Modern solid houses (cottages) made of timber are so picturesque that they are more reminiscent of towers, descended from the pages of collections of Russian fairy tales. Their popularity is explained by the fact that they are not only comfortable for living, but also safe for he alth. Living in your own country house is not comparable to living in a city apartment, even if it is finished with expensive materials and located in a prestigious area. Therefore, today more and more citizens are trying to move to country houses in order to be closer to nature. After reading this article, you will learn about the main advantages and features of such buildings.

What should I pay special attention to when building a foundation?
When choosing a project for a country house, you should focus not only on your own wishes, but also on your financial capabilities. Atwhen discussing the future cottage, it is important to immediately voice all your suggestions and ideas. Those who have already considered all the proposed projects of houses and cottages from a bar and chose the one they like, you need to understand that the construction of any building begins with the arrangement of the foundation. Therefore, an appropriate soil analysis should first be carried out and the climate characteristics should be studied. In addition, when choosing the type of foundation, it is recommended to take into account the weight of the future building.
As a rule, log cottages are built on a universal pile foundation, which subsequently does not undergo intensive shrinkage. The construction of such a foundation involves the use of a hand drill, which allows you to expand the lower part of the well. The advantage of such a base is the presence of the so-called support heel for the pile, which saves concrete.
Also, when building a foundation for cottages from glued beams, it is recommended to analyze the volume of water contained at the bottom of the well. At the time of pouring concrete, it is better to pump out excess liquid.

Materials used for construction
Before you start building cottages from timber, you need to stock up on the necessary materials and tools in advance. For construction you will need:
- level;
- pins;
- rebar;
- roofing material;
- sand and cement;
- beam.

Technological features of wall construction
Building cottages from a bar, as a rule, usehigh quality materials. For the construction of external walls, a beam with a width of 14-16 cm is the best suited. When working in regions with severe winters, during which the thermometer drops below -30 degrees, the width of the beam used must be at least 18 cm. internal wooden partitions are quite enough 12-centimeter timber.
Dowels can be used in the process of assembling walls. When using grooved material to connect adjacent elements, a technology similar to that used for installing floorboards should be used. The strength and verticality of the walls is ensured through the use of vertical pins, the diameter of which should be about 3 mm and the length - 25 cm. Tow is most often used as a sealant.

The most important advantages of the finished project
Many people refuse to consider typical projects of log cottages, arguing that they are similar to each other. In fact, this is an erroneous opinion. Modern designers develop for each client individual projects of houses that best meet all his requirements. In addition, in the process of discussing a particular option, you can make certain changes.
Country cottages made of timber, made according to individual and standard projects, as much as possible comply with all generally accepted state standards. The customer who has chosen such a project receives a photocopy of the design license required by the engineeringtechnical documentation and architectural and construction drawings.

Advantages of glued timber houses
Wooden cottages, built from profiled glued beams, are quick to install. Immediately upon completion of the assembly of such houses, finishing work can begin in them. The walls of such buildings do not crack, rot or change their original geometric shape.
Cottages built from profiled glued beams belong to the second class of fire resistance. This environmentally friendly wood is virtually incombustible, maintains optimal humidity in the room, does not accumulate an electrostatic charge and perfectly retains heat.
Buildings made of glued laminated timber, characterized by increased mechanical strength, practically do not shrink and do not need the use of sealing materials. Wooden walls provide a natural microclimate, ideal even for those who are prone to allergic reactions.