Room for two children: interesting ideas, good examples with photos and design tips

Room for two children: interesting ideas, good examples with photos and design tips
Room for two children: interesting ideas, good examples with photos and design tips

A room for two children should be safe, practical and multifunctional. Parents need to make every effort to create a comfortable, cozy environment that allows them to provide all the conditions for the normal development of babies. That is why adults should involve children in design development, listen to their wishes, and make their fantasies and dreams come true. Experienced specialists assure that even in a small area you can create a real fairy tale. You just need to approach this issue correctly.

Choosing a room for a children's room

It is important to make sure that the children's room for two children is as comfortable as possible, because the kids will spend most of their time in it. To choose it, you should prefer the largest room, which is located away from the kitchen and living room. Toddlers don'tshould be distracted by extraneous sounds that occur when visiting guests. And also, it is not advisable for them to constantly breathe in the smells that appear during cooking. Children's room should always be well ventilated.

An excellent option are rooms that have many niches, recesses and other non-standard layouts. These details will help to zone the space as efficiently as possible. Some of the most impractical are rooms with cut corners.

An excellent solution would be to arrange a children's room in a room with windows facing the west or east side (double-sided arrangement is also a priority). The lighting of such a room will be uniform during daylight hours, you will not have to use additional electricity.


The choice of design for a children's room for two children is of great importance. Parents need to carefully think through everything to the smallest detail, create comfortable conditions in the room and not infringe on the interests of each child. First of all, it is necessary to plan sleeping places, a play and study area, and reasonably divide the space. The layout and design is left to the discretion of the kids. If their interests are the same, you can equip the room in the same color and style. When disagreements arise, in no case should the tastes and preferences of children be ignored. The combination of two themes and colors looks no less attractive than a single concept.

Children's room for two children
Children's room for two children

Zoning options

Children's room for two childrenneeds proper zoning. This must be done not only for babies of different sexes. Practice shows that even the most friendly morally inseparable children should have their own space (for example, local lighting). Therefore, it is worthwhile to competently approach the issue of distribution of the area, which will help experienced designers. They share the following practical tips:

  • Sliding designs. They are made of wood, plastic, glass (it is necessary that it be super strong), drywall. The mechanism of these partitions is created according to the type of compartment (sliding forward). Combined designs with stained glass inserts or metal elements look very impressive.
  • Furniture. An excellent solution for zoning, in which the area is divided using cabinets, whatnots, shelving, tables, island bedside tables, etc.
  • Photo wallpaper. With the help of a thematic image, you can highlight your favorite space for a girl (Barbie rooms, princesses, animals, etc.) and a boy (cars, robots, knights, etc.);
  • Colors. The design of a room for two children can be done in an original way by painting the zones of the boy and the girl in different colors (pink, yellow and orange shades are suitable for girls, blue, green and blue colors are suitable for a boy). An excellent solution would be to combine the two halves of the room with a third shade that will harmoniously fit into the overall range.
  • Screens and curtains. This is a mobile and original way of zoning space. They are easily removed as needed, do not requirecomplex designs and save space.
  • Gypsum board partition. One of the most optimal solutions, since this method allows you to practically create two spaces independent of each other, where each child will feel confident. The photo of a children's room for two children, presented below, clearly demonstrates the benefits of such zoning.
Partition in the nursery
Partition in the nursery


First of all, it should be recalled that the choice of materials must be approached with the utmost responsibility. It is necessary to give preference to environmentally friendly and practical raw materials. The walls should be smooth, pleasant to the touch (without a relief structure). It is important to equip a room for kids in such a way as to prevent the creation of a greenhouse effect. There are the following wall decoration options in a room for two children:

  • Paper wallpapers. This is the most profitable budget option, since such a coating perfectly passes air. If necessary, the wallpaper can be easily replaced.
  • Finishing material for painting. A great option to keep the room clean all the time (walls get covered with a darker layer of paint as they get dirty).
  • Washable wallpaper. Preferring this type of finish, you should pay attention to the environmental friendliness of this product (the coating should not be toxic).
  • Water based paint. It is also a budget-friendly and very worthy option, since the paint is odorless, safe and opens up endless possibilities for creativity.


