Garage with an attic: projects, construction

Garage with an attic: projects, construction
Garage with an attic: projects, construction

For every car enthusiast, a garage is a necessary building. It is used not only to protect against various atmospheric phenomena, but also from ordinary hooligans and intruders. At the same time, the construction of such an object, which is so necessary for the car owner, is always associated with considerable financial costs, which are almost impossible to justify. The family budget can be significantly saved if you build a garage with an attic. Such a structure with many functions will be very useful for all family members and will justify the money spent.

garage with attic
garage with attic

Standard sizes

Today, garage projects are presented in large numbers on specialized sites, and qualified specialists can also help with this. If you are going to build such an object, you first need to decide on the dimensions. Building standards clearly reflect all parameters, but in a standard, minimum version. For example, for an ordinary passenger car, the size of the building is5х2, 5 m.

A similar garage with an attic is intended for cars with dimensions of about 1.5x4 m. It is important to remember the need for a free distance of half a meter on each side to ensure unhindered exit and opening of doors.

Such dimensions allow you to safely place the car, but it will be difficult to carry out repairs. Therefore, when choosing the required dimensions of an object, it is necessary to build on the actions performed in this room. A special role is played by the driving skills of the owner and other people who use this transport and, accordingly, leave the garage and drive into it. The height of the room is determined in accordance with the height of the car and the height of the owner, while according to building codes, the minimum height is 2.5 m.

attic projects
attic projects

Useable space

It is also worth remembering that there is a possibility of an additional vehicle that requires placement. It will take a lot of money and time to build another garage. Given this scenario, it is advisable to immediately consider the projects of garages for two cars.

Due to the construction of a building with an attic, the total usable area increases, which provides many advantages. For example, in the attic you can store household items and some tools that used to take up space in the house. This will create a freer living space. In addition, it is possible to equip a sports corner or a workshop. But a garage with an attic and a workroom must have heating and additionallighting.

What gives the attic

Mansard roof is one of the gable roof options. During its arrangement, some difficulties may arise, which are easily resolved by careful consideration of the structure. Also, when designing, it is possible to foresee the creation in the attic of a room suitable for housing or a large warehouse space.

Naturally, the layout of the attic may provide for its use as an additional all-season residential premises, which is quite popular in many European countries. So, thanks to the arrangement of a multifunctional building, you can get rid of the problem of lack of free space in the house. Many construction portals have branches devoted to this topic, where you can find recommendations and reviews from the owners.

garage projects
garage projects

Choosing the type of roof

Before you start building, you need to draw up a suitable project in advance. At the same time, significant efforts will not be required to equip the roof, since the gable version is not difficult to perform. Particular attention should be paid to a solid interfloor overlap. But if you plan a garage with a large attic, you will need to create a roof with a more complicated design.

For rooms with an area of 70 sq. m, truss rafters of a layered type are used, which use side load-bearing structures and a middle wall or a specially created column as a support. The use of such an element will allow you to draw up a competent plan for the object.

wooden garage
wooden garage

Benefits of rafters

Among the advantages of using such a system, it is worth noting the possibility of using the supporting lower part of roof trusses as an overlap between floors. It will become the floor for the attic and, accordingly, the ceiling for the garage itself.

An additional significant argument in favor of construction is to save a fairly large share of the family budget. This does not require special skills and experience, as well as a professional tool.

Main work

To build a wooden garage, you will need to do the following:

  • dig a pit and pour the foundation of the selected type;
  • arrange load-bearing wall structures;
  • make a roof and finish with the desired material.

The attic must be carefully insulated, the projects of which provide for its use as a living space. Also, do not forget about waterproofing.

There are many different types of insulating materials available in hardware stores. For high-quality insulation, mineral wool is quite suitable, which is a fairly environmentally friendly material and one of the most budgetary for insulation. Roll options are optimal for waterproofing work, as an example, a special film or roofing felt.

garage with attic of foam blocks
garage with attic of foam blocks


Many men perceive a wooden garage (or any other) not only as a repair shop and car shelter, but also as a place to relax. MainThe advantage of such a separate room is safety. Fuels and lubricants, characterized by a fire hazard, are available in all garages and can cause a fire. The arrangement of the exhaust system slightly changes the situation, but all the same, the exhaust gases emitted while the car is running accumulate in space and begin to seep into the living space. The sound of a running engine can also bring discomfort. Taking into account such factors, a garage and an attic should be chosen, the projects of which will suit all family members.

attic layout
attic layout

Garage with an attic of foam blocks

Due to the fact that the blocks are quite light in weight, there is no need to pour a reinforced foundation required for a brick structure, moreover, the attic itself does not carry much load. Among the advantages of foam concrete, it is worth highlighting excellent performance properties: this material tolerates high humidity well, and also keeps cool in summer and warm in winter. Before starting laying, after creating the foundation, it is required to make waterproofing, due to which the imperfections of the base will also be further leveled and the subsequent laying of foam concrete will be simplified.

Installation of blocks is carried out using a special adhesive composition, while for the first row it is rational to use cement mortar for additional alignment of existing foundation errors. Of particular importance is the reinforcement of wall structures, it is carried out using reinforcement or reinforced wire throughevery four rows, a rounded version will be required at the corners.

After the walls are completed, you can start creating the upper part. Depending on the dimensions of the garage with an attic, there may be several separate rooms or one spacious room.
