The smell of burning is unpleasant for every person. It impregnates all things, brings discomfort and harms the body. Means and all kinds of aromatic fragrances can only temporarily eliminate unwanted odors. If the smell is not very sharp, then you can simply ventilate the room, but after a fire this method will not help. In this case, you need to use more efficient methods. Since no one is immune from such troubles, it would be good for every housewife to know how to get rid of the smell of burning in the apartment.

Possible causes
One of the main causes of the smell of burning is fire. In today's apartments there are a large number of household appliances, which often leads to an overload of the electrical network. This becomes a source of unpleasant odor. Also, often such a problem appears in the kitchen, where something burns periodically,smokes, spreading a long-lasting smell of burning everywhere.
Initial actions
The first step is to find the source and eliminate the cause of smoke, for example, turn off the iron, oven, remove the frying pan, turn off electrical appliances.
Next, they begin to ventilate the room. It is advisable to arrange a draft by opening all the windows and the front door. The source of the odor must be isolated. Charred dishes and food leftovers emit a strong odor throughout the room, so it is recommended to dispose of them by throwing them in the trash outside.

It must be borne in mind that a draft in such a situation is simply necessary. Because if you do not immediately begin to ventilate the room, then the burning will instantly begin to eat into bedspreads, curtains, furniture, wallpaper.
In some cases, it is not enough to change the air in housing. If the question arose of how to remove the smell of burning in an apartment, then you can really reduce its concentration using:
- coffee;
- peel of oranges or other citrus fruits;
- various herbs with pleasant aroma;
- essential oils and candles with additives;
- special chemicals.
Fragrance substances can only kill the burnt smell, but they are not able to completely remove it from the room.
Helps make the air cleaner and fresher Included:
- hood;
- air conditioner;
- ordinary fan.
Hanging up wet sheets, towels and variousrags. You can turn on hot water, which, when evaporated, saturates the air with moisture, absorbing fumes. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to use various methods to remove a pungent odor several times. The stronger the fire, the more effort is required to restore the apartment.
General cleaning
By doing general cleaning, it is quite possible to get rid of the unpleasant smell of burning. It's not just putting things in order - household items need to arrange a sanitary day. A special solution is used here, it is made by mixing:
- 5 liters of water;
- 1 tbsp l. 9% vinegar;
- 1 tsp ammonia.

The whole apartment is washed with this solution, including windows, floor and ceiling. Especially carefully treat the place of ignition. All textile items are washed or dry-cleaned. Some housewives, through personal experiments, have found effective ways for themselves on how to remove the smell of burning in an apartment, they recommend using products that are effective in this regard.
Vinegar and natural coffee
You can use ordinary table vinegar, which is a product that neutralizes and breaks down the smell. This solution will almost completely absorb traces of fumes from an unpleasant odor. To do this, pour 3 liters of water into a large saucepan, and while it is cold, add 1 liter of vinegar. Put everything on fire. After boiling, reduce and leave on the stove for 1.5 hours. It is advisable not to be in the room at this time. After that, the apartmentventilate.

To eliminate the smell of burning in the apartment, you can use unpeeled coffee beans. This natural product belongs to a very effective deodorant. You should not expect results from instant coffee. Pour ground coffee or whole grains into saucers and arrange them in rooms. It will take 10-12 hours to remove the smell when using whole grains, 2-3 hours for ground product.
Spicy aromas and pine needles
Helps to neutralize the unpleasant burnt smell, homemade air freshener from such herbs as cinnamon and cloves helps to neutralize. The prepared broth is poured into a spray bottle, spraying it in the room every 30 minutes. You can also soak kitchen towels in this fragrant liquid, which you can then hang around the room wherever possible.

Pine needles are one of the good folk remedies that can give the atmosphere freshness. A large branch of the plant must be divided into small ones, immersed in small vessels with water and placed around the apartment. They can be replaced with essential oils: spruce or pine.
S alt and zest
S alt crystals perfectly absorb odors. In large rooms, containers with ready-made brine are placed, in small rooms you can put saucers with small grains poured into them. The solution is prepared as follows. In a liter of warm water dissolve 10 tbsp. l. s alt. The container with the solution is left overnight in the affected room.
Good helpfight the smell of burning various citrus fruits. Fresh fruit peels should be grated on a fine grater, then heated in a frying pan and put on saucers. Arrange them in different parts of the room.
If the zest is dry, then it needs to be crushed, put in a pot of water. Bring everything to a boil, then reduce the fire and simmer for 15-30 minutes. The strong aroma of dry burnt citrus fruit peels will help kill the burn.

Ammonia and soda
The smell of burning can be eliminated by using ammonia, which acts as an adsorbent. It is necessary to apply a few drops to the starch and place in different parts of the room. With a slight smoke, instead of starch, you can take soda, on which a few drops of ammonia are applied. The resulting gruel should be put on small plates or newspapers and placed in different corners of the room. This method is ineffective after a large fire.
Also, baking soda can be poured into several containers. Performing wet cleaning, place them on the floor. This product will gradually moisturize while absorbing bad smell.
Effective Purchasing Tools
To facilitate the removal of the smell of burning in the room, you can use ready-made production tools, for example, "Odargon" or "Smeloff". They can clean surfaces, as well as neutralize unpleasant odors. Popular store products are liquid and aerosol. In such situations, you can use several at the same time.
The advantage of liquid formulations is that they are designed for mechanical cleaning. After a fire, it is very important to clean the room. For these cases, various detergents are used that are able to eliminate persistent odors from wallpaper, walls, and furniture. Many of the liquid products must be diluted with water. They are applied with great care so as not to harm the hands, and also not to cause the treated surfaces to lose color.

Remove the smell of burning will help aerosols, which are used after a complete and thorough cleaning has been completed. These compounds act at the molecular level. They do not hide, but absorb the smell, similarly to soap, removing it from the material. Aerosols should be handled with care. After processing the items, you need to leave the apartment for a few days. Inhaling poisonous vapors from aerosols is harmful and dangerous.
Textiles and wood quickly absorb the burnt smell, so you need to start cleaning the room immediately. Knowing how to get rid of the smell of burning, you can return the living space to its original appearance. It will take several weeks to restore an apartment after a fire, and small smoke is easily eliminated with the help of airing, as well as various procedures using aromatic compounds and herbs.
Thus, you can use different methods that will help you quickly, safely and effectively eliminate bad smell. The procedures are carried out using affordable folk remedies that are in every home.