In the design of a children's room for two children, flooring is of no small importance. In addition to beauty and environmental friendliness, floors should be chosen as comfortable as possible. You should pay attention to the fact that they are warm, pleasant for the feet and not slippery. Among the materials, it is recommended to choose the following options:

  • Different types of wood (parquet, board, etc.). This is a wonderful environmentally friendly and warm material. Its disadvantages include: low moisture resistance, sensitivity to mechanical damage and high cost.
  • Cork. Pleasant to the touch, easy to clean and environmentally friendly flooring that does not cause allergies. Among the minuses is the lack of resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Laminate. For a children's room, you should choose a high-class material, since it is not afraid of moisture and is quite durable. Unpleasant aspects are the cold surface and the high cost. The first drawback can be eradicated by underfloor heating, the second must be put up with (expensive laminate will last much longer than other materials).
  • Marmoleum. This is a type of linoleum, the basis of which is natural cork or jute. This material has no drawbacks, except for the high cost.
Interior of a room for two children
Interior of a room for two children


Without a beautifully designed ceiling, the interior of a room for two children will look unfinished. Here it is necessary to look at the height of the room, because the visual perception of the entire space depends on it. If athis parameter does not exceed two and a half meters, there is a reason to choose an easier design method. It can be whitewash or water-based paint. Preference should be given to white (and all its shades) cream and sand colors. The main thing is that they be light, because the dark ceiling makes the room lower and smaller, and also negatively affects the nervous system.

In high rooms, suspended and tension structures can be used. When choosing such a ceiling, it is necessary to prefer high quality material, since low-grade samples are toxic and harmful to the child's body. Among the design solutions you can find the following options:

  • Imitation of the night sky and space (you can also use wallpaper with glowing stars, attach models of the Moon and planets to the ceiling).
  • Model of the blue sky with clouds (the lamp can be made in the form of the sun);
  • Flower outline (made of drywall, illuminated with LED bulbs).

Sleep zone

One of the most important values is the sleeping area, especially when it comes to a room for two children of different sexes. Kids should fully rest, without experiencing the slightest discomfort. It is desirable that this area be as suitable as possible for relaxing the child, so calm, unobtrusive colors are suitable for it. Each child should have their own bed, which can be arranged as follows:

  • Parallel. Excellent bed placement in a square or rectangular (wide) room when sleepingseats are on different sides.
  • Along one wall. This arrangement is suitable for a rectangular long room. The beds are placed in a “trailer”, partitions, bedside tables, racks, etc. are installed between them.
  • In different corners of the nursery. This is an excellent room design for two children of different sexes or children of different ages. Such an arrangement of beds and skillful zoning will help each of them become the master of their own personal corner.
  • With combined backs. One kid will not fall into the field of view of the other, while they will be able to enjoy secrets before bedtime.
  • Perpendicular. This layout is suitable for a square room. A photo of a room for two children with beds placed at an angle can be seen below.
Girls room
Girls room

Study area

Each of the kids should have their own workplace where they can draw, sculpt from plasticine, read, do their homework. This will help you tune in to the tasks and feel responsible for the order in the area of \u200b\u200bpersonal space. Parents should think about how to properly place a table, chair, shelves or drawers for functional supplies. An important factor is lighting, each kid should have his own table lamp or lamp. Options for arranging the study area are as follows:

  • One big table with little ones on the sides. It would be a good idea to put it near a window, where the light is usually distributed evenly over the entire surface.
  • Tableslocated in different parts of the nursery. This room layout for two children is most convenient if the room has a large area and two windows. Each child will have their own independent space and the opportunity to focus on classes without the distraction of looking at a brother or sister.
  • Two tables located close to each other can also be located near one large window. If it is not possible to place them in this way, it is necessary to pay more attention to a workplace remote from natural light and supplement it with electric lighting.

In order to create a comfortable design, especially when it comes to a small room for two children, it is necessary to use transformer-type furniture designs. These include:

  • A folding table that folds into a book or expands as needed.
  • Retractable structures (or one large table) from window sills, cabinets, shelving or other furniture.

