For many decades, the facade of a brick house has been quite in demand and popular. In this case, even at the first glance at such housing, you can learn a lot not only about the taste of the owners, but also about their preferences and lifestyle.
Facades of brick houses (see photo below) attract attention with their colorfulness and monumentality. At the same time, such a lining is very beneficial. The fact is that it is much cheaper to clad a building with brick than to build it from this material, because in this case, among other things, you will have to bear the costs due to the high labor costs of construction work.

Facing the facade of a house with bricks has a complex technology. When it is performed, strict adherence to geometry will be required. This is the only way to avoid the destruction of the facade.
In modern construction, brick cladding of the exterior walls of a house is performed using various types of materials. At the same time, such a facade is an excellent solution to three problems at once - strengthening housing, insulating it and giving itattractive look. In addition, the facade of a brick house is a subject of admiration for acquaintances and friends.
General information
The ventilated facade of a brick house is an excellent option for the exterior design of a home, as well as providing it with additional energy efficiency. In addition, such an idea can add some space to the interior space by moving the insulation to the outer walls of the building.

Finishing the facade of a house with brick has many advantages. Among them:
- reducing the cost of heating a house by increasing its energy efficiency;
- high speed installation work;
- resistance of light-colored brick facade design due to the absence of the possibility of s alt stains on it;
- possibility of year-round performance of work;
- lack of cold bridges in areas of interfloor overlap;
- ensuring a comfortable internal microclimate in the premises of the house.
Varieties of facing bricks
The material used for arranging the facades of buildings is called differently. We know it as facing, front and front. It is necessary not only for aesthetic purposes. The facade of the house takes on any environmental impact. That is why the material from which it is made must have special characteristics.

What products are used to decorate the facade of a brick house? These are special types of it, differingamong themselves by the method of production, composition, as well as operational characteristics. Their list includes ceramic and silicate bricks, as well as clinker and hyper-pressed ones. Material is produced, the shape of which differs from rectangular. Such a brick is called shaped. Consider all types of this material in more detail.
Ceramic brick
On sale you can find two types of this product. Ceramic decorative brick is solid and hollow. Manufacturers produce such material with a matte and glazed surface, using only the highest grades of clay in production, which provides the finished product with excellent quality and a wonderful appearance. Ceramic brick has certain advantages. Among them:
- Strength. This figure is achieved due to the small volume of porosity. Due to the strength of the material, ceramic brick masonry is not only durable, but also resistant to the vagaries of the weather.
- Frost resistance. This property is especially relevant for housing located in a cold climate zone. Frost resistance, together with strength, is the main indicator of the durability of a brick.
- Variety. Modern manufacturers have launched the production of ceramic bricks of all kinds of colors, shapes and textures. This diversity allows the construction of facades that give housing the look of ancient buildings.
Cons of the material can be considered:
- high cost due to multi-step processing;
- color differences between batches;
- high demands on the solution, because inotherwise, the appearance of plaque on the facade is possible - efflorescence that occurs during the evaporation of mineral s alts.
Silicate brick
This material is considered the most budgetary and simple. At the same time, it has good thermal insulation properties and perfectly protects the facade from moisture and damage, as well as from the influence of temperature extremes.

Very often this brick is used for facing the facade of a house. This material is especially popular for private dwellings. And it's all thanks to this:
- Sustainability. The constituent components of silicate brick are lime and sand. That is, natural raw materials that are safe for human he alth.
- Frost resistance and strength. These are very important qualities for a façade finish that is guaranteed for up to 50 years.
- Wide range. To perform the cladding of the external walls of buildings, manufacturers produce textured and colored silicate bricks. Its various tones are obtained after the addition of artificial dyes.
A significant disadvantage of silicate brick is its low threshold of heat and water resistance. In this regard, there is a ban on its use when lining the foundation, as well as chimneys.
Clinker bricks
This is one of the best materials used for facade cladding. In the manufacture of clinker bricks, manufacturers use a unique technology with a special type of clay. The brick is fired in a kiln at temperatures exceeding 1000 degrees.

Among the benefits of this product are:
- Strength. The material is so resistant to abrasion that it surpasses high-quality concrete in this characteristic.
- Durability. The cladding is guaranteed to last for 100 years.
- Moisture absorption. Clinker brick is able to absorb only 8% of water. Such a low rate is achieved due to the conditions created during its firing.
- Frost resistance. The material is designed for 250-300 thaw and freeze cycles.
- Decorative qualities. During the brick production process, the manufacturer introduces additives into the clay. This allows us to produce products in a wide range of colors, ranging from beige-yellow tones to dark brown.
Among the disadvantages of the considered facing brick for the facade of the house are noted:
- significant thermal conductivity;
- masonry features that will require special skills due to the gradual absorption of moisture by the brick and its slow adhesion to the mortar;
- color difference, which makes it difficult to distribute the material on the wall;
- need for a special, more expensive solution.
Hyper-pressed brick
This material is a type of artificial stone. It is made from limestone, cement and crushed wastes of marble, dolomite and shell rock. Hyper-pressed brick has high strength, and therefore it is used in finishing not only house facades, but alsofences, gazebos, as well as for arranging garden paths.
Among the advantages of this material are:
- Strength and regularity of geometry. According to these parameters, it exceeds the indicators of ceramic and silicate products.
- Ease of installation. The facade of a brick house with this material can be made not only in parallel with the construction of walls, but also after construction is completed.
- Suitable for lining. The material has a variety of colors and a huge range of shaped products. It is easy to cut and frost-resistant, and also has low water absorption (only 5-6%). The front faces of these products have chips that perfectly imitate natural stone.
- Masonry strength. This indicator for hyperpressed brick is 1.5 times higher than that of ceramic. This becomes possible due to the improved quality of the setting of the product.
- Durability. The guarantee of the use of masonry made from these products is 150-200 years.
Flat options
Finishing the facades of houses with bricks (photo provided below) can be very different. But in any case, it will give the structure individual features.

