Installation of a split system (or, simply put, an air conditioner) is a time-consuming procedure, but not as complicated as you might think. In principle, even someone who has never done anything like this before can cope with such a task. This will require some theoretical knowledge that you can learn from this article, a set of tools, patience and desire. Let's talk about how to install an air conditioner with your own hands.

A bit of general information
Our main goal is to install the air conditioner without damaging it. But, in addition, it is necessary to properly install both the indoor and outdoor units. Otherwise, the performance will be much lower, if the device will function at all.
To get started, you will need a special tool: a hammer drill and a vacuum pump, a manometric pump, a building level. As for consumables, the installation of a split system is carried out by a standardkit that should be included. This is a heater, a drainage hose, dowels, brackets, etc. If this is not there, then you need to buy it, and only after that start installing the air conditioner.

Installation of indoor unit panel
In this case, you must follow one simple rule that applies to all air conditioners, regardless of brand and manufacturer. It consists in the fact that at least 10 centimeters must be retreated from the ceiling. If this rule is not observed, then the air conditioner will constantly become clogged with dust. In addition, poor air intake will reduce performance, which may affect the longevity of the device as a whole.
It is also necessary to retreat a little from the corner of the wall. The distance from the panel to the curtain must be at least 10 cm. This is necessary so that the curtain does not sway during the operation of the air conditioner. Further, with the help of dowels and a level, the panel is fixed. It must be placed strictly horizontally. This is necessary so that there is no leakage of condensate. Then we temporarily hang the indoor unit.

Installation of the cable channel
Cable laying must be carried out with at least a slight slope. This is done to prevent condensation. Be sure to take this into account when installing. First you need to drill a hole with a minimum diameter of 55 millimeters. Do not forget about the slope, which will prevent the appearance of an air lock in the drain hose. After throughthe hole will be made, we stretch the box, cut the ends, and we adjust the whole thing.
The next step is to cut the track. It is extremely important to understand here that the use of a conventional hacksaw is simply unacceptable. This is due to the fact that small chips, dirt, etc., will remain in the copper tube. If all this gets into the compressor, it will soon fail. Therefore, use special pipe cutters, which today can be found in any speci alty store or rented from a neighbor. Despite the fact that the climatic equipment is different, the installation of air conditioners is approximately the same. Split systems are currently a large number, but the principle of operation is the same, and installation is carried out according to general rules.

Laying the track in the box and mounting brackets
At this stage, you yourself choose the sequence of actions. You can first hang the block on the panel, and only then start laying the track in the box. You can, and vice versa, lay the track, then attach the block. The main requirement is not to bend the copper tubes. If this happens, the compressor will soon break down.
Next, you need to get insurance and go outside, as the next step is done there. Whether it is the installation of a multi-split system or the most common one, it is necessary to fix the brackets on the wall. They should be located in the same horizontal plane, so use the building level. It is desirable that two people do the work, since the outdoor unit has an impressivethe weight. After fixing the brackets, the outdoor unit is put on them and additionally fixed with bolts.

Rolling and vacuuming of the track
The essence of rolling is to expand the copper tubes at their junctions. For this, a special rolling machine and nozzles are used. Before rolling the tube, put a nut on it, because after expanding it you will not be able to do this. It is extremely important to provide a reliable connection through which freon would not flow. To do this, tighten the nuts at the joints as much as possible, but do not overdo it.
Vacuuming is necessary to remove dust and moisture from the track. To do this, you will need equipment for installing split systems, such as a vacuum pump. It turns on, and at the same time, the port on the pressure gauge opens. When the arrow goes into vacuum, turn off the pump and close the port. If the arrow does not go down, then this means that one of the connections allows air to pass through, tighten the nuts more tightly. If this does not help, then it is worth checking the quality of rolling. If this is not done, then there is a high probability that the compressor will burn out after one winter.

Installation of a split system: instructions for starting freon
After you have successfully completed the vacuum, it's time to fill the system with freon. To do this, use a hex wrench to unscrew the supply hose (this is a thin tube). It is important not to confuse with a thick tubesuction, as the non-return valve may deteriorate, which is not good. The sequence is important here, so the supply opens first, and then the suction. At this stage, fix the freon pressure in the system and check all electrical connections. If everything is in order, then you can carry out a test run.
If the compressor does not turn on immediately, do not be alarmed, this is quite normal, there is nothing to worry about. Record pressure and tension. If everything is in order, then set the power of the air conditioner to maximum. So he should work for 10-15 minutes. During this time, freon will pass through the system, and the oil will have time to return.
Do-it-yourself installation of a split system: important points
It must be understood that there should be no air in the system, which is why evacuation is a mandatory procedure. As noted above, all connections must be reliable and durable. It is advisable to make several checks using a vacuum pump. Only after you make sure that everything is in order, you can carry out a test run.
It is safe to say that the installation of the interblock route and its sealing are the most complex and time-consuming stages. As you can see, you can not do without an assistant. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult and unsafe to install the outdoor unit on your own. In general, there are no overwhelming tasks here. We observe the horizontal, seal the connections, do not use an ordinary hacksaw - and everything will be fine.

So we figured out how split systems are installed. Dismantling / installation in priority should be carried out by specialists with experience and high qualifications. So the equipment will last for many years. But it is extremely important not to forget to service it periodically.
By the way, while drilling a hole in the wall, there is a risk of stumbling upon fittings or wiring. Therefore, first check for hidden communications, and only after that get to work. The event is quite noisy and dusty, so prepare the room in advance. In general, there is nothing complicated here, the main thing is to follow all the above rules. But one way or another, self-installation should be carried out only if you are confident in your abilities. But it's better to call the experts. If the installation is carried out incorrectly, then at least there will be someone to make a claim. That's all that can be said about the installation work.