Anthurium is also called the flamingo flower. This plant is native to the tropical and subtropical forests of South America. The Anthurian genus includes about 900 species of various flowers. We have a popular indoor plant with red flowers and a yellow cob in the middle. With certain care, the flower of this family can bloom almost all year round. In principle, the plant is quite easy to care for and not capricious. But if a leaf turns yellow in a flower like anthurium, this is the first sign of improper care. During the period of growth and abundant flowering (usually from spring to autumn), the plant must be provided with sufficient watering and air humidity. You need to water the flower carefully, it is better to underfill a little than overfill. The fact is that with an excessive amount of water, the roots of the anthurium can quickly rot, which will subsequently lead to the death of the plant.

At the anthurium flower, the leaf turns yellow, as a rule, in case of insufficient air humidity. Therefore, the plant needs to provide such conditions as in native tropical forests. To do this, it is enough to spray the flower every day in hot weather, and in winter, place itaway from heat sources. Anthurium plants also turn yellow leaves at the wrong location, for example, near batteries or on window sills, where direct sunlight falls on it, which is simply unacceptable.
Naturally, like every plant, during the period of active growth, this flower requires additional feeding. It should be remembered that it is very sensitive to the increased content of lime and mineral s alts in the soil, so the most important thing is not to overdo it with fertilizers. If you notice that the leaf of the anthurium flower turns yellow, this may be due to improper fertilization.
Anthurium reproduces by dividing the bush. As a rule, transplantation and division is performed in the spring. When transplanting a plant, you need to take into account the fact that it has rather fragile roots. Therefore, the process should be carried out very carefully. This indoor flower can also be propagated by seeds, however, the process is rather laborious, but interesting. Seeds are obtained by artificial pollination, which is carried out with a brush, transferring pollen from one inflorescence to another. Pollination is carried out for several days in a row. After about 11 months (maybe a little earlier), bright berry-like fruits begin to form. Each of them contains seeds that should be removed, then washed, placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for about a couple of hours. Seeds lose their germination very quickly, so they need to be planted as soon as possible. Sowing is carried out on wet paper or foam rubber, which are then placed in shallow containers and covered with glass or covered with a film. After germinationplants dive into separate small pots. Anthurium grown from seeds will flower in about 4 years.

Why do anthurium leaves turn yellow, what is the reason?So, the most common cause of this problem is insufficient moisture and watering. Why else can the leaves of such a plant as an indoor flower anthurium lose their color? The leaves turn yellow, it happens, and because they get burns due to direct sunlight. If yellowness appears in winter, then this, on the contrary, indicates insufficient lighting.