Designers and architects use different options for decorative masonry when creating their projects, the main technique of which is highlighting with color. All combinations of shades and textures are divided into two types:
- Color embroidery. For finishing the facades of private houses with brick, it can be used as one,as well as different colors. To him, without fail, a masonry mixture is selected that has an appropriate color scheme (either suitable in tone or contrasting).
- Use of facing material of several textures and colors. This way of making brick facades of private houses allows you to highlight the various elements of the building and emphasize its main lines.
Which of the cladding options is preferable? When choosing it, you should rely on the following recommendations:
- focus on the architectural style of the house;
- consider the possibility of using a rather spectacular technique, providing for highlighting windows and corners with a certain color, that is, the main facade elements;
- to preserve the attractiveness of the building, make its entrance group, path and fence with gates in the same architectural style.
Arrangement of cladding of wooden structures
The facade of a brick house is often sought by the owners of a dwelling built from a log or timber. This method allows not only to decorate the structure, but also significantly increase its service life. After carrying out such work, the house will acquire a solid appearance and become more solid. And another important factor is that its value in the real estate market will increase.

Let's consider the brick facade of a one-story house. All work on such cladding will consist of three stages:
- Pre-preparation at home. The owner needs to make sure thatthe structure is able to withstand the additional weight. To do this, you will need to inspect the structures and check the quality of the floors. If there are cracks in the beams, as well as traces of mold and other damage on them, the wooden parts should be replaced with new elements. After that, the facade is to be treated with antiseptic impregnation, as well as a flame retardant agent (flame retardant).
- Wall insulation. This stage of work is carried out at the request of the owner. The most popular material for facade insulation is mineral wool. This material will not interfere with air circulation and will allow wooden walls to "breathe", which will extend their life.
- Performance of facing works. At this stage of the facade construction, laying of clay or silicate bricks is carried out. Its distance from the wall of the house should be 5 cm. For strength, the masonry is fixed with galvanized pins.
Arrangement of facing brick or stone structures
Carrying out installation work on the construction of the facade of such houses has its own characteristics. Among them:
- Insulation. For buildings whose walls are built of brick and stone, a material that does not allow air to pass through (for example, foam plastic) is used. When performing insulation using glass wool, you will need to additionally stretch the membrane film. The heat-insulating material is fastened to the wall using plate-shaped dowels.
- Facing. When masonry is made of facade bricks, it is connected to a heater. Self-tapping screws are usedon dish-shaped dowels.
Brick-like finish
What should owners do who want to decorate the facade of their house, but do not have sufficient financial resources and time? In this case, materials will come to their aid with which it will be possible to imitate brickwork. These products are:
- façade tiles or panels with a matching pattern;
- brick siding;
- clinker tiles.
All of the above materials are convenient and practical to care for and use. They are used for finishing the walls of the facade and plinths. With their help, they also decorate openings and other elements.
Modern manufacturers offer a large selection of materials with a variety of sizes and shapes. All of them allow you to create such a brick look of the house, which is difficult to distinguish from the real one.
Front styles
Brick has been used as a building and facing material for more than one century. For many years, its use has contributed to the creation of many styles and ways of decorating buildings. The main trends that can be traced in the decoration of modern homes are:
- English style. It is used in the arrangement of facades of red brick houses. However, it should be borne in mind that the brown material will also not be a violation of the canons. Characteristic features of the English style are shapes that are clear in their geometry, restraint in decor and palette, as well as well-balanced proportions with a neat little porch. The difference is the absencebasement floor with an indispensable component in the form of an attic.
- Gothic style. Its use for a country cottage can radically transform the house. It will immediately turn into a personal fortress. But unlike medieval castles, such a dwelling will have all the amenities. The Gothic style is characterized by the strict lines of the facade, lined with bricks. The presence of forged elements is also mandatory. Such facades of houses are made of different bricks. But the more rough the facing material, the more brutal the structure will look. To achieve a special effect, the colors of the trim and roof should be in contrast.
- Provence or country. These styles are characterized by features that indicate a free country life, but at the same time, such houses look quite elegant and comfortable. When decorating brick facades in this case, plaster and wood are often used. Material color may vary. But traditionally, gray, white and bluish tones are selected for the Provence style. The facade for the country is made of bricks of warm colors - from soft beige to rich curry.
- European style. It combines the traditions of the peoples of the Netherlands, Austria, Denmark and Germany. As a rule, the facades of European-style houses have a combination of half-timbered houses (medieval technologies) with brick, plaster and stone. Most often, materials of light colors are used for this style.