Paradontax toothpaste: reviews, composition features, advantages and disadvantages

Paradontax toothpaste: reviews, composition features, advantages and disadvantages
Paradontax toothpaste: reviews, composition features, advantages and disadvantages

Toothpaste "Paradontax" has a double effect: it protects teeth from caries and treats inflammatory gum disease, eliminating bleeding. Dentists prescribe this product primarily for those who suffer from plaque and various disorders in the structure of the gums. Depending on the problem, choose a specific type of toothpaste. The cost of a tube is about 200 rubles.

Features of the composition

paradontax paste reviews dentists
paradontax paste reviews dentists

There are several varieties of Paradontax toothpaste on sale: with and without fluoride, as well as with the possibility of whitening. All of these varieties contain calcium bicarbonate, which reduces inflammation, helps draw out pus, and also neutralizes the aggressive acids produced.

Also contains extracts of the following herbs:

  1. Mint. Serves as an anti-inflammatory agent, relieves bad breath, reduces pain, and also provides fresh breath.
  2. Sage. Not only reducesinflammation, but also accelerates the process of cleaning the enamel from plaque filled with bacteria and other microorganisms.
  3. Echinacea. Natural antibiotic, strengthens local immunity, and also fights against a variety of infections.
  4. Chamomile. Relieves inflammation, improves cell tone, accelerates regeneration processes.
  5. Mirra. Helps strengthen gums to prevent bleeding.
  6. Ratania. Characterized by an astringent effect, tones, strengthens tissues, increases their elasticity.

Paradontax without fluoride

paradontax toothpaste reviews dentists
paradontax toothpaste reviews dentists

The possibility of using such a paste begins at the age of 14. This product can be used daily. The result is not only a therapeutic effect, but also the prevention of gum disease.

In the reviews of the Paradontax paste, which does not contain fluoride, the following features of its action are listed:

  1. Removing plaque without damaging tooth enamel.
  2. Reduce the risk of bleeding.
  3. Acceleration of healing processes.
  4. Pain relief.
  5. Reduce the likelihood of caries or its progression.

According to the manufacturer's recommendation, it is advisable to use Paradontax without fluorine in those regions of Russia where the fluorine content in water is high.

According to the reviews of the Paradontax paste, the products have a specific aftertaste, but you can get used to it. Over time, gums stop bleeding and teeth become whiter.

Paradontax with fluoride

pasteparadontax with fluorine reviews
pasteparadontax with fluorine reviews

Designed not only for the treatment of gums, but also for use as an auxiliary method of fighting caries. The composition contains sodium fluoride, which accelerates the restoration of tooth enamel. With constant use, the risk of cavities formation is significantly reduced. This type of paste is easy to distinguish by its characteristic tube, decorated in green tones, and a mark indicating the presence of fluoride.

To obtain the desired effect, it is undesirable to combine this paste with other products. You can use it 2 times a day or more. As a result, the development of inflammation is constantly prevented, the vulnerability of tooth enamel is reduced, including in the spaces between the teeth.

Judging by the reviews of the Paradontax fluoride paste, doctors often advise it to patients, and then receive a positive response. This product is especially effective in cases where there is a constant thinning of tooth enamel.

After several months of regular use, the condition of the teeth improves significantly. Most patients continue to use the paste after achieving a positive effect.

Paradontax Gentle Whitening

paradontax whitening paste
paradontax whitening paste

The composition of the tooth whitening paste contains special components that brighten teeth. With regular use, stains from tooth enamel are completely eliminated, the shade becomes lighter, but remains natural, and in parallel, prevention of carious lesions is carried out.

According to reviewsdentists about the Paradontax paste, the whitening variety has a moderate abrasive activity, due to which it gently removes plaque from the teeth, without provoking thinning of the enamel. To ensure that the paste does not provoke problems with the structure of the teeth, it is necessary to use it twice a day for a month, then combine it with products that do not have a whitening effect.

Overall impression

Reviews of the Paradontax paste with the whitening function are mostly positive. People often resort to its use when they decide to clean their teeth from stains from coffee, tea, and other products that have been on the surface for a long time. Despite the unusual aftertaste, buyers do not refuse to use it.

Dentists' reviews of Paradontax toothpaste confirm its beneficial effect on tooth enamel and gums. People who use this product complain about the unpleasant taste, but confirm that it is possible to get used to it. Some use Paradontax only during a course of treatment for gum problems, but many regularly use the paste to prevent oral diseases.
