Nowadays, it is quite easy to purchase a filter for any purpose. The question is different - they need to be changed quite often, and therefore, these are additional costs. So the question arises more and more often about how to make a carbon filter with your own hands.
What are

First you need to figure out what filters are. Surely every home has a jug with a replaceable cartridge for water purification. The main component in such cassettes is charcoal. Less commonly, they also use additional substances to soften the water or remove excess impurities. However, such filters are quite significantly different in price from conventional ones. In addition to water filters, there are air filters that should work to clean the air in the room. Most often they are installed in workshops with production, where toxic waste is possible. However, in our time in cities, these filters are also becoming a necessity.
Use of filters
What are the benefits of filters, you can talk for a long time. Their main function is cleaning. Whether it's water or air, or moonshine, filtershould, according to those who use it, remove everything harmful and leave only useful. In fact, removing absolutely everything and immediately will not work. As a result, you need to purchase devices with several stages of cleaning. So what do filters remove? Water mechanically remove dirt, pieces of rust from the water supply, improve taste and quality, and fight unpleasant odors, if any. Charcoal helps to fight some living organisms that can be harmful to he alth. As an excellent natural absorbent, it is able to retain many harmful bacteria, but not all. Do not rely only on the miraculous properties of charcoal. For example, he is not able to neutralize radiation, remove heavy metals or s alts. When using a moonshine filter, it should be borne in mind that not all fusel oils will be completely removed.
Buy or make a filter

So, the purchased filter requires regular replacement with a new one. This is due to the fact that dirt accumulates in the cassette over time, which will gradually seep into the filtered water and make it worse in quality than the one that comes from the water supply. Extra costs make you think about how to make a carbon filter with your own hands. If you have the skills to make any devices, then you can think about how to assemble some kind of design that will save the family budget and not harm your he alth. However, it is worth calculating how economical it will be.
What will come in handy

In order to make a carbon filter with your own hands, you will need a container that is not a pity to donate for a good cause (for example, a five-liter plastic flask), oddly enough, small gravel, river sand, charcoal, and also gauze, cotton wool and lutrasil. Some craftsmen persistently suggest replacing cotton wool and gauze with synthetic material, for example, synthetic winterizer. This is due to the fact that synthetics are more durable, but at the same time its filtering qualities are no worse than those of natural materials. In addition, a clerical knife, a drill with a thin drill, sandpaper to clean up bumps will come in handy.
Clean water for he alth

When starting to make a simple water filter, you need to remember that it also has its drawbacks. Inexpensive materials will also have to be changed, and quite often. In addition, incorrect assembly of this design can lead to poor water quality. And this will negate all the efforts made. If you still dare to make a carbon water filter with your own hands, you need to start with a lid. In it you need to make several holes of small diameter with a drill. Clean up imperfections. Then you need to cut off the bottom of the bottle. Next, gauze, cotton wool or synthetic winterizer is placed on the lid inside the bottle. You can do everything at once, but this will not greatly affect the quality of the water, but it can retain water inside the filter.
It is desirable to separate the next layer from the previous one with an additional barrier. Some use a coffee filter. Otherthey suggest cutting a circle of plastic of such a diameter that it covers the previous layer, and making many small holes in it. Having smoothed out the bumps on the homemade grid, you need to lay the coal. It can be activated charcoal from a pharmacy or self-made from birch wood. Such coal will definitely cope with its task and will not add unpleasant odors and harmful resins to the water. It is desirable to separate the next layer from coal again, as it will be sand. Ordinary sand can mix with coal and completely clog the filter, so it is advisable to use quartz. Next, gravel or zeolite is laid. From above, for the most rough and primitive cleaning, a cotton cloth is sometimes used. However, experts strongly recommend replacing fabric made from natural fibers with lutrasil. The first filtered water must be drained, as it is not suitable for consumption.
This filter is able to purify a small amount of water. Its main disadvantage is the speed of cleaning. And it will not work for a long time to use this filter - it gets dirty too quickly.
Down with smell and smoke
The next item that often worries city dwellers is air purification. Finding such a device in the free market is still very difficult. So again you have to think about how to make a carbon air filter with your own hands. If it is available, for example, in the hood, then you need to see if it is disposable or reusable. If reusable, then it will be enough to open it, remove the used coal, rinse thoroughly, dry and fill in a new one.filler. If it is disposable, you will have to buy a new one or assemble a carbon filter for the hood with your own hands.
All components are assembled again. This can be a standard housing for the hood, into which a structure of two mosquito nets interconnected is inserted with activated carbon filled between them, abraded to the state of granules or powder, depending on the density of the net. Some suggest using sieves with metal meshes of various diameters. Pour coal into a sieve of a larger diameter, press it with the bottom of a sieve of a smaller diameter and fix it well with a sealant. And install this design in the hood housing. The peculiarity of such a filter is that the density of its absorbent will have to be adjusted according to the power of the exhaust fan. Since a layer that is too thick and dense may not allow enough air to pass through, and a thin and rare layer will not cope with its cleaning functions.
How to make a carbon filter for ventilation with your own hands can be guided by the following instructions. For its manufacture, two pipes of different diameters, plugs, mesh, agrofibre and coal are used. Holes are drilled in pipes. Then each is wrapped with mesh and agrofibre. The inner pipe is installed exactly in the center of the plug and secured with glue or other means. A larger pipe is installed later and also fixed. Between them coal is poured. It remains only to put another plug on top. The filter is ready.
Clean as a tear

How to get around inthis topic filtering the Russian folk drink? You can make a carbon filter for cleaning moonshine with your own hands by analogy with a water fixture. It has the same working principle. Moonshine is poured into an inverted bottle with absorbents in it and passively decanted into a prepared container. However, sand and gravel will have to be removed in this case.

To clean moonshine, experts recommend buying special coal. It is made from birch wood or coconut by pyrolysis and is able to retain a large amount of fusel oils. However, when assembling a carbon filter for moonshine with your own hands, you need to take into account that plastic in this situation plays the role of an oxidizing agent. It is better to use a glass container or a stainless steel flask for this purpose. Better yet, buy a ready-made filter. In terms of costs, it is not much different from homemade. But much less hassle with collecting the right materials.
Protecting home appliances

Making a carbon filter with your own hands is quite simple. If you need to filter some water for drinking or a little more in reserve, then it seems real. But it is not yet possible to protect home appliances with the help of homemade filters. For such scales, stronger materials are needed. A plastic bottle will definitely not work, as well as a PVC pipe. In this situation, you will have to rely on specialists who have developed and manufactured functional structures that can protect home appliances from dirt in the water.

So, making a carbon filter with your own hands is not difficult. Anyone can handle this. However, this method should be used as a last resort, as such devices, made at home by inept craftsmen, can do more harm than help in water purification. The desire to save money and save the family budget can lead to more tangible costs in case of possible poisoning of water passed through such filters.