Brick today remains one of the most popular building materials. Such ceramic stone is used not only for the construction of walls and foundations of various structures, but also for facing their enclosing structures.
Used in construction should, of course, be of the highest quality brick with even geometry and durable. When choosing a material of this type, among other things, it is imperative to pay attention to the brand of the manufacturer. For example, Braer masonry and facing bricks are very popular with builders. There are only good reviews about this material from consumers.

The ceramic material of this brand is produced by the domestic group of companies Braer. The head office of this manufacturer is registered in Moscow. But at the same time, the company's plant itself was built in the Tula region near the Obidimskoye field.
Good reviews from consumers brick of this manufacturer deserved, among other things, due to the fact thatthat the highest quality material is used for its production. In the Obidimskoye deposit there is clay, which is just perfect for the production of bricks. According to experts, not only durable masonry, but also the most even and attractive facing brick can be made from this material. Braer, according to many builders, delivers really high-quality products to the market.
The Braer plant was built at the beginning of the century in record time. At present, its capacity is 140 million bricks per year. The length of the stone kiln at this enterprise is 204 m. This manufacturer supplies its bricks not only to the domestic market, but also abroad.
What types of products are produced
There are good reviews about the Braer brick from builders, thanks, among other things, to the fact that this material has very pleasant, absolutely natural colors. At the moment, various organizations specializing in the construction of buildings and structures, as well as private traders, have the opportunity to purchase facing material from this manufacturer:
- red;
- brown;
- burgundy;
- "Oak bark";
- Muscat Terra;
- Glossa.
In addition, there is a very original brick in color "Braer" - "Bavarian masonry" for sale. Reviews from builders and owners of country houses, this variety received especially good. Facing made from this material looks like old masonry.

If desired, consumers can buy a stone of this brand:
- single front;
- facing euro 0.7 NF.
The company also supplies the market with a budget version of the material 0.9 NF. In addition to facing, this manufacturer also sells building bricks. Organizations and individuals have the opportunity to purchase slotted masonry material of this brand. This stone has also earned good reviews from builders.
In addition to bricks, Braer manufactures masonry mortars, paving slabs and curbs. Also, consumers have the opportunity to purchase ceramic masonry blocks of this brand.
Scope of material
The range of Braer products is thus quite wide. But the most demanded material from this manufacturer is still facing brick. The stone of this variety is popular with builders in almost all regions of Russia. Houses made of Braer brick, despite the fact that it is inexpensive, of course, are not built very often. For this, in most cases, ceramic blocks of the manufacturer or a slotted stone are used. The Braer facing material is used, of course, mainly only for finishing work.
This material can be used for lining walls indoors. Similarly, decorative brick is used in residential buildings, for example, decorated in the loft style. Very often, this type of material is also used for cladding building facades. Houses lined with obversebrick, no matter what material they are built from, they look solid and presentable.

Quite often, builders use the decorative stone "Braer" for the construction of fences. Such structures also look rich and spectacular.
Requirements for facing stone private developers and organizations present, of course, increased. Such a brick should first of all have an even geometry and a pleasant color. The material from Braer looks, according to consumers, as already mentioned, really very impressive. The bricks are neat and beautiful. In terms of colors, the company does not offer too large an assortment to consumers, as you can see. But the material options of this brand supplied to the market make it possible to make a fairly presentable and beautiful cladding of enclosing structures.
The colors of the stone from this manufacturer are harmonious, natural and, judging by the reviews, pleasing to the eye. Photos of the brick "Braer" and masonry from it are presented on the page. As you can see, the finish of this material looks really very attractive.
In terms of strength, builders also consider Braer bricks to be quality products. According to this indicator, the facing stone "Braer" belongs to the M150 brand. That is, in terms of strength, it is comparable to conventional building ceramic material used for laying not only walls, but also foundations.
Excellent reviews brick "Braer" from consumers also deservedand for the fact that it can be used for finishing the facades of buildings and erecting fences in the coldest regions of our country. The frost resistance of this material is 100 cycles. The undoubted advantages of the front brick of this brand include the fact that it is immune to moisture. Its water absorption coefficient is only 8-9%.
Brick dimensions
For ease of use and the possibility of saving when facing various kinds of building structures, the Braer company supplies decorative material of various sizes to the market. If desired, individuals or construction organizations can purchase facing bricks from this manufacturer:
- narrow - 250x85x60 mm;
- standard - 250x120x60 mm;
- one and a half - 250x120x88 mm.
Reviews of builders about the brick "Braer"
In terms of technical characteristics, the stone from this manufacturer can thus be compared with similar products from the best European companies. But what do professionals and private developers think about this material? Is it really that good in practice?
Reviews of the Braer brick on the Web from developers are only excellent. The advantages of this material, consumers include, first of all, of course, precisely its pleasant appearance. With regard to color and geometry, consumers have absolutely no complaints about these bricks. It is very easy to make cladding using this material, as the builders say. Masonry thus turns out to be as even and accurate as possible.
Sometimes defects are noticeable on bricks from this manufacturer- abrasions, chips, etc. However, many builders note that the amount of marriage in the material supplied to these manufacturers never exceeds the 5% established by GOST.
Consumers also attribute its low cost to the absolute advantages of this brand of bricks. Facing facades of this stone is usually inexpensive. The price of similar materials from other manufacturers, including those inferior to Braer in quality, is often higher.

