The Agran remedy for bedbugs, reviews of which prove its effectiveness, is a combined insecticidal preparation manufactured by Russian manufacturers. This tool is designed to combat various insects and other arthropods: cockroaches, ants, ticks, moths, and so on. In practice, the owners of apartments and houses in most cases use "Agran" from bedbugs.
Reviews about the drug suggest that this tool is very effective in the fight against these pests. This can partly be explained by the fact that the composition contains two insecticidal components of different classes. At the same time, for simpler insects, such as cockroaches, people most often use simpler drugs: sticky traps, gels or dichlorvos. In this article, you can get acquainted with the features of the use of "Agran" from bedbugs, reviews on its use, as well as its composition.

Product features
ThisThe drug has very specific properties that must be taken into account before it is used for its intended purpose. For example, the Agran bedbug remedy, reviews of which can be found below, has a strong unpleasant odor that persists for a long time in the treated room. Sofas, mattresses, armchairs, as well as other items in the apartment or in the house absorb this aroma for a long time. While working with the drug "Agran" against bedbugs, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment, as well as follow the instructions for use, since the components of this drug, after entering the respiratory system, as well as the stomach, can provoke poisoning in humans.
Packaging and pricing
At the same time, this drug is relatively inexpensive. The price of one bottle of Agran means from bedbugs is about 300 rubles. The volume of this drug is 50 ml. It should be noted that the instructions and reviews of "Agran" from bedbugs indicate that this amount is enough to process up to 200 square meters of surface in the room.
The drug is also sold in a larger bottle, for example, 1 l and 5 l.

What does the remedy include
In the instructions "Agrana" from bedbugs, you can find the composition of this drug, which includes the following active ingredients:
- Chlorpyrifos. This component is the main one, and its share in the tool is 50%. This element has a pronounced intestinal and contact effect on bedbugs.action, due to which insects die after even accidentally getting this agent on their bodies.
- Cypermethrin. The amount of this element in the product is 5%. It is necessary in order to enhance the effect of chlorpyrifos, as well as to have an effect in situations where the bugs being destroyed are resistant to the effects of the first component. This substance also has a pronounced intestinal and contact poisoning effect.
Operation principle
During the treatment of an apartment or house with Agran against bedbugs, those insects on which the sprayed preparation came directly in the form of an aerosol will die the fastest. In this case, this remedy enters the hemolymph through the chitinous covers of the bug, as well as its spiracles. Cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos in the ganglia of insects disrupt the mechanism of excitation of nerve cells, and the poisoned bug quickly develops paralysis, leading to death as soon as possible.

When the poison from bedbugs "Agran" dries on the treated surfaces, an inconspicuous layer is formed, which still retains its toxic activity. When insects run through this layer, the particles of the preparation stick to the abdomen and paws of the bug. After that, insecticides begin to penetrate through the chitinous cover into soft tissues, from there they enter the hemolymph, and from there they penetrate into the nerve ganglia. Further, the poisoning will be the same as after direct treatment of the bug, but here the effect will be slightly extended in time. Insects from thiscontact with a dry insecticide, as a rule, die within one day.
The instructions for the use of "Agran" from bedbugs also indicate that the likelihood of resistance of these insects to the effects of the drug is practically excluded. Currently, scientists do not know populations of bed bugs that are resistant to both chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin. Thus, if the agent is used correctly, then all insects that it hits will die.
Possible failure
What do people say about the correct use of the tool and possible mistakes? Reviews about this drug suggest that it will be possible to fail in some cases. This is due to the fact that people do not always take into account all the nuances during the fight against insects. To avoid such incidents, you must follow some rules, which are as follows:
- If the room is not treated enough, then many bugs will remain alive, thanks to which they will be able to multiply further.
- If almost all insects are destroyed during processing, then the remaining eggs will give a new generation in a few weeks. If a person does not re-treat the premises before the puberty of the surviving young individuals, then the insect population will recover again after some time.
- Even if you do everything right, and in the process of processing all the bugs will be destroyed, then new parasites can enter the apartment from the neighbors. Practice shows that few people think about blocking the migration routes of these parasites, as well as aboutpreventive measures.

Can eggs be destroyed?
To date, the ability of the drug to kill the eggs of the embryos of these insects remains in question. On the one hand, most of the organophosphorus compounds in experiments on other insects show the ability of this drug to infect them, as well as prevent the hatching of larvae. But on the other hand, the effectiveness of chlorpyrifos specifically in the fight against bed bug eggs has not been confirmed, so it cannot be said with certainty that eggs can die after direct treatment of all nests. Cypermethrin does not have such an effect at all.
In any case, before using Agran for the first time, you need to know that even if a small number of insect eggs are destroyed by this drug, and the nymphs do not hatch from them, then intact eggs are stored in the room, which are most likely not this tool will work. Of these, after the death of all the bugs, as well as the larvae, young shoots will appear. That is why in most cases it is necessary to re-treat the premises with a remedy, as evidenced by the reviews of "Agran" from bedbugs.
Preparing the solution
With a small number of these insects in the room for 1 liter of water, you need to take 5.5 g of the drug. But if we talk about a large contamination of the room, then the concentration increases to about 8 g per 1 liter of plain water. When the emulsion is added to the water, the solution should be thoroughly mixed, after which it is poured into a special spray bottle.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that all actions with this drug in the fight against bedbugs must be carried out in personal protective equipment.
Instructions for use
Before proceeding with the processing of the premises, it is necessary to free it from pets and people. It is important to note that "Agran" is toxic not only to insects, but also to people. Processing for this reason should be carried out in a respirator or gas mask, rubber gloves, goggles, thus eliminating any contact with the poison. When the solution is ready, how to poison insects? Further actions will look like this:
- First of all, windows open in the room.
- All furniture in the room must be moved away from the walls by about 20 cm. Skirting boards must be released around the entire perimeter of the room. All paintings, posters, and bookshelves should be removed from the walls.
- The sofa should be dismantled as much as possible, its parts put in an open place in the room.
- The finished solution is sprayed at a distance of about 30 cm from the surfaces in an even layer. And you should also process all parts of furniture, floors, baseboards, bed legs, carpets, cracks, wallpaper joints and other places where bloodsuckers most often hide.
- After these activities, the room should be ventilated for four hours.
- When the room treatment is completed, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water.
After thatsurfaces that people touch with their hands should be washed with water, baking soda and detergent.

Drug Benefits
Agran means to fight bedbugs has both positive and negative sides. Its benefits are as follows:
- Low drug cost.
- High efficiency against bed bugs.
- Easy to use.
- High duration of exposure. The drug is able to destroy not only adult bugs, but also larvae hatching from eggs.
Let's talk about disadvantages
The negative qualities of the drug "Agran" include:
- Toxicity to humans and pets.
- Bad smell.
- The cost of purchasing personal protective equipment if there is none at home.
Possible he alth problems
If during treatment irritation or itching appears on the skin, as well as symptoms of intoxication, such as nausea, headache, dizziness, then the treatment must be stopped, while leaving for fresh air. During the aggravation of symptoms, it is imperative to induce vomiting, as well as drink activated charcoal, and then seek help from a medical facility. If a person has lost consciousness, then in no case should he be made to vomit.

Processing of the premises should also be stopped if a person hassigns of allergy, such as sneezing, itchy nose, watery eyes.
The drug "Agran" is a very effective tool in the fight against bed bugs. If you properly process the living quarters, then you can literally get rid of the entire colony of bloodsuckers in just one procedure, since this substance has a very long-lasting effect. The main thing is to be patient and follow the procedure to the end, strictly adhering to the above instructions. And then it will be possible to fix the problem.