After the start of repairs in the apartment, people often face a lack of lighting. Some people like decorating a stretch ceiling with LED strips. Therefore, the demand for such light sources is growing every year. Many are interested in whether it is possible to install an LED strip on the ceiling with your own hands. This work is easier than it seems at first glance. To successfully complete it, you need to know some of the nuances of the installation. It is important to choose the right tools. What is an LED strip, what are its advantages and how to install it yourself? We will consider all this in our today's article.
Before you start installing the LED strip on the ceiling, you should find out what it is. You need to understand how to fix it correctly.

LED strip is a bar that bends easily. On the one hand, compact LEDs and resistors are fixed on it (sometimes they have silicone protection). The reverse side of the plank has an adhesive flat base. The tape is divided into sections, each of which is usually a multiple of five centimeters. Three LEDs are installed on a segment of five centimeters. There are special marks on the tape, they indicate the places where it can be cut. The LEDs when connected are a circuit. It differs in consistency.
Tape production options
It can be produced in a protected version, when the tape is closed from external influences with silicone, as well as with plastic overlays. And it is also released in an open version.
What kind of diodes are used for backlighting?

To make a bright light, you need a special 3528 diode. A 5060 diode is also suitable. It can be used as a separate light fixture, as it has more powerful light than other lamps.
Preparatory work
Before starting work, it is necessary to draw up an exact plan on which the drawing will be. It should reflect the location of the LED strip. You should calculate how many fixtures you need, as well as set the footage of the tape. This will make installation easier later on.
If you need a colored ribbon, then you need to buy a controller with it. During installation, safety precautions must be observed. Beforehow to fix the tape with a construction stapler, you need to "plant" it on the adhesive layer. The surface on which the tape is planned to be installed must be treated with an antiseptic or any alcohol solution.
If you have to bend the tape in the process, then you should take into account one point. It is impossible for the folds to be more than two centimeters. In this case, the tape will be irretrievably damaged.

How is the installation going?
Installation of the LED strip on the ceiling must take place in a certain sequence. It is important to take into account such nuances as the area of the room and the height of the ceilings.
It is better to buy a tape no more than fifteen meters long. Otherwise, the diodes located next to the power supply will take on the maximum load and quickly burn out.
Algorithm of actions when installing the tape:
- It is necessary to decide on the LEDs that will be used in the desired tape. If the owner of the room wants to get a bright light, then he is better off buying 5060 lamps. They will be a little more expensive than standard 3528 diodes.
- It is important to choose what will be the density of the lamps on the tape. Options are available in 30, 60, 120 cm. These numbers indicate the number of diodes placed on one meter of the tape. Thanks to these indicators, you can make the light more subdued or brighter. You just need to consider that the more lamps are fixed on one meter of tape, the brighter the lighting in the room will be.
- Don't forget about the type of backlight. This question is no less important than the previous ones. It is betterchoose waterproof types, they will last longer.
- It is necessary to decide whether the ribbon will be colored. If a person wants to see many colors, then it is better for him to purchase a controller.
- Measurements and calculations. Installing ceiling lighting with LED strip requires accurate data on the perimeter of the room where you want to highlight. You need to know the area of the selected room. When all the necessary data has been obtained, you should multiply the power consumed by one meter of LED strip by the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The values obtained must be recorded. They will be needed when choosing a controller, as well as a power system for the LED strip.
- You will need to determine where the lighting will go. Installation under a stretch ceiling will differ from installing an LED strip in a floating ceiling. You should select the installation option in advance and decide whether special plasterboard ledges will be created.
- When installing an LED strip under a stretch ceiling, it is worth considering such a nuance. When the tape has one color, then it is worth connecting plus to minus. If it is multi-colored, then you will have to look for areas on which the selected color is indicated.

Important nuances when working
When installing LED strip on a stretch ceiling, only fifteen meters can be attached to each power supply. If the length increases, then you need to purchase an additional power supply.
When connecting, you need to check the polarity in advance. Mistakes in this case can cause the tape to burn. The cord must be connected in advance. Connection pins are marked N and L.
When a person installs LED strips under the ceiling, you need to remember that the installation order for colored and plain strips is different.
What's the difference? The color connection consists of the following steps: the power supply is connected to the controller, after which the tape itself is connected to them.
When installing the LED strip on the ceiling, it is important to make sure that it is not visible from below. For this you can use cornices. Some make ledges from drywall. It is necessary to choose the optimal distance between the tape and the edge of the material. A small distance will not allow you to hide the diodes from visibility. A large distance will cause the tape to give the main light to the ceiling niche. The ceiling itself will remain almost unlit.

What is the tape used for?
Some citizens want to see contour lighting at home, LED strip is perfect for this purpose.
It is also used when the room needs to be divided into zones. Some people use LEDs to highlight the original interior design and bright colors of walls and furniture.
Recently, there has been a fashion trend to make the bedroom in light blue tones. With LED strip, designers offer to make various patterns on the ceiling. The effect of the starry sky is obtained, which is equally liked by adults and children.
Many designers advise doingbacklight in the kitchen, highlight the work surface of the table with light. You can highlight the eating area with color, as well as the place for cooking. With the help of soft light from the tape, the kitchen acquires a unique comfort and holiday atmosphere. Spot lighting is very popular with children, as it creates the feeling of a fairy tale.
For the kitchen, professionals advise choosing yellow lighting. It must be warm. If the design of the dining room is made in a modern style, with a minimum of details, then you can choose lighting in silver or blue.
In the living room, it is better to install a colored tape along with the controller. Guests will be pleasantly surprised by the number of shades of lighting. LED strip is often attached in restaurants and cafes. She is distinguished by bar counters. The room becomes elegant and unique.

Tape Benefits
The main advantages of LED strip include:
- Low price compared to other lighting fixtures.
- Long service life.
- Low power consumption. LEDs do not require a lot of electricity to operate, like their counterparts, while illuminating the room with high quality.
- Easy DIY installation work, guided by step-by-step instructions.
- Large selection of colors. You can install lighting in the room of any shade you like. The controller will help change the color.
- Wide range with various diodes.
- It is believed that the LED strip is one of the simplest types of lighting.
- Shemultifunctional. In addition to lighting, decorates the interior.
- Compact. Can be used in hard-to-reach places where standard fixtures cannot be installed.

Illumination options
Installing an LED strip on the ceiling allows you to choose the power of lighting, the type of fixtures, and also the color. You can install the backlight in the form of modules. She looks beautiful. Spotlights are always relevant. Some use miniature spotlights. In any case, due to such lighting, you can significantly decorate the interior and make it unique.