Frequently changing weather conditions, high humidity and low temperatures can have a serious negative impact on building facades, concrete, metal and brick structures. To prevent this from happening, it is customary to cover such surfaces with a layer of protective paint and varnish composition, which reduces the degree of impact of an aggressive environment on the base. One of these products is KO-174 enamel. Consider its main characteristics and application features.
Product description
Protective and decorative treatment of facades and other street structures is the main purpose of KO-174 enamel. Also, the composition can be used to prevent corrosion processes on metal surfaces, pipes and communications operating in an aggressive environment.

It is also important that the coating easily withstands high humidity and temperatures in the range of -60…+150 °С. This significantly expands the scope of its application.
Product KO-174 belongs to the group of one-component compositions with sufficient resistance to ultraviolet rays. The basis issilicone varnishes with the addition of solvents, coloring pigments and modifying additives.
The coating is easy to apply and has excellent adhesion to the treated substrate. For all its strength, the frozen film is able to pass air and steam through itself, which is very important when using enamel on the facades of residential premises.
Technical characteristics of silicone enamel KO-174 and product properties
Technology for the production of heat-resistant enamel is regulated by TU. The regulatory document states that the final product must have the following properties:
- viscosity (when measured with a viscometer) according to B3-246 - at least 20 units;
- resistance to maximum temperature (+150 °С) - not less than 3 hours;
- hardened coating impact strength (according to the U-1 device) - up to 40 units;
- hardness - not less than 0.3 rel. units;
- film bending elasticity - no more than 1 mm;
- adhesion of the composition with the base - 2 points;
- water resistance - 24 hours;
- mass fraction of non-volatile substances (depending on color) - 35-55%.
Enamel KO-174 is a uniform, matte finish. The drying time of one layer up to grade 3 is about 2 hours (at a temperature of +20 °C).

On building counters there are compositions of white, beige, bright yellow, blue, blue, red, green, gray, black and silver.
Main Applications
High technical characteristics of silicone enamel KO-174 allow it to be used in the most difficult conditions. Most often, the coating is used by manufacturers of metal structures in order to ensure long-term preservation of the appearance of products.

Also, the composition is actively used in the following areas:
- Transport construction. The protective coating prevents corrosion on the elements of overpasses, bridges, overpasses, metal and concrete supports, crossbars, etc.
- Energy industry. The coating protects metal structures and facades exposed to temperatures in the range of -60…+150 °С.
- Metal industry. Enamel is used for anti-corrosion treatment of buildings and industrial facilities.
- Chemical industry. Compounds of this type are used to give a presentable appearance to metal and concrete structures exposed to an aggressive environment.
- Agro-industrial complexes and civil engineering. The protective composition KO-174 is used for anti-corrosion treatment and decorative painting of facades and containers for various purposes.
Since organosilicon enamel (KO-174) of different colors can be purchased at any specialized store, the composition is very popular in private construction. This is facilitated by the fact that the enamel can be applied under the most extreme conditions: in the temperature range of -30…+40 °С.
Surface preparation for silicone enamel application
Regulatory document regulating the technology of applying enamel KO-174 - GOST 9-402. The standard states that the treated metal surface must be free of rust, mechanical impurities, s alts and oils.

Before treatment, surfaces are degreased using acetone, xylene or toluene. The coating is applied only after the base has completely dried. The interval between treatment and coloring should not exceed 6 hours (when applied outdoors). If staining is carried out indoors, then a break of up to 24 hours is allowed.
Concrete surfaces are prepared for painting according to SNiP 3.04.03 or 2.03.13. Soot, rust and grease are removed with rags and solvents.
Preparing the coating for work
Technical characteristics of enamel KO-174 indicate that work with the composition of this type is permissible at temperatures from -30 to +40 degrees and air humidity up to 80%. Since the product is sold ready-made, it only needs to be opened and thoroughly mixed. When the sediment has completely disappeared, the viscosity of the enamel is measured using a viscometer.

If the readings of the device differ from those stated in the product quality certificate, you can bring the viscosity of the working composition closer to the ideal using toluene and xylene.
The selection of the desired enamel viscosity is based on the application method usedcoatings. So, with the manual method of staining, the readings of the device should be within 30-40 s. If the composition is prepared for pneumatic spraying, its viscosity should be reduced to 15-25 s. For airless spray, viscosities between 40 and 60 s are considered optimal.
Applying technology
Surface treatment in hard-to-reach places is carried out with a brush even before the start of full painting. Surfaces made of brick, concrete and plastered bases are processed in 3 layers, for metal varieties, two-time painting is enough.
If organosilicon enamel KO-174 is applied by pneumatic spraying, the nozzle diameter is chosen within 1.8-2.5 mm, while the pressure should be about 1.5-2.5 kgf. When spraying enamel, the distance between the gun and the surface to be treated should be approximately 200-300 mm.

After applying the first layer of protective coating, wait an interval of 30 minutes, and then re-paint. If the composition is applied with a brush or roller, the intermediate interval increases to 1.5 hours (subject to staining at a temperature of +20 ° C). In the course of work, enamel manufacturers recommend using lint-free rollers and brushes made from natural fibers.
Complete drying of the protective composition with pneumatic spraying occurs after 1 hour. When applied manually, this time can be extended up to 2 hours.
Material consumption
Consumption of enamel KO-174 depends on the properties of the processedsurface and on the method of applying the protective coating (roller, brush, spray). Thus, the consumption of enamel when applying the first layer (40 microns thick) will be approximately 150 g/m2. But for the treatment of mineral surfaces (such as concrete, brick, reinforced concrete, etc.), about 450 g/m2 of enamel will be required. In this case, the thickness of the protective coating will be equal to 80-100 microns.

If metal surfaces are used in atmospheric conditions, the thickness of the protective enamel layer should be 100 microns. To fulfill this condition, you will need about 300 grams of enamel per square meter.
When calculating the required amount of material, remember that the actual consumption may also depend on the selected color. It also takes into account the number of layers that are necessary to ensure absolute surface protection. In order to save money, a pneumatic method of applying the composition is used. To arrange the first layer, you will need about 180 grams per m2.
Safety measures during staining
Safety precautions in the process of using a protective composition should be based on the study of each characteristic of KO-174 enamel. So, the information that the composition of the coloring agent includes xylene and other solvents indicates that the protective composition is quite flammable and toxic. According to the degree of impact on the human body, this product is classified as a group of agents of the 3rd hazard class.
Applying the enamel should take place in sufficientventilated area. Workers use protective gloves, a respirator, and in the case of pneumatic spraying, special goggles or a mask.
Surface treatment indoors without the use of personal protective equipment is strictly prohibited. It is also unacceptable to use spark-producing tools, smoking during the staining process. In addition, fire extinguishing equipment must be present at the workplace.
In case of fire, use sand, foam and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers. It is allowed to extinguish the fire with finely sprayed water.
The main purpose of enamel KO-174 is anti-corrosion treatment of metal surfaces and protection of concrete structures from the effects of atmospheric phenomena. The popularity of the composition suggests that he fully copes with the task. However, keep in mind that the shelf life of this product is only 6 months, which increases the likelihood of purchasing an expired product. Before buying, you should check the date of manufacture of the coating and the integrity of the packaging itself.