Indoor plants: homeland, species, care

Indoor plants: homeland, species, care
Indoor plants: homeland, species, care

Green home friends are in every home. Among them there are trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. Each of them has a unique shape, unusual colors.

From the homeland of indoor plants, the rules for their successful breeding come to us.

House plants: properties, usefulness and harmfulness

Many years of practice and experience confirm the sanitary, aesthetic and hygienic role of most indoor plants. They help remove carbon dioxide from the air. It is typically 23 times greater indoors than outdoors.


Thanks to flowers, the air is enriched with oxygen. The leaves of houseplants evaporate moisture, moistening the air and lowering its temperature.

Natural green color has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and psyche. Improves the mood of people and their performance.

Particularly valuable are plants that produce essential oils and phytoncides, which have the ability to kill pathogens. About 50 species of such indoor plants are currently known. Doctors, along with chemists and botanists, are studying their properties.

There are "doctors" among them (for example, aloe andkalanchoe, golden mustache and geranium).

Poisonous plants should not be planted at home, and if they are, be handled with care. These include spurge, oleander, alocasia and akalifa. If you like such indoor plants and look good, it is advisable to put them in a place inaccessible to children, and be careful when in contact with them.


Indoor plants are usually divided into 3 large groups according to their decorative properties. The plants of the first two are decorative leaf and decorative flowering houseplants that do not lose their attractiveness throughout the year. The third group is decorative flowering plants that attract attention only during flowering periods.

In addition to all this, among plants grown at home, there are separate groups: palm, orchids, bromeliads, cacti and succulents, ferns, bulbs, and also fruit-bearing.

homeland of flowers
homeland of flowers

Caring for indoor plants: rules

  1. Roots need not only water, but also air. Waterlogging the soil leads to death or disease.
  2. In winter and late autumn, indoor air, mainly with central heating, is dry. You need to learn how to properly maintain its humidity.
  3. Almost all indoor plants need a certain dormant period. At this time, they should be watered less often and fed a little less. And you also need to provide a lower air temperature than during the period of active growth.
  4. A couple of years after planting, most of the plantsloses its attraction. In this case, it is enough just to transplant the flower into a larger pot.
  5. When caring for plants, the following tools are needed: a watering can with a narrow long spout, a sprayer, an old fork and spoon, secateurs, a soft sponge. Good soil, pots, supports, pallets, bottled liquid fertilizers are all that is needed to properly care for flowers.
  6. If the plant is flooded for a long time, it may die. Also with pests. If a pair of scale insects or any other insects has appeared, it is easy to fight them. And when they cover the whole plant, they cannot be defeated. This means that you should recognize any troubles that are coming for the plant in time and take the necessary measures to successfully deal with them.
  7. When choosing flowers for growing indoors, be sure to consider the conditions provided for them. There are light-loving and shade-tolerant plants.

News from the homeland of indoor plants: what you need to know?

Where did home plants come from, where do they grow in nature? Let's take a look at some of them.

Homelands of indoor plants
Homelands of indoor plants
  1. Flowering ornamental plant verbena is a perennial from the verbena family. Her homeland is America. It is used both in pot culture and in the design of flower beds on open ground.
  2. Evergreen gardenia shrub - jasmine-like plant (180 cm) from the Rubiaceae family. His homeland is the subtropics of China, Africa, Japan, Asia.
  3. Gerbera from the Asteraceae family - originally from South Africa. Toogrown both for cutting and at home.
  4. Hibiscus (Malvaceae family) comes from the tropics and subtropics of Southeast Asia (South China), Polynesia, northern India. The entire genus includes approximately 300 species. It should be noted that this plant lives for over 20 years.
  5. house plant leaves
    house plant leaves
  6. Hydrangea (Gortensia family) naturally grows in China. It has been in culture since the end of the 18th century.
  7. Primrose from the Primrose family, uniting about 20 genera, is distributed mainly in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Japan and China are the birthplace of the flower. There are more than 600 species in total.
Houseplant Care: Rules
Houseplant Care: Rules

The world of indoor plants is amazing and beautiful. Flowers not only decorate the design of any room and give it comfort, but also delight the eye all year round, reminding you of the variety of colors of nature in a snowy winter.
