Anthurium leaf propagation at home

Anthurium leaf propagation at home
Anthurium leaf propagation at home

Many flower growers try to breed an exotic South American anthurium plant in their home. This decorative and unpretentious flower is not so difficult to propagate at home. Reproduction of anthurium by leaf, cuttings and seeds, we propose to study in our article. Any interior will be decorated with several pots of anthurium, which have beautiful glossy leaves and showy flowers.

anthurium in water
anthurium in water

Anthurium basics

One of the most beautiful and elegant flowers is Anthurium. Reproduction at home by leaf and from the seeds of this handsome man is of interest to many readers. When mentioned, the plants immediately represent red or white waxy flowers that stay in the water for a long time. Anthurium also pleases its owners with shiny bright green leaves. Yes, indeed, the plant blooms very beautifully, but there are non-flowering varieties that delight the eye with velvety leaves with unusually embossed patterns. That's why you don'tit will prevent you from learning about the propagation of anthurium by a leaf at home. This breeding method does not require a wild growth of the bush.

The plant is characterized by wide arrow-shaped and velvety leaves in the shape of a heart. In tropical conditions, the size of a handsome man can reach up to half a meter. The height of the bush can grow up to one meter. A bunch of leaves resembles a magnificent hat, over which large inflorescences in the form of cobs flaunt. The shape and shade of flowers may differ in different types of anthurium. The inflorescence can be straight, spiral-curved, spherical and even club-shaped.

white anthurium
white anthurium

Vegetative propagation

Before you learn about the propagation of anthurium by a leaf, the maintenance and care of a flower, we propose to study the method of dividing an overgrown bush. It is used by those flower growers who want to simply and quickly get young specimens of the plant. This event is similar to the annual spring flower transplant. So, how to divide the anthurium by division?

In this case, the main thing is caution. Be aware of brittle and fragile anthurium leaves. Do not grab the knife right away, divide the bush with your hands. Do not forget that each division should have a viable growing point and a few leaves. If you comply with such conditions, then young bushes will quickly take root and begin to grow. The division of the bush makes it possible for the plant to bloom already in the first or second year of cultivation.


Reproduction by lateral processes

In addition to propagating anthurium with leaves, cuttings, seeds at home, there is a method of breedingoffspring. In an adult well-developed plant, many lateral processes form over time. They are great for breeding. It is best to separate the offspring during the transplant procedure. So you do not injure the roots of the flower once again. Hold a similar event according to the following plan:

  1. Remove the root system from the pot along with a clod of earth.
  2. Carefully separate young shoots with small pieces of root from the main plant.
  3. Put the bush back into the pot, fill the voids with enough soil.
  4. Plant young shoots with roots in small containers, water and care for them.

You can put young seedlings in a small greenhouse. Make sure they are not exposed to direct sunlight. You can cover the space in front of them with plain white paper. Ventilate the greenhouse from time to time, spray the leaves with warm settled water. In a month or two, the offspring will take on quite powerful roots. Then you can plant them in the main pots.

anthurium leaf propagation
anthurium leaf propagation

Cultivation of anthurium cuttings

Cuttings are a great way to propagate Anthurium. The cuttings are the top parts of the stems. In room conditions, they quickly and easily take root. Just follow the following rules:

  • Only take cuttings from he althy bushes.
  • Note the presence of growing points on each cutting.
  • Cut branches with a maximum length of 2-3 internodes.
  • After you make the cut, givelet the planting material dry a little, 15 minutes.

During the drying time, the lower cut will be covered with a film that will protect the sprouts from rotting. Further, each grower himself chooses the method of rooting the cuttings. Here are some tips:

  • Place them in the water. Take cooled boiled water, pour it into a small container and put the cuttings there. Lower a piece of charcoal to the bottom. Refill as the water evaporates. As soon as new roots appear, plant the sprouts in the ground.
  • Root in the substrate. To do this, use a mixture of sand, peat and perlite. Take all components in equal proportions. Deepen the cuttings into the ground by 5 cm. Cover the planting material with a glass jar or a translucent bag. Rooting will take 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Use the moss. It is an excellent rooting tool. Take plastic cups, fill them with wet moss and dip the cuttings into it. You can do the same in plastic bags. Be sure to moisten the moss regularly. Determine the planting material in a warm and bright place.

Here are some simple ways to propagate decorative anthurium.

germination of anthurium
germination of anthurium

Step-by-step instructions for propagating anthurium with a leaf

An effective rooting procedure for leaves is possible only when they are cut with a petiole. Such reproduction is suitable for leathery, thick-veined anthurium, Andre, Scherzer and some other species. Consider the step-by-step propagation of anthurium by a leaf:

  • Cutleaf with the upper part of the petiole.
  • Twist it into a tube, fix this position with a thread or an elastic band.
  • Dip part of the petiole into the peat mixture two-thirds.
  • Pour plenty of water over the leaf and cover with a plastic transparent glass.
  • Regularly moisten the soil in the cups and don't forget to cover the top.

