Autogyro do-it-yourself. Drawings, a brief description of the work

Autogyro do-it-yourself. Drawings, a brief description of the work
Autogyro do-it-yourself. Drawings, a brief description of the work

How to make a do-it-yourself gyroplane? This question, most likely, was asked by those people who love or want to fly very much. It is worth noting that, perhaps, not everyone has heard about this device, since it is not very common. They were widely used only until helicopters were invented in the form in which they are now. From the moment such models of aircraft took to the skies, gyroplanes immediately lost their relevance.

How to build a do-it-yourself gyroplane? Drawings

To create such an aircraft will not be difficult for someone who is fond of technical creativity. Special tools or expensive building materials are also not needed. The place that will have to be allocated for assembly is minimal. It is worth adding right away that assembling a gyroplane with your own hands will save a huge amount of money, since buying a factory sample will require huge financial costs. Before proceeding with the process of modeling this device, you need to make sure that you have all the tools and materials at hand. The second step iscreation of a drawing, without which it is not possible to assemble a standing structure.

do-it-yourself autogyro
do-it-yourself autogyro

Main structure

It's worth saying right away that building a gyroplane with your own hands is quite simple if it's a glider. The rest of the models will be somewhat more difficult.

So, to start work, you will need to have three duralumin power elements among the materials. One of them will serve as the keel of the structure, the second will play the role of an axial beam, and the third will serve as a mast. A steerable nose wheel can be immediately attached to the keel beam, which must be equipped with a braking device. The ends of the axial force element must also be equipped with wheels. You can use small parts from a scooter. An important point: if the gyroplane is assembled with your own hands for flying behind a boat in tow, then the wheels are replaced with controlled floats.

do-it-yourself drawing of a gyroplane
do-it-yourself drawing of a gyroplane

Installing the farm

Another of the main elements is the farm. This part is also mounted at the front end of the keel beam. This device is a triangular structure, which is riveted from three duralumin corners, and then reinforced with sheet overlays. The purpose of this design is to fasten the tow hook. The do-it-yourself autogyro device with a truss must be made so that the pilot, by pulling the cord, can unhook from the towline at any time. In addition, the farm is also necessary so that the simplest air navigation instruments can be installed on it. Tothese include a flight speed tracking device, as well as a side drift mechanism.

how to build a do-it-yourself autogyro drawings
how to build a do-it-yourself autogyro drawings

Another main element is the installation of the pedal assembly, which is installed directly under the truss. This part must have a cable connection to the aircraft control rudder.

Frame for unit

When assembling a gyroplane with your own hands, it is very important to pay due attention to its frame.

As mentioned earlier, this will require three duralumin pipes. These parts must have a cross section of 50x50 mm, and the thickness of the pipe walls must be 3 mm. Similar elements are often used when installing windows or doors. Since it will be necessary to drill holes in these pipes, it is necessary to remember an important rule: during work, the drill should not damage the inner wall of the element, it should only touch it and no more. If we talk about the choice of diameter, then it should be selected so that the MB-type bolt can go into the resulting hole as tightly as possible.

how to make a do-it-yourself autogyro
how to make a do-it-yourself autogyro

One more important note. When drawing up a drawing of a gyroplane with your own hands, you need to take into account one nuance. When assembling the apparatus, the mast should be tilted slightly back. The angle of inclination of this part is approximately 9 degrees. When drawing up a drawing, this point must be taken into account so as not to forget later. The main purpose of this action is to create a 9 degree angle of attack for the gyroplane blades even when it is just on the ground.


Do-it-yourself assembly of the autogyro frame continues by fixing the axle beam. It is attached to the keel across. For reliable fastening of one element of the base to another, it is necessary to use 4 Mb bolts, and also add lock nuts to them. In addition to this fastening, it is necessary to create additional structural rigidity. To do this, use four braces that connect two parts. Braces must be made of steel angle. At the ends of the axle beam, as mentioned earlier, it is necessary to fix the wheel axles. To do this, you can use paired clips.

do-it-yourself autogyro
do-it-yourself autogyro

The next step in assembling a gyroplane with your own hands will be the manufacture of the frame and seat back. In order to assemble this small structure, it is best to also use duralumin pipes. Parts from baby cots or strollers are great for assembling the frame. To fasten the seat frame in front, two duralumin corners with dimensions of 25x25 mm are used, and at the back it is attached to the mast using a bracket made of a steel corner 30x30 mm.

Autogyro check

After the frame is ready, the seat is assembled and attached, the truss is ready, navigation instruments and other important elements of the gyroplane are installed, it is necessary to check how the finished structure works. This must be done before the rotor is installed and designed. Important note: it is necessary to check the performance of the aircraft at the site from which further flights are planned.
