Fitting - what is it? Classification, instructions for selection and selection

Fitting - what is it? Classification, instructions for selection and selection
Fitting - what is it? Classification, instructions for selection and selection

When laying water supply and heating systems, fittings are necessarily used, which are presented today in a large assortment. They are used to connect at turning points, branches and transitions. These elements are indispensable when connecting pipes of different diameters. These nodes can be intended for polypropylene pipes or metal-plastic systems.

fitting what is
fitting what is

Classification of polypropylene fittings

If you need a fitting, what is this device, you must know. These elements allow systems to be laid over long distances, allowing transitions and turns to be provided. When it comes to polypropylene fittings, they can be classified according to their shape. Different types of such elements can form corners, among them should be highlighted:

  • clutch;
  • corner;
  • tee;
  • cross;
  • adapter;
  • "American";
  • collector;
  • bypass.

Pipelines are connected using fittings, their material must bethe same as the pipes themselves. If the system consists of fiberglass-reinforced mains, then other types of products cannot be used.

Polypropylene fittings reinforced with fiberglass may also be needed. An exception is the connection of polypropylene products with metal or other materials. In this case, you can use an American type threaded element.

threaded fittings
threaded fittings

Classified by location

PVC fittings can also be subdivided by location. In this regard, it is necessary to highlight the fittings:

  • Straight.
  • T-shaped.
  • Y-shaped.

Fittings can also be classified according to the type of connection, they can be welded or compression. The crimp version is sold in a ready-made kit, there is no need to additionally assemble it. If we compare it with a welded joint, then the first has advantages. The key advantages are:

  • easy installation;
  • no need for welding;
  • possibility of installation in all weather conditions, as polypropylene crimp fittings are not afraid of exposure to negative temperatures;
  • no skills needed to assemble the compression fittings.
pvc fittings
pvc fittings

How to choose welded connection fittings

A fitting is on sale today in a large assortment. What is and where this element is used, you can find out if you readarticle. The role of one of the simplest fittings is a coupling, which is necessary to connect the two ends of the pipeline. It can be used for welding reinforced and ordinary pipes.

These works are carried out using the socket method. But among the shaped parts, one can also distinguish corners, manifolds, as well as tees. When choosing a tee, you need to pay attention to the fact that it can be transitional or simple. In the first case, you can switch to another diameter.

fittings for copper pipes
fittings for copper pipes

Additional tips for choosing

If it is necessary to lay a hot or cold water supply system, you should choose a collector that can be used to connect several collectors to a heat source. Sometimes it is supplemented with ball valves, which reliably protect against corrosion.

When a home master needs a fitting, what it is and what types it is, he must certainly find out. For example, to transition the pipeline 90 °, you need a corner. Its welding is carried out by the socket method, these works involve heating the elements and connecting them by inserting one into the other.

fittings price
fittings price

Classification of steel fittings

Steel fittings can be classified according to purpose, they are presented:

  • couplings;
  • tees;
  • fittings;
  • adapters;
  • plugs.

According to the place of use, they can be classified into intermediate and connecting. When it comes to connecting pipesof the same diameter, then straight knots should be used, otherwise you need to stock up on transitional parts. They are threaded.

According to the method of connection, steel fittings should be divided into:

  • compression;
  • press fittings;
  • push fittings;
  • crimp;
  • threaded.

If you need a fitting, what is this design, you should definitely find out. For example, threaded parts are a traditional way of connecting elements. But compression fittings are the most popular today, because they are easy to install. They can be used to connect pipes of different materials. Axial fittings are a universal way, which can be used for different types of pipeline.

plastic fittings
plastic fittings

Instruction for selecting threaded fittings

Threaded fittings can be made from different materials. If it is brass, then in front of you are the elements that are the most common today. The presence of a clamping ring provides tightness to any connection. If you want to achieve anti-corrosion properties, then you should choose coated fittings, which is necessary when working with plumbing.

If you want to purchase an item at an affordable cost, then copper fittings should be preferred. They do not rust and keep working for a long time. If you want to change the direction of the flow of the medium in the pipeline, you should purchase threaded branch fittings. But to create a pointdividing one stream into several, a tee may be preferred.

If it is necessary to create a connection between two pipes into a single system, couplings should be used, this element is perfect for arranging pipelines from different materials. In this case, you can connect a plastic pipe with a copper one. Fittings for copper pipes can also be made from a similar material. For example, plugs are able to hermetically close the system and block the end of the pipe. Sometimes this part is used not only as functional details, but also as a decorative element.

When choosing fittings for copper pipes, you should prefer those made of the same material, because they are the most durable, easy to install and reliable. To improve their performance, they are coated with special materials, among them:

  • nickel;
  • chrome;
  • zinc.

Fittings prices

Prices for PVC fittings will vary depending on the purpose of the item. For example, an adhesive "American" will cost 119 rubles, while a lightweight adhesive "American" costs 105 rubles. The glue down bushing costs 16 rubles, but the plug costs 13 rubles.

If you need PVC fittings, the price of them should interest you. For example, a collector will cost more, its cost is 804 rubles, but a crosspiece costs 91 rubles. The adhesive sleeve will cost 16 rubles. The lowering glue sleeve costs 33 rubles. Plastic fittings are presented today in a wide range, among others, a lowering tee should be distinguished, its price is 37 rubles. 90° angle bypassedonly 9 rubles. per piece.