Root in a dark and warm place. Air the landing daily and spray it. After three or four weeks, a sprout will hatch on the surface, then another and another. Now you can cut off the old leaf and transplant the young bush into a permanent pot.


Sowing seedlings

The most difficult way to propagate Anthurium is to sow seeds. If you decide on it, then get ready for a difficult and lengthy process. Fans of indoor plants will find it interesting and informative. Anthurium seeds are sold by collectors and distributed by specialized shops for flower growers. When you buy planting material, pay attention to the date of packaging. The fact is that after 3-4 months the seeds may lose their germination capacity.

If you can't get quality material, you can try pollinating your own plant. When the anthurium begins to bloom, collect pollen from the cob. Wrap it in a paper bag and place it in the refrigerator. After the blooming of another flower with a brush, carefully transfer the pollen to its cob. Repeat this procedure for 5 days.

You can also use the self-pollination of the flower. After a week-two openings of the bud, run your hand down the cob, and then up. When the seeds are ripe, collect them and dry them. It is better to sow them immediately after harvest. They will go up pretty quickly. Within a week, the first sprouts may appear on the surface of the soil. Do not forget to water young shoots on time. With the advent of the third true leaf, pick the seedlings, transplant each outlet into a separate cup. Plant seedlings in the same substrate as for an adult anthurium. If you follow all the recommendations for propagating anthurium seeds, you will achieve a positive result.

growing anthurium from seeds
growing anthurium from seeds

Lighting Requirements

We have already considered the propagation of anthurium by leaf and seeds at home, now we turn to the care of young plants. Let's start with lighting. Anthurium likes a bright room with diffused light. But in no case do not place it under open sunlight. The plant also tolerates shade well, but only there it will not bloom. Abundant flowering is guaranteed in good daylight, and in winter with additional lighting.

Temperature conditions

It is important for a beginner grower to know about the propagation of anthurium at home with a leaf and cuttings. Flower care is equally important. The handsome anthurium is suitable for room temperature. The natural environment of this plant is the tropical zone. The optimum temperature for it is + 20-25 ° С. In winter, it is enough to warm the room up to + 18 ° С. Do not place plants near hot radiators. Causedeath and disease of the flower can become unwanted temperature changes and drafts.

growing anthurium
growing anthurium


In nature, anthurium grows in tropical forests, so it is important to create an appropriate microclimate for it. It cannot grow and bloom in a dry room. You will need a humidifier or other proven methods. You can adapt a tray with wet expanded clay for this procedure. Moisture from it will evaporate, but will not fall into the pot. The plant will feel comfortable if you regularly spray the air around it. Just try not to get on the leaves, otherwise it will lead to limescale on them. The flower then becomes unattractive.

Water the plants

Anthurium loves water very much. Sometimes it can stay in water without soil for a long time. You need to water the flower abundantly. Stick to the golden mean: excessive or overdried soil can harm the plant. Check the drip tray regularly to make sure there is no excess water left in it.

Irrigate as soon as you notice the drying of the topsoil. If the room is very hot, then increase irrigation, and at low temperatures - reduce. For the summer period, two waterings per week are enough. In winter, do it once. Use warm soft (rain or settled) water for irrigation. Don't use lime water as anthuriums love acidic substrates.

reproduction of anthurium leaves
reproduction of anthurium leaves

Selection of fertilizers

At active stagevegetation, anthurium bushes need top dressing. It is enough to apply nutritional compositions twice a month. Buy fertilizer for indoor decorative leafy plants in a specialized store. In summer, give preference to special fertilizers for decorative flowering crops. This will help the anthurium (also called the flamingo flower and male happiness) to delight abundantly and for a long time with beautiful buds.

By the appearance of the bush, you can determine which microelement the plant lacks. If it lacks nitrogen, then the leaves turn yellow. Then they dry up and fall off. The buds are small, and the shoots stop growing. Often the bushes have to rejuvenate. Here you will need knowledge about the reproduction of anthurium with the help of leaves at home.

Plant diseases

You will not hurt to know one feature of anthurium: an adult plant begins to shed its lower leaves, they die off. Because of this, the flower loses its attractiveness. That's why you need to know several ways to rejuvenate him.

Anthuriums at home can suffer from chlorosis, stem rot, plant pox, anthracnose, leaf bronze virus, enacy, septoria, fusarium wilt.

Growth and flowering retardation is observed with a lack of phosphorus. Then the twisting of the leaves begins, they are covered with reddish-purple or brownish-purple spots. Acute phosphorus deficiency leads to the cessation of flowering.

If the anthurium lacks potassium, then brown spots form on the leaves. Only the leaves in the center remain green. Also, a lack of potassium leads tofungal diseases and pest damage.

Lack of magnesium causes leaves to turn pale and curl at the edges. Yellow coloration and spots of the same color indicate a lack of lighting. The affected leaves must be cut off, and the wounds should be sprinkled with an antiseptic, for which take charcoal, cinnamon powder or wood ash. If you are even a novice florist, then if you follow all our recommendations, you will be able to propagate and properly care for a beautiful anthurium flower.
