Plastered walls will look neat and aesthetic if you follow all the rules of technology. In order to achieve a positive result, you will need to do hard work. Plastering can be done well if you have at least a little practice. If you have not done such manipulations before, you need to try your hand at a small area. This technology will allow you to fill your hand a little.
Preparation of tools

Quite often, novice home craftsmen wonder what is needed for wall plastering. If you are also one of them, then you should know that it is important to prepare before starting work:
- stucco mix;
- perforator;
- wood screws;
- Phillips screwdriver;
- bubble level;
- hammer;
- aluminum rule;
- steel stroking;
- acrylic primer;
- wide brush;
- gloves to protect hands;
- beacons;
- dowels;
- metal scissors;
- plummet;
- bucket;
- primer;
- roulette.

To make the solution you will need a perforator and an adapter with a nozzle. Wood screws should have a rare pitch. The bubble level should have a length of 2 m. You can replace metal shears with a grinder. You will need it to cut beacons.
What else is important to know
To install beacons, you will need a 2.5-m rail and an aluminum 2-meter rule. You should purchase or find in your arsenal a wide 15-centimeter spatula. For the treatment of smooth and concrete walls, a deep penetration primer is required. To apply the primer, you need to take care of the presence of a roller or a wide brush with a bath.
Solution and features of the work. Brick walls

Plaster walls in the apartment can be carried out on brick walls. Usually, cement compositions are used for this, sometimes a certain amount of lime is added to them to give the mixture additional plasticity. Lime is used when work is carried out in conditions with high humidity or outside the building.
The plaster is applied to the brick with a layer of no more than 30 mm. If the coating thickness is more than 20 mm, then under the plaster, a chain-link mesh should be strengthened to reinforce and hold the solution. Before plastering the walls inapartment, it will be necessary to mix the cement mortar, uses a part of cement and four parts of sifted sand. Dry ingredients are combined with water until a thick consistency can be obtained. The mixture should be plastic. When mixing the cement-lime composition, two parts of lime paste, one part of cement and five parts of sand should be used. Sand should be combined with cement and knead the dry composition. Then lime is added, everything is mixed together until smooth. If the solution is too thick, adding some water is allowed, although this technique is not welcome.
Plastering the walls in an apartment with bricks will be more difficult if there is a facing material on the walls. The mixture may roll off the surface and fall off in pieces. In such a situation, the reinforcing mesh will not save either. For such a surface, special primers and a well-chosen mesh are required. It is better to entrust such work to specialists who know which material is optimal for a particular surface.
Concrete wall mortar and work features

If the concrete surface has a smooth base, it is prepared by applying a primer with the addition of quartz inclusions. They give the material the roughness required to hold the plaster. Gypsum powder is added to the solution, which increases the adhesion of the mixture to the wall.
Plastering walls in an apartment in this case can also be done using lime-gypsum mortar. For its preparation, 1 part of gypsum and 4 parts of lime are used. Such a mixture is prepared in the following order: gypsum is mixed with water. The mass should not be too thick. Lime mortar is poured there, and then everything is mixed until smooth.
If the concrete wall has roughness, it will not require complex preparation and a special approach, as well as the use of special compounds. To do this, you can use gypsum or cement plaster solutions. Before applying the plaster, the wall is impregnated with a deep penetration primer. Concrete contact is perfect for this.
Mix for foam concrete and features of the work

