The question of how to decorate a flower pot with your own hands worries many lovers of decorative art, because this exciting activity will allow you to turn boring plastic and clay pots into exquisite products using banal materials. And the best part is that you can use almost anything for decoration: from eggshells to oil paints.
Untreated clay pots are an ideal material for decoration - they are inexpensive, and plants feel better in them than in any other container, because clay has sufficient porosity, which allows oxygen to penetrate to the root system through the molecules of this material.
Crackle technique and eggshell
Speaking about how to decorate flower pots (photos of which are given in the section), one cannot fail to mention the crackle technique. It is a pattern of fine cracks that is applied to the surface of a ceramic product. This style allows you to give things the effect of antiquity. Usually craquelure varnishes are used for this, however, we will use the shells from boiledeggs. It is allowed to mix beige and white shells (if desired, it can be pre-painted in any shade). Before work, the decorative material must be washed in warm water and degreased with a solution of baking soda. Dark-colored pots work best for beige and white shells.
Apply a thin layer of PVA glue to the surface of the pot, after which we lay out the eggshell on it so that the convex side is on top. After that, we cover the pot with paper or a napkin and press lightly so that the shells stick more tightly, and are also covered with a mesh of cracks, which is called craquelure. If desired, you can slightly push the pieces of the shell so that the cracks are a little wider. The resulting ornament is covered with ink, after which it is moistened with a cloth. After the shell acquires its original appearance, and the paint remains only in cracks, we cover the pot with varnish for durability.

Oriental decoration
In this case, you will also need to use the crackle technique using eggshells, as well as delve into Japanese or Chinese characters, in order not only to decorate our pot beautifully, but also to give it an actual meaning. In addition to a flower pot and an egg shell, we will need:
- acrylic lacquer;
- acrylic paints;
- PVA glue;
- acetone.
First, carefully wash the pot and degrease it with acetone, after which we cover it with a layer of silver paint. Once the paint is dry,we apply two layers of white paint to the middle part of the pot and select the appropriate hieroglyphs. Symbols are applied in black paint.
Egg shells will also have to be painted black, and then pasted over the free space with it. With the help of a small object, such as a toothpick, you can gently move the shells in different directions, giving the work of art a more aesthetic look. The bottom of the pot can be overlaid with white shells, and as soon as the glue is completely dry, cover the container with several layers of varnish.
Decorating a pot with colorful mosaics
To create a colored mosaic, you can use pebbles, broken glass or colored stones. As an adhesive, it is recommended to use ordinary or "hot" PVA glue. It is also worth getting a tile grout, a small brush and acrylic varnish.
It is recommended to get glass and pebbles of at least two colors so that you can put some beautiful drawing out of them. However, before starting the work itself, it is worth laying out the intended ornament on paper and, if necessary, marking the pot. Only after that the image can be transferred to the surface.

First you need to create the drawing itself, and after that collect the background. You can significantly speed up the workflow with hot glue. As soon as the stones are thoroughly glued, we apply the grout mixture to the container and thoroughly coat the entire pot with it. Do not be upset if someelements, because they can be re-glued after the grout is completely dry (in about a day).
10-15 minutes after applying the grout (as soon as it dries a little), carefully clean off the remnants of the adhesive from the stones and glass with a wet rag. If after a day the grout mixture dries too much, apply another layer and repeat the stripping procedure. It remains only to open the pot with varnish and put a green pet in it, and then admire your creation.
Decoupage technique
Many craftsmen are interested in how to decorate a flower pot with paper. Ordinary table napkins can be a wonderful decorative material in the right hands.
Paint the surface of the pot with bright acrylic paint, then let it dry for several hours. During this time, we cut out one or more motifs that we like from napkins and separate the bottom layer from the drawing. It is very important to apply a dry cloth to a dry surface, otherwise the whole idea will be ruined.

PVA glue is recommended to be diluted with water in proportions of 1:1, and then apply the substance in a thin layer on the surface. The napkin will need to be slightly moved from the center to the edges so that folds and wrinkles do not form in the picture. Once the glue dries, cover the pot with clear varnish. The upper part can be additionally decorated with dry grass, raffia threads or sisal. It is interesting that for decoupage you can use not only napkins, but also any printing products. And also look nicelace or fabrics.
Sisal pot decoration
Sisal can also serve as an excellent material for decorating flower pots. The surface of the landing tank is pre-lubricated with building glue, after which sisal threads are laid in a circle in even lines. A pigtail woven from the same material can be a spicy highlight for your pot, the main thing is to attach it well to the bottom layer so that it does not fall.
Rustic pot design
For a long time I have been interested in the question of how to decorate a plastic flower pot so that it looks as unusual as possible? Modest flowers, reminiscent of meadow or field, will look perfect in a "house" decorated with twigs. For this unusual, but very simple decor, even and thin branches with a beautiful texture are best suited. We will also need some burlap, twine and a wide pot (can be replaced with a jar with even sides).

The branches must be cut so that their length is just above the pot. We tie the material with twine. Then we wrap the pot with burlap, fixing the ends with hot glue or sewing them together with a strong thread. From above we impose connected branches, connecting the ends of the twine with bows.
Antique decoration
How can you decorate a flower pot to give it the effect of time damage? A few simple manipulations will turn the simplest clay pot into a real rarity.
To startdegrease the surface of the pot with any liquid that contains alcohol, after which we carefully process it with sandpaper (grain size of at least 70). We apply a layer of moisture-resistant putty with careless strokes and let the containers dry a little in the sun.

A marsh-colored paint is applied over the putty. As soon as it dries, use sandpaper with a grit of 100 to overwrite those places where the putty lay too thick. Now the container for planting will look like it was found during excavations in ancient Greece.
Grill decoration
How to decorate an outdoor flower pot without spending too much? To do this, you can use corn grits - it will turn out cheap and cheerful. Here are all the required components:
- varnish;
- sponge;
- napkins;
- wood stick;
- brush;
- acrylic paint;
- groats;
- glue;
- pot.

In order to give the surface the appearance of an unusual relief, we decorate it with paper and glue diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. We tear the napkin into several small pieces, after which we glue it to the surface with glue and a brush. The wand is great for creating small embossed folds. As soon as all the free space is glued in this way, leave the pot for a while.
After drying, an additional layer of glue is applied, on which thengrain spills out. It remains only to paint the cereal with a sponge and acrylic paint, and then cover the work of art with varnish.
Using polymer clay
Have you been wondering how to decorate flower pots in the country for a long time? To do this, you can use ordinary polymer clay or a mass of s alt dough. We give the plastic pot the desired shape, after which we paint the container in a bright color. In skillful hands, this material will turn even the most nondescript pot into an exquisite decorative element.

Buttons and yarn
Even if you have never used this technique in interior decoration before, you can master this task. All you need is to get enough buttons and construction glue. First, the adhesive substance is applied in a thin layer on the pot, after which it remains only to lay buttons of different colors and sizes on the surface in a beautiful mosaic.
If you are fond of knitting, then any yarn is also great for decorating containers. Most importantly, feel free to use bright colors, because this will make the pot look much more remarkable. Having planted your green pet in one of these containers, you will never again want to use the usual nondescript pots that are on store shelves.