Technology and arrangement of screw piles

Technology and arrangement of screw piles
Technology and arrangement of screw piles

The foundation is one of the main parts of the building, because it holds the building on itself and undergoes a load from it. Among the variety of bases, it is worth highlighting the pile structure, which is very popular. If the piles are installed correctly, then the operation will not be accompanied by difficulties and will not provide for the need for repairs.

Features of screw piles

screw pile installation
screw pile installation

Before you start installing screw piles, you need to familiarize yourself with their features. Among others, it is worth highlighting the possibility of carrying out work in a maximum of 2 days. Such a foundation is excellent for those soils, the operation of which is accompanied by certain difficulties. Piles have high stability and good strength. The landscape of the territory will hardly be changed when they are installed.

You can build such a foundation almost at any time of the year, while the climate and weather will not affect the quality. This foundation can be operated for a fairly long period, the minimum reaches 45 years. With the help of a pile, you can evenlydistribute bearing loads. Sometimes installation work is not accompanied by manipulations related to the ground.

This design is an excellent solution if construction is planned to be carried out near the seas, rivers, as well as on inclined surfaces. This foundation is especially popular in urban areas. When saturated communication systems are present on the building site, the pile foundation allows you to build buildings without destroying the natural landscape and neighboring structures. In addition, such supports allow you to continue building the house immediately after the installation of the piles.

Varieties of screw piles

floor installation on screw piles
floor installation on screw piles

Before you start building screw piles, you should ask what varieties they are. Products can have wide blades, which are designed for the construction of lightweight structures. On sale there are piles with wide blades, which are installed under load-bearing walls, critical nodes, fences and hangars with more than two floors.

Considering the varieties of supports for the foundation, it is necessary to distinguish products with trunks on which the blades are wound in large numbers. They are suitable for installation in harsh climates. The design provides for a helical blade, which is welded to the trunk itself. Install a similar support on hard-to-work and stone soils. With the help of such piles, buildings with lightweight construction are erected.

Products may have casttip, which simplifies the work on the foundation. Before starting the installation of screw piles, you must choose their diameter, which is calculated taking into account the total weight of the building, as well as the load that will be placed on the structure. Supports can also be classified according to manufacturing features. Supports are welded or cast. The first variety is used on rocky soil, which allows for high adhesion of the soil to the foundation.

Additionally about piles and their varieties

screw pile foundation
screw pile foundation

Welded products are used for those buildings that have a small number of floors. Such supports have an open tip, with the help of which it is possible to achieve reliable fixation on the soil surface. But supports with a closed tip are not so common. Cast products are stronger and able to withstand huge loads. These piles are ready to last longer, and their cost is an order of magnitude higher.

Before you start building screw piles, you should consider their varieties. For example, castings may be of medium vane, standard type, or minor diameter. As for the first type, with the help of them you can penetrate the thawed soil. But for permafrost soