side, you need to carefully attach a small hose, which will later serve to drain the water. A siphon is put on the end of this hose. It will help protect the pump itself from getting soil into it, which can cause serious damage to the device.

aquarium water filter
aquarium water filter

How to install the filter in the aquarium yourself?

So, you bought or made a filter for the aquarium with your own hands. Now what? How to install it? What are the rules to follow?

First of all, everyone should understand that in no case should a filter be installed in an empty aquarium. Capacity up tohalf should be filled with water. It is also worth noting that before you assemble the filter for the aquarium, all parts of this device must be thoroughly dried. And only after that already proceed with its installation. The filter is usually attached to the wall with suction cups at a distance of 3 cm from the surface and in such a way that it does not touch the bottom. To begin with, it must be immersed in water in the off state.

The tube that takes in air must be brought out. It is very convenient if a mount is provided for this tube. In a fixed state, it will not move and fall into the water.

If you understand how to install the filter in the aquarium, and did it right, then only now you can plug it into the outlet. If the filter began to circulate and saturate the water with oxygen, then you should have no doubt that you did something wrong.

outdoor filter for aquarium
outdoor filter for aquarium

How to clean the filter yourself?

In order to clean the aquarium filter, you must first disconnect it from the mains. Outside, the device is washed from mucus and dirt, sponges are carefully “stretched” in running water. If you have a chemical filter, then its filler must be replaced without fail. In the case of purchasing a biological filter, it is worth remembering that it will be more convenient to have several of these devices at once. This makes it easier to clean each one in turn.

And finally…

It is imperative to monitor the operation of your filter system. She must alwayswork at full capacity. If, for example, the bottom filter for an aquarium does not work at full capacity, then this is the first sign that this device needs to be washed and cleaned.

Remember! Improvement in the care of an aquarium filter comes only with time. In this case, you only need attention and care for your pets.
