Clematis Rhapsody is a landscape plant that is simply strewn with deep blue flowers. The flower belongs to the perennial, and also remarkably tolerates wintering. The article will talk about growing Clematis Rhapsody, planting and care.
General characteristics
Let's start with a brief description of Clematis Rhapsody. A miniature vine that is very densely dotted with flowers. The length of an adult plant is from one and a half to two meters. Rhapsody refers to one of the bluest representatives among clematis. The flowers are quite large - about 14 centimeters in volume. Flowering lasts until autumn.

It takes root well, it can "live" both in a flower bed and braid the corner of the house you need or the fence. According to reviews, Clematis Rhapsody is an extremely picky plant, light and easy to care for. For all these qualities, the liana is loved by gardeners.
More than three hundred subspecies of clematis are known. Their varietal diversity is very wide, so botanists divide all known species into three groups: morphological, pruning and peduncle size.
We know that our plant is classified as a large-flowered type, and also belongs to a herbaceous perennial (liana). But we still do not know which pruning group Clematis Rhapsody belongs to. First, let's look at what cropping is and what it is for.
Rhapsody needs a pruning procedure for intensive flowering and preventing overgrowth (an overgrown plant looks untidy and abandoned). In addition, if you refuse this procedure, the large-flowered Rhapsody will cease to be such (the flowers will inevitably become smaller and smaller).
Thorough pruning is done in the fall, after flowering. To prolong the flowering time in the spring, weakened and thinned processes are cut off. In the summer, about three secondary strong shoots are cut off, this helps to activate the growth of new ones and also increases the flowering period.

Rhapsody in the first year after planting develops as much as possible in length with a single stem. Therefore, this stem must be cut, leaving only two strong buds. Such pruning of the Rhapsody "forces" the root system to grow, respectively, new shoots appear.
Clematis Rhapsody belongs to the Patens group, and this group manifests itself in abundant flowering and requires heavy pruning. The bulk of the peduncles in this type of clematis is concentrated on the processes of the current year.
Therefore, it should be said that the third group of pruning Clematis Rhapsody requires strong pruning in the care. After that20 to 50 cm of shoots should remain.
Time to board
In order for Clematis Rhapsody to take root in the garden, you need to know certain planting features. In planting, the most significant role is played by the time of year, and this is what will be discussed further.
The best time for planting clematis and care in the open field is spring and autumn. It all depends on what seedlings you purchased. If they "sit" in specialized containers, then they can be planted at any time of the year, except for winter time.
If young plants were purchased after the first early frosts, it is recommended to abandon the care and planting of clematis in open ground. Postpone this event until the spring season.
Rhapsody seedlings and how to plant them
Clematis Rhapsody seedlings can be found on sale at the age of one year and older. One-year-old plants have one plus - this is the price per seedling. Naturally, such a plant is much cheaper than an older one.
The stem of young plants is too thin, and at first glance it may seem that it is dried up. It also happens that the sprout is only a root system with infrequent awakened buds.
Such sprouts of Rhapsody should be stored in a dark and cold place if planting does not take place in the near future. The temperature regime should be no more than five degrees with a plus sign. At the same time, the root system of the plant is sprinkled with wet sawdust and sand.

When storing Rhapsody sproutsit is necessary to pinch them, this is necessary in order to prevent the active growth of seedlings before planting in open ground. If you managed to plant seedlings before frost, then you need to remember that a young plant can withstand temperatures down to -6.
If the root system of Rhapsody has dried up, it should be soaked in cool water for two hours before planting. Dig a 60 x 60 x 60 cm flower bed and fill it with suitable soil. After that, place the seedling on the central part of the flower bed and gently spread the roots of the plant.
All elements of the seedling, including roots, root collar and stem, should be sprinkled with 5-10 cm of earth. In addition, you will have to make a surface groove for the best distribution of water during watering.
Climatic features
In order for Rhapsody to grow in lush color, it must be looked after and properly maintained. Accordingly, you need to know the conditions that are suitable for this creeper.
Clematis Rhapsody will grow well in a bright and warm place that is not too windy. The soil for Rhapsody should not be too heavy and viscous. It is better to give preference to looser soil through which water and air pass well. The acidity of the earth must be neutral.

Rhapsody does not tolerate excessive humidity, that is, during rains it would be better if water does not accumulate at the base of the plant. Plant a flower on an elevated point, since the root system of Rhapsody is about a meter and with a close location of stagnant waterroots can rot.
Care and maintenance
As previously mentioned, there is nothing complicated in caring for Rhapsody, consider the basic rules:
- Water. Abundant, one to three times a week, depending on the activity of the sun. Watering is best in the evening when the sun is at its least intense.
- Naturally, it is necessary to remove weeds and periodically loosen the soil.
- Supports must be installed in advance. The plant is tied up for neatness, thereby giving the direction of growth.

- Feeding starts from the second year of life. Produce it during the growing season and budding. Nitrogen-type fertilizers, superphosphates, as well as organic fertilizers are most suitable.
- It is important to cover for the winter. Especially fragile flowers. It is better to use waterproof materials for shelter. For example, ruberoid. This will help avoid chafing. Materials that rot should not be used. These include, for example, wood shavings.
There are many different ways to propagate Clematis Rhapsody. Here are the most common ones:
- Division of Rhapsody by roots. A plant about 6 years old is suitable for this. Later it will be more difficult. Dig up the roots and cut them so that you have several root systems with buds. Everyone, you can sit down.
- Reproduction by layering. In mid-autumn, remove all leaves and the withered part of the stem. The processes must be combined into a bundle and put into the grooves. Under processesand on top of them you will need to pour peat, then soil. Keep Rhapsody well watered next year, and fertilize when seedlings emerge. The plants will be ready for transplanting next year (by autumn).
As you can see from the article, Clematis Rhapsody is not only a beautiful plant with good decorative functions, but also quite easy to care for. Therefore, it is ideal for beginners and people who cannot afford to garden too often.

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