If you wondered how to plaster the walls with your own hands, you must figure out what material is in front of you. If it is foam concrete, then it is better to treat it with a primer-impregnation. If necessary, a reinforcing fiberglass mesh-serpyanka is attached to the wall. Great for foam concrete gypsum or cement mortar. When choosing a composition, you must approach this issue with all responsibility.
Before starting work, preparations should be made to clean the walls from the old finish. The plaster must lie well and be held on the surface. Walls made of different materials require an individual approach. If, after cleaning, cracks are found on the surface, they are sealed. Otherwise, the applied plaster will crack in the same place.
Before plastering the walls with your own hands, you must removecracks. This process is carried out in several ways. If the width of the discrepancy is small, it goes deeper. The crack should be widened and access to the narrow part in the thickness should be free. The resulting gap is cleaned of dust with a brush and treated with a primer. After the crack is sealed with a gypsum or cement-based putty. The solution is filled with a spatula.
If the crack is narrow, seal it with sealant or silicone. Filling is carried out using a spout nozzle, which should be directed deep into the crack. To seal wide gaps, you should use mounting foam, which fills the gaps without waiting for the primer to dry completely.
Setting up beacons
After the mixture for plastering the walls in the apartment has been selected based on the above recommendations, you can start setting up beacons. They will allow you to achieve a perfectly flat wall. Landmarks are set according to the building level. The distance between them should be 1.5 m. When leveling the solution, the rule should pass along two profiles. The ideal verticality of the profiles can be controlled by a plumb line. If there is only a short level in the tool kit, a long bar can be used. It is attached to the guide. To its middle, you should set the level, align one or the other side of the guide along it. After preparing the wall, you can proceed to the preparation of the mortar.
Mix preparation
Before plastering the walls inside the room, it will be necessary to close the mortar. The first layer is applied by throwing a plaster mixture onto the wall. Processcan be done with a trowel or by hand. In the latter case, rubber gloves should be used. The mortar is poured onto concrete or brick walls with a thickness of 5 mm. On wooden walls with a crate, the mortar is thrown up to 9 mm thick.
The second layer is called the ground. A solution of dough-like consistency is prepared for it. It is applied with a trowel or a wide spatula. The thickness will be 8 mm. The finishing layer is called a covering and is made of fine-grained sand without large inclusions. The solution should have a creamy consistency. You can purchase the composition for each layer in finished form, which provides components that promote adhesion and strength of the hardened mass.
If you make the solution yourself, you can use the following technology. For a cement-lime mixture, one part of lime, the same amount of cement and 5 parts of sand should be used. If you are still wondering what kind of plaster to choose for the walls in your apartment, it could be cement mortar. It is prepared from 1 part of cement and three parts of sand. Lime mortar is prepared from three parts of sand from 1 part of lime.
Machine plaster
Mechanical wall plastering is also called mechanized. This method is usually resorted to when the customer sets short deadlines for the completion of work, and the budget is insufficient to attract the required number of workers. The installation for this is delivered to the site and connected to a 220 V network. Two specialists are enough for maintenance.
If the area is large, it is more convenientwork in a certain mode, when two craftsmen apply plaster, and four behind them level the surface. For mechanical plastering of walls, special equipment is used, in the hopper of which a dry building mixture is poured. The pump supplies water in the right amount, the installation stirs the composition. Through a flexible hose, it is supplied under pressure to the surface. Workers monitor the availability of ingredients and distribute the solution.
Among other plastering machines, the PFT G5 Super should be highlighted. This is a modular unit for continuous dry mix operation for machine application of the composition and pouring of self-leveling mortars. The mixture can be supplied during masonry work and manipulations where adhesive mixtures are used. The equipment supplies the mixture in a volume of 6 to 85 liters per minute. The pump power is 5.5 kW.
If there is old plaster on the walls

With proper care, a layer of plaster is ready to last up to 20 years. But if cracks appear on the surface, the surface can be repaired. Although it is possible to plaster walls with old plaster, it is important to make sure that the old coating is reliable before starting the finishing. Sometimes it is not necessary to remove the dilapidated layer completely, it is only partially repaired.

The base of the finish must be strong, otherwise the new coating will fall off in pieces along with the old base. The surface of the masonry should be tapped before starting work. If the sound is muffled, layerHolds up well and hasn't come off the wall. If the sound is sonorous, it is better to remove the trim in these areas. To remove plaster, prepare:
- wide spatula;
- hammer;
- pulverizer;
- primer;
- axe;
- skins.
In conclusion
If you started a major overhaul of an office, apartment or house, you will face the need for plastering. This process is time consuming and requires professional skills. But if you want to save money, you can finish the walls yourself. Before mixing the mortar, you should read the plaster manual and prepare all the necessary materials.