You can equip the study area with your own hands. If there is a wide window sill, it would be nice to increase it and make a large comfortable table for the kids.

Play area

It is essential for toddlers to have space to play. This makes it possible to fully develop and get used to the order from childhood. So that nothing interferes with them during the game, it is necessary to free the playing area by placing furniture for sleeping and studying along the walls. Important aspects for spending leisure time for kids are:

  • Toy storage sections (baskets, drawers, cabinets, shelves).
  • A seat in the form of a small sofa, soft corner, pouffes or chairs.
  • Small tables or desks.
  • Soft carpet or similar (or underfloor heating).
Photo of children's rooms for two children
Photo of children's rooms for two children

Girls Room Design

A room for two children of the fair sex should be special, in which both housewives have their own tastes and preferences, but they are united by femininity. That is why it is worth choosing the softest and most delicate colors. The characteristic of shades is as follows:

  • Red. Encourages activity, but causes irritation, therefore it is recommended for use as decorative elements.
  • Pink. The most common color for girls as it is delicate, feminine and romantic.
  • Yellow. This is the color of the sun, which increases intellectual abilities and ingenuity, sets you up for positive.
  • Orange. Stimulates activity, invigorates, uplifts mood. It is recommended to use it in the room of too calm and timid girls.
  • Light green. These shades calm the nervous system, so they are recommended for hyperactive babies.
  • Blue. It is the color of freshness, sky and clear water. It has a positive effect on the girl's emotions, sets up a romantic wave.

Designers advise using a combination of colors, this will help create an aesthetic harmony of the room and diversify the development of children.

Boys Room Design

Boys room
Boys room

A room for two children of the stronger sex should provide a personal space for future men. The correct formation of their characters will depend on the environment in which the boys grow up. If we take into account the color scheme, then the following solutions should be preferred:

  • All shades of blue contribute to the formation of willpower and spirit. Boys will become more determined and courageous.
  • Shades of green will help calm the nervous system, so they are more suitable for restless boys.

The above solutions do not have to be basic, they can be used for accents or applied to specific areas. The best option would be to choose pastel colors, as well as white, gray and brown.

Twin Room Design

When twins are born at the same time, parents need to immediately decide how to share a room for two children. At the initial stage, this is not difficult to do, since kids of the same age have the same interests. Geminis often try to get more attention from their parents, so adults are encouraged to equip the room in a mirror image (with the same decor and furniture). As children grow older, it is necessary to take into account their interests and not deprive them of their individuality if there is a desire to add additional details to the interior.

The situation with twins looks similar. Same-sex children can make everything the same, heterosexual - arrange a room according to the preferences of the boy and girl. When the kidswill grow up, it is imperative to equip them with a separate territory, so that everyone can, without hesitation, change clothes and have the opportunity to fully relax.

Room design for different age periods and gender

Room for two children
Room for two children

A room for two children of different ages and genders requires a careful design approach. Attention should be paid to the personal space of each child so that they feel equally comfortable and do not interfere with each other. In this case, cardinal zoning of the room, especially the bed, is necessary. A toddler of preschool or primary school age needs a good night's sleep, and a second small child may disturb him with his crying at night. Equally important is the presence of a play and learning area, and it is very difficult to combine the conditions for solving the interests of each of the children.

The greater the age difference, the more separate should be the personal corner of the brother and sister. If the difference is too large, it is recommended to find different rooms for children. In the absence of such an opportunity, it is worth using a stationary plasterboard partition, which will allow each child to equip the area to their liking.

In the design of a part of the girl's room, you can use the style of a princess, Barbie doll, Cinderella, fairy land, romance or original prints (flowers, polka dots, etc.). For a boy, it is recommended to arrange a corner of a motorist, a football player (or other athlete), a knight, a sailor, to make part of the room in the form of a constructor"Lego" or tent city. These fantasies need to be coordinated with children, who always know exactly what they dream about. It remains only for adults to help make all these dreams come true.
