It is very difficult to do without an automatic washing machine in the modern rhythm of life. For any housewife, this technique has become an indispensable assistant in everyday life. It is enough just to load the dirty laundry, set the desired washing program, turn on the machine to the electrical network, and the hostess can do other household chores for the next couple of hours, and the washing machine will do all the work on its own.
When buying a washing machine, many people, out of inexperience, pay little attention to connecting hoses, considering them to be insignificant details. This is an erroneous opinion. Compliance with the basic selection criteria and rules for installing a hose for a washing machine allows you to increase the period of trouble-free operation of a home assistant.

Types of hoses for automatic washing machine
For the supply of clean water and the removal of dirty liquid, special connecting hoses are included in the kit of washing machines. Often the length of the sleeves does not correspond to the required size for comfortable installation of the machine inapartment, so you have to buy hoses separately, fortunately, at present, the distribution network has a wide variety of their brands.
Conventionally, hoses can be divided into the following types:
- The inlet hose for the washing machine is used to connect the unit to the water mains. Its main purpose is the safe supply of water to the tank of the washing machine, since the peace and safety of the repair of neighbors living on the floor below, which is achieved by using high-quality products, completely depends on this.
- The drain hose for the washing machine is designed to drain water after washing, rinsing or spinning clothes into the sewer system of the building. They also come with the washing machine, but often you have to lengthen them or buy new ones.
Filling sleeve device
Structurally, hoses for washing machines (water hoses) are a PVC tube reinforced with a nylon braid. Mounting nuts and fittings are attached to the ends of the hose. One side of this device is attached to the washing machine, and the other side is connected to the water supply system of an apartment or a private house.
The fittings and nuts are made of plastic and must be tightened by hand to avoid damage during installation. Fittings are connected to the pipe using pressed metal sleeves. A digital marking is applied to the product, which indicates the limiting temperature and operating pressure (standard pressure 4 bar) of its operation. So that under water pressure does not occurextension of the hose, it is reinforced with several layers of thread.
Types of filling devices
The inlet hose for the washing machine is of the following types:
standard fixed length from one to five meters;

- up to 10 meters long, which is wound into a bay;
- telescopic type, which, thanks to the corrugated wave, is able to increase in length by stretching;
- hoses with Aqua-stop protection system designed to stop water leaks.
When buying a hose in a bay, you can cut off the length of the product required for installation, after which you need to install the fitting and nut using the flaring method. The telescopic hose, despite the fact that it is able to stretch, is also better to use the appropriate length. It is advisable to avoid strong sleeve tension.
Aqua-stop system
The protective system of the washing machine hose requires special attention. Since the liquid from the water supply is supplied under high pressure, the hose may not withstand and burst, damaging the property in the house. It is this protection system that can save the owner from trouble. This sleeve has a double coating, with a knob filled with a special powder or equipped with an electromagnetic valve.

When a hose breaks, water enters the place with powder, which expands and blocks the flow of fluid from the tap. If the hose breaks at the very exit, water will accumulate in a specialpallet, which is equipped with a float system. Some models are equipped with an emergency pump that pumps out water when the float contacts are activated.
Washing machine hose with Aqua-stop protection only works once in an accident. The secondary use of the hose is impossible, so it is disposed of. Of course, such an application is considered expensive, but it is guaranteed to help avoid flooding the apartment in the absence of the owner.
Inlet hose connection
The filler sleeve has a ¾ inch standard threaded nut at the ends that connects to a stopcock. In modern homes, the connection point for the faucet for the washing unit is designed in advance, which has not been done before. In houses where a special place has not been prepared for connecting the machine, it is necessary to make a separate tap tap. Connecting to plastic water pipes is simple and easy.
A very common way to connect a hose for a washing machine through a coupling to a faucet. In this case, the mixer is removed, and a tap is screwed in its place to connect the machine. Then a mixer is installed on top of this device.

There are also special taps with which you can connect the hose to the toilet float valves.
Types of drain hoses
The drain sleeve is designed to drain dirty water after all operating modes of the machine into the sewer system. In the plumbing market, there are the followingwater drain hose types:
- Drain standard sleeve has a length of 1-5 meters. If necessary, it can be extended using a similar hose.
- Telescopic hose for washing machine suitable for almost all models of units. Due to the property of stretching, such sleeves are especially widespread.
- The drain hose in the bay consists of individual modules 50-55 cm long soldered together, so the desired length is gained by the number of individual pieces.
Drain hoses are made of gray polypropylene.
Connection Methods
Connecting a drain hose for a washing machine is not difficult for any owner of the unit. There are two main ways to drain dirty water into the sewer:
- Temporary draining is carried out by installing a special plastic bracket on the edge of the bathtub or kitchen sink.
- A permanent stationary drain is arranged by connecting a hose directly to the sewer, using a siphon with special pipes to which drains are supplied.

Most often, car owners prefer a stationary connection method, as it does not spoil the external interior of the room and completely eliminates the situation when the hose falls off the edge of the sink.
To avoid a large load on the drain pump, the length of the drain sleeve is not satisfied with more than 15 meters. Otherwise, the pump may fail prematurely.
Drain hose extension
The standard equipment of the new machine includes a two-meter drain hose. But often there is a need to lengthen the hose of the washing machine. This operation can be done in several ways:
- For joining individual sections of the hose, a rigid thin-walled PVC tube with a diameter of not more than 20 mm is used, as well as metal clamps to seal the connection.
- To make a concealed installation of the drain system, it is better to use a metal-plastic pipe up to 3.5 meters long and 20 mm thick. The main thing is that the pipe joints are outside the flush-mounted area.
- The simplest and most practical way to extend the drain hose is to use a telescopic hose that fits easily indoors without kinks or kinks.

Remember that, despite the apparent simplicity of connecting hoses, their use and installation must be carried out in compliance with strict rules. Any malfunction of the hoses can lead to water leakage and, as a result, the need to carry out repairs in the apartment.