How many bricks are in 1m3 of masonry: how to calculate the volume of material

How many bricks are in 1m3 of masonry: how to calculate the volume of material
How many bricks are in 1m3 of masonry: how to calculate the volume of material

Despite the new technologies that fill the construction industry, ceramic bricks are still a relevant material for building walls, partitions, fences and arches. This is not surprising: it is durable, keeps heat well, insulates sound in rooms, and also does not require additional finishing of external walls, if the jointing is beautifully done. Let's figure out how many bricks are in 1m3 of masonry, how to find out the right amount of material.

brick in 1m3 masonry
brick in 1m3 masonry

"Dry" calculation

Before building a house, they always create a project in which they lay all the materials for the construction of structures. According to the drawings, the calculation of the material is carried out, which will show how much brick or other components need to be purchased, and will also help determine future labor costs, respectively, the approximate cost of the entire event. To minimize losses, both financial and material, you need to know as accurately as possible the number of elements that will be involved in construction.

Types of bricks

  1. Single (1, 0) - standard ceramic red or yellow with dimensions 250x120x65 mm. Knowingits parameters, we find out how many bricks are in 1m3: excluding seams and gaps - 512.
  2. One and a half (1, 5) has an increased height: 250x120x88 mm. Basically, these are white "silicate" bricks, they lay out the walls of buildings, when the speed of construction is important, the appearance of such structures is not distinguished by solemnity. 1m3 contains 378 pieces of such elements.
  3. Double (2, 0): 250x120x138 mm. The increased dimensions of such bricks allow you to quickly build objects, but such elements are not easy to install neatly and with beautiful jointing. Therefore, it is often used for laying the inner layer of the wall. There are 255 double bricks in a cubic meter.

The given data takes into account only the geometric dimensions of the masonry and its elements, but does not take into account the seams and gaps.

We calculate the design masonry by cubic meters

When building walls, bricks are connected to each other by means of cement mortar. It is laid with a layer of a certain thickness sufficient to ensure adhesion and strength of the future structure:

  • for horizontal - 12 mm (in some places 10-15 mm is allowed);
  • for vertical seams - 10 mm (can be 8-15 in some places).

When gaps of this size are met, the brick wall will last a long time, the masonry will be strong and reliable. With a smaller size of the joints or with an excess of mortar in them, the strength conditions will not be met, which means that there is a high risk of deformation or destruction of the walls.

how many bricks in 1m3 of masonry
how many bricks in 1m3 of masonry

Masonry construction requires a professional hand:bricklayers build walls easily and quickly, experience allows them to create joints of the right size without much difficulty. If you decide to create brick structures on your own, it will take much more time.

Now let's calculate how many bricks are in 1m3 of masonry, taking into account the gaps for the seams:

  • single - 394 pieces;
  • one and a half bricks will require 302 elements;
  • double - 200 pieces.

Now you can determine the number of bricks needed for the entire building, but only directly involved in the laying.

Dependence of the amount of material on the thickness of the structure

As you know, there are different types of masonry, the dressing of bricks in them is different. In addition, you need to consider the thickness of the wall. With small volumes, this factor can be neglected, with a significant width, the calculation error may go sideways and there will not be enough material.

how many bricks in 1m3
how many bricks in 1m3

Another way to determine the volume of bricks in 1m3 of masonry is to use the size of the square meter of the side surface of the wall.

To facilitate the task, here is a table that shows the dependence of the number of bricks on the thickness of the masonry.

Number of bricks, pcs Thickness in bricks (construction designation) Wall thickness, mm


(1, 0)

One and a half (1, 5) Double (2, 0)
51 39 26 0, 5 120
102 78 52 1, 0 250
153 117 78 1, 5 380
204 156 104 2, 0 510
255 195 130 2, 5 640

For example, let's determine how many bricks are in 1m3 of wall masonry 5 meters long, 2.7 meters high and 510 mm wide:

1) Find the side area of the wall: 5 x 2, 7=13.5 m2.

2) We are looking for the value in the table - for a single brick wall, the consumption per 1m2 is 204 pieces.

3) Looking for the total: 13.5204=2754 pieces.

Similarly, it is desirable to calculate all stone structures, so you can find out the required amount of material as accurately as possible.

Don't forget to stock up

Ceramic - the material is very fragile, when transferred to the workplace of a bricklayer, there is a risk of breaking a couple of bricks. Losses also occur when separating a stone into fragments for laying out end fragments or complex shapes. Therefore, when calculating the required amount, take into account possible losses and take the material with a margin - at least 5-7% of the total. When erecting complex structures or usingbonding method, the amount of marriage increases to 15-20%.

So, to determine how many bricks are in 1m3 of masonry, you need:

  • determine the volume and area of the walls;
  • choose masonry method;
  • take into account possible losses.

When you know the final result, you can easily calculate the cost of building a stone structure by selecting reliable suppliers.

volume of bricks in 1m3 of masonry
volume of bricks in 1m3 of masonry

A good experienced team of bricklayers will also help save bricks in 1m3 of masonry, because the hands of the master are usually reliable and know their business.