There are practically no negative reviews about the products of this manufacturer on the Web. But this material, as the builders note, still has some drawbacks. The material of this brand, made in compliance with GOST standards, is really of excellent quality. But the Braer plant sometimes sells rejects as well. Of course, such a brick is cheaper. But some unscrupulous dealers may pass off such material as manufactured in accordance with GOST and sell it at the appropriate price. Therefore, when choosing a Bavarian brick "Braer", red, brown and any other, experienced builders advise buyers to be more careful.

Consumers also consider some lack of assortment as a small minus of the material of this brand. The factory supplies not so many colors of bricks to the market. In addition, sometimes it is not possible to acquire even the material of a shade that has already won the recognition of consumers. For example, the brick "Braer" "Oak Bark" for the summer of 2018 is no longer in the company's catalog. Buy buildersonly material left in stock with vendors. The same applies to the sand-colored facing stone that many consumers love.
Brick composition
The Braer company extracts material for the production of facing stone mainly at the Obidimskoye deposit located next to the plant. Ecologically clean brick loams of the highest quality lie here. They do not contain inclusions of stones and chalk, and sand contains no more than 20-30% and no less than 15%.
In the clay mass for the production of bricks at the Braer plant, special ingredients are added that significantly increase its strength, frost and moisture resistance. At the same time, the company does not use any dyes in the manufacture of facing material. The shade of the stone of this brand depends on the color of the clay used for the production and the degree of firing.
One of the varieties of facing bricks "Braer" - "Bavarian Stone" - is manufactured at the factory using a special technology. Such material is fired with a lack of oxygen. The result is an unusually spectacular brick of the original natural color.
Finish Features
The walls are clad using Braer bricks according to standard technology. For connection with facades when using this material, a metal mesh, anchors, wire can be used. The laying with the “Braer” stone is carried out in such a way that there are at least 4 strengthening points per 1 m2.

For facade cladding with this materiala cement-sand mortar with the addition of plasticizers is used. At the same time, the composition is kneaded as elastic as possible. With the use of such a solution, laying will be easier in the future. Accordingly, the lining itself will turn out to be as accurate as possible.
Wall decoration using decorative bricks is allowed only in dry weather. Otherwise, the design in the future will turn out to be fragile. The outdoor air temperature during laying should not be less than +5 °C. Before proceeding with the construction of brick cladding, from the facades of the building, among other things, dirt, dust and fungus, if any, should be removed.
Actually, the masonry itself when finishing the walls must be carried out exclusively in one direction. Otherwise, the finish will turn out sloppy. This should be done using red, brown, Bavarian masonry and any other brick for cladding.
Tools and materials
Wall cladding with decorative stone, including from the Braer company, is technologically rather complicated. It is worth taking on such masonry with your own hands only if you have at least a little experience in the construction of brick structures. In any case, the materials and tools for finishing the facades of the building with facing stone will need the following:
- mortar shovel;
- trowel;
- concave stitching;
- building level;
- plumb.
Also, for facing walls with bricks, you will need to prepare a tape measure, a cord and a construction square.
Baseunder cladding
The weight of the facing brick "Braer", like any other, is significant. Therefore, laying from it must be carried out on a reliable foundation. Usually the first row of such bricks is laid on the foundation of the house, slightly expanded beforehand using metal corners. However, this technology for arranging the base for decorative cladding can not always be used.
According to the norms of SNiP, facing bricks should protrude beyond the limits of the existing foundation in the horizontal plane by no more than a third. If the base of the house has a smaller thickness, it will have to be pre-expanded using concrete mortar. To do this, a pit is dug along the perimeter of the building to the depth of the foundation. Next, a concrete strip is erected, tying it to the base of the house with reinforcement and anchors.
Masonry technology
It is possible to clad walls using Braer bricks using any known technology. Masonry from such material can be plain or with a pattern. In the latter case, several types of bricks of this brand are used for decoration in color. Of course, masonry using such material is performed with dressing of the seams.
In order for the finish to be as accurate as possible, the following rules should be observed when installing bricks:
- the first row is laid out dry for alignment;
- in the future, work is carried out along the indicative mooring cord;
- in order for all seams in the masonry to have the same depth, use a metal rod;
- bedspread into four bricks.
Vertical joints in decorative masonry made using Braer material should be approximately 0.8 cm thick, horizontal - 1.5 cm. When laying, you need to ensure that pieces of mortar do not fall on already installed bricks. Wiping the cement mixture from the decorative material in the future will be extremely problematic. Even if the solution is removed immediately, the stains will still be visible.
According to this technology, any “Braer” brick is laid - “Bavarian masonry”, “Oak bark”, “Muscat”, etc. Place the stone of this brand in some special way when finishing the walls to get a beautiful surface, not necessary. Bricks are stacked alternately in the usual order with dressing.
Some useful tips
Reviews of Braer facing brick as a masonry material on the Web are good. Finishing facades or erecting fences with its use, according to builders, is easy. But still, you need to work with such a brick, as with any other decorative one, as carefully as possible. Experienced builders recommend that beginners, when facing facades with such decorative bricks, among other things, adhere to the following rules:
- before starting laying, the bricks should be soaked in water for a while;
- in the process of doing the work, you need to constantly monitor the evenness of the masonry.
Soaked bricks in the future will not "pull" water out of the solution. Accordingly, the seams will be more durable. To controlevenness of the surface being erected using a level, breaks should be done every 20 minutes.

At the final stage, the finished brick lining is usually passed with a special acid solution to clean the pores from dirt. Masonry seams, if they turned out to be not too neat, experienced builders advise to additionally process them with decorative plaster.