When working with glass or a mirror, skill, precise dimensions of the manufactured structure and tools are required. One of these devices is a professional glass cutter. Thanks to it, you can accurately cut a glass sheet, while working with such a tool you can quickly without damaging this fragile material.
What do you need
Professional glass cutter is used to apply a smooth scratch on the glass, after which the material breaks, usually by hand. The tool is used in work with ceramics, for example, when laying tiles. Some models of glass cutters are able to cut material up to 2 cm, as well as embossed glass from a smooth surface.

Depending on the design features, material of manufacture and purpose, several types of tools can be distinguished.
Diamond glass cutter
Considered to be one of the best tools for its purpose. The working tip of the glass cutter is made ofdiamond crystal. Despite this, it is also capable of wearing out. Compared with other types, the diamond glass cutter has a number of advantages.

The tip itself can be curvilinear, set at the same axis as the tool or in the form of a pyramid, in which case it is at an angle of up to 25 degrees relative to the axis of the product.
The first one is more suitable for a beginner in the field of glass cutting, and the second one is quite suitable for a professional.
Over time, when the cutter wears out, it can be sharpened on a diamond-coated disc. And the diamond can be both natural and synthetic. In production, both manufacturing options are used. However, a professional glass cutter made of synthetic material is much cheaper. Natural has the advantage of being able to cut thicker material.
Pobedite glass cutter
The tip is made in the form of a roller from Pobedit. Outwardly, it is very similar to diamond, but it is hardly suitable for working with glass. When cutting, the refractory win will wear out quickly, leaving an uneven furrow. In this regard, it is rarely found even in domestic conditions. Best for single use.
Roller glass cutter
The most common tool in its field. Perfect value for money.

The cutting element is a roller. On the modern market, you can find 1, 3 or 6 rollers. That is, when one wears out, it is enough to unscrew the screw,designed to fix it, move the new roller to the work surface and continue working.
Professional glass cutters with 6 rollers are more durable, as they are able to work with a large amount of material without sharpening precisely due to the availability of spare parts.
Oil glass cutter
Full analogue of the previous type of tool. The main difference is the presence of a small container, the oil from which is periodically supplied to the cutting surface in an automated mode.

Lubrication can not only prolong tool life, but also improve the quality of cutting material due to the smooth movement of the cutting element.
Glass cutter-compass
The name itself speaks of its direct application - cutting out the right circles. The reference point of the circular mechanism is a suction cup capable of fixing the entire structure on the working material. A scale is attached to it, with the help of which the desired radius is set. A mechanism with a cutting tip is firmly fixed on the scale.

In another way, such a tool is called a professional glass cutter with a ruler.
Tips for choosing a tool
To choose the right professional glass cutter, you need to know exactly the scope of the planned work and the material to be cut.
For glass with a thickness of 10-20 mm, an oil tool is best. For thinner material, the choice is made in favor of a diamond or roller glass cutter. At the same time, for one-time work it will be enoughpurchase a roller tool, and for a large volume - a diamond tool.

Having decided on the cutting element, you should pay attention to the handle. It is best to opt for a wooden one, because the tool will not slip in it. If the handle is made of plastic, then the surface must be rough, otherwise the glass cutter will be difficult to hold in the palm of your hand.
In the modern market, when buying, the seller gives the opportunity to test the tool in operation, providing glass for trial cutting. You should pay attention to the sound, the glass cutter should not creak, the cutting element should hold tightly at the base, do not hang out, and the thinner the groove, the sharper the tool.
Special skills in working with a glass cutter are not required. The tool is completely safe and is not capable of injuring hands or other parts of the body. Before work, the material to be worked with should be cleaned of dirt and dried well.
The price of a glass cutter can range from 100 rubles to 2000. It all depends on the type of model, design, availability of additional rollers and material of manufacture.