Polishing machine - a device designed for polishing various parts, things from any material: car body, worn DVD disc, headlights, metal products, etc.

Polishing machines are expensive (from 9,000 to 20,000 rubles) and cheap (1,000-2,000 rubles). Before buying a tool, you should decide what load it will receive. Even with the purchase of the most expensive polishing machine, there is no guarantee that it will be flawless and meet all your requirements.
For the brand itself, you will have to pay about 10 percent of the cost of the car. If we talk about cheap devices, then here, as they say, how lucky. Even among cheap goods, you can find a reliable, worthwhile tool that may last longer than a branded one. If you are an amateur and you need a polishing machine for one-time use, then you should definitely abandon this idea, in this case, it is better to contact the service department, which will cost you much less. If you are a professional and work in a service center, thenyou'll be fine with a mid-priced car.
The specified products have proven themselves quite well in the process. They do not cause much trouble to the owner, easy to operate. The Interskol polishing machine can also be used for cleaning and final decoration of various parts and surfaces: plastic, metal, glass, wood.

In addition to all this, the polishing tool is used for processing paintwork materials, as well as dry grinding of stone. A polishing machine of a modern design is safe and comfortable to use, has a minimum level of vibration and noise. This tool allows you to perform huge amounts of work.
Grinding and polishing machine: technical aspects of the device
Due to the presence of a speed controller in the device, if necessary, you can increase or decrease the speed when polishing the surface. An important point in the design of the polishing machine is the presence of a power compensator that keeps the speed you have chosen. The power compensator maintains the required speed even when in contact with the polished surface. Without this device, you run the risk of burning the dkm. The power stabilizer stabilizes the work of the polishing machine, when it is separated from the polished surface, the device will pick up speed by inertia, and this, as you know, is an undesirable process both for the polishing surface and for the machine itself.

Choosingpolishing machine, inspect it carefully, ask the seller to show you a few more for comparison. Check the integrity of the case, turn on the machine, listen to the sound of the working gear in the head, check whether it is convenient to hold the polishing machine for a long time with vibration. The mass of the tool plays a key role in the process of work, so choose it yourself, taking into account the capabilities and characteristics of your body. The most comfortable and ergonomic polisher is the one with the D-handle above the gearbox. There are models designed for polishing vertical surfaces and hard-to-reach places, there are also universal models for polishing any surface.