Cars are not just a means of transportation. For many, this is a second home. In the car, you can comfortably and warmly drive anywhere, and you can also hide from the weather. The interior of the car can serve as a bedroom, a living room, and even a dining room. To an attentive person, a car can tell a lot about the owner. So, you can briefly examine the interior to understand whether the owner is a slut or vice versa. Apartments and houses are cleaned regularly, garbage is taken out almost every day. The interior of the car also needs to be cleaned. Regular dry cleaning of the interior with your own hands will keep it in perfect condition. You can order this service in specialized companies. But self-cleaning also takes place. We'll talk about her today.
What is dry cleaning of car interiors
This is no ordinary cleaning, where there is enough water and a rag. Dry cleaning involves the use of various cleaning products. Cabin cleaning in progressby hand anywhere. This can be done in your garage, in your summer cottage or in your backyard. The process involves removing stains, thoroughly cleaning parts and elements in the cabin with chemicals.

As for tools and accessories, only improvised means and no special equipment are used for self-cleaning. But as for chemicals, you will have to buy special products - the usual "Ariel" and "Vanish" will not work.
To get the highest quality result, it is worth applying an integrated approach. It includes dry cleaning of the interior with a vacuum cleaner, cleaning of rugs, wet cleaning, wiping windows, cleaning with chemicals, drying, final wiping and polishing of plastic, applying protective compounds.
Chemical cleaning can be performed not only for cars. It is also needed for trucks. If the driver is constantly in the cabin, then he alth depends on the condition and cleanliness of the cabin.
Salon preparation
Before you start dry cleaning the salon with your own hands, you need to carry out preparatory activities. It is important that the engine is not running during the process, and the audio system is not used.

Then they unload the trunk and interior, remove small debris, take out the mats. Next is dry cleaning. A vacuum cleaner will help with this - the entire interior is carefully cleaned. At the same time, hard-to-reach places are also carefully treated. The vacuum cleaner brush may not reach everywhere. Forcleaning in such places suitable compressor. It easily blows dirt and dust out of hard-to-reach places. To get the best result from dry cleaning the car interior with your own hands, the chairs should be dismantled and vacuumed separately. The panels in the car are wiped with a damp and then dry cloth. Then they go directly to the cleaning process.
Means selection
There are a lot of different do-it-yourself dry-cleaning products for sale. You need to familiarize yourself with each. If you use the wrong composition, you can damage the finishing materials. Consider the most popular compositions.
All formulations create foam when mixed with water. After the foam is applied to the surface, after a certain time it must be washed off. As for the duration of action, it may vary in different formulations and averages 30-60 minutes.
High Gear Dry Cleaning
This is a fairly effective cleaning agent. Suitable for cleaning upholstery. Produced in the form of an aerosol can. Due to its formula, the product actively fights against all sorts of dirt and stains. The product allows not only to effectively remove stains, but is also able to restore the texture and appearance of the fabric. After this dry cleaning of the interior, done by yourself, the upholstery will return to its factory color.
This is a domestic product that allows you to effectively clean various types of surfaces. It can be leather, velor, plastic surfaces. The preparation contains abrasive elements, as well as phosphates. Thanks to this, glossy parts do not leave marks.
In addition to high cleansing properties, "Console" also has an antiseptic effect. The surface after treatment will be reliably protected not only from dirt, but also from harmful bacteria.
This is another preparation for dry cleaning interior, fabric upholstery, rugs. The peculiarity of the product is that for its application there is no need for pre-treatment of the surface with a damp rag or napkin. In addition to the advantages of the product, there are also disadvantages - for example, "Detex" is not able to deal with greasy and stubborn stains on car upholstery.
This is an excellent composition for chemical cleaning of car interiors. It is designed for processing fabric and soft surfaces. After applying the drug, a special protective layer remains on the treated surface. The composition of the drug does not contain chlorine, as well as other components hazardous to he alth.
Step by step instructions
Let's see how to dry-clean the interior with your own hands. If there is a lot of dirt and various debris on the floor surface or on the instrument panel, it may interfere with driving. If the windows get dirty, it makes it difficult to see what is happening on the road. It is also important for the type and market price of the car. With a simple cleaning procedure using special products, the interior can be restored to almost factory condition.

At the first stage of dry cleaning of the car interior, everything that can be removed with their own handsinterfere. It is necessary to take out all valuables, as well as any extraneous things - bags, clothes, toys, books. This is a good opportunity to find items previously forgotten. Garbage can be collected in a bag.

Then wipe the center panel. Moisten a washcloth or rag with any household cleaner or glass cleaner. It is better to start processing from the cleanest places, then gradually move on to the dirtiest. Clean the area of the instrument panel, steering wheel, center console. It is worth cleaning the gear selector, as well as the internal door panels. Instead of rags, car wipes work well. Cotton swabs are used to remove dirt in hard-to-reach places.
After that, the buttons and other controls are cleared. This is done with a damp cloth. You can also use a flat-bladed screwdriver wrapped in a rag. It will help remove dust and dirt in the gaps between the button and the panel.
Further detailed do-it-yourself interior dry cleaning is done with a toothbrush. Old soft bristles are used to clean stubborn dirt and stains on interior door panels and consoles. Textured surfaces can be brushed with a toothbrush. Circular movements will help get rid of even old dirt.

Then go to the glasses. Moisten a microfiber towel with window cleaner. These towels are the best for this. They allow you to remove tough stains without leaving streaks and lint. The drug is notmust contain ammonia - it dries plastic and can damage windows. The agent must also be suitable for tinted windows. Towel clean the windshield, side windows, rear. The composition is applied in a circular motion. The glass is then polished with a clean microfibre towel.
After the windows clean the mats. Before turning on the vacuum cleaner, it is better to remove the mats in order to gain access to the dirt that has accumulated under them. Plastic or rubber floor mats can be removed from the car and shake out the dirt. Then they are watered and allowed to dry. You can return the mats to the car after it has been cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

Vacuuming is recommended from top to bottom. It is better to start from the ceiling. Then gradually move to the floor. In the process, it is convenient to use various nozzles. Cleaning leather chairs is very important. If they are not cleaned, the skin will crack and dry out. To do this, it is better to use soft brushes and suitable cleaning preparations - for example, saddle soap is suitable for dry cleaning a car interior with your own hands. If an unknown drug is used, it is better to test it in advance on an inconspicuous area. If the skin is already severely cracked and has lost its color, it is better to tighten the seats.
When the dry cleaning of the car interior with your own hands is finished, it is recommended to dry the interior. This will take up to 14 hours. Time depends on humidity and temperature. To accelerate, open the doors and trunk.

In most models withwhen the doors are opened, the light turns on, so it is better to remove the terminal from the battery in advance.
Here's how to do-it-yourself car interior dry cleaning. It's easy, but it takes a lot of time. But as a result, it will be a pleasure to be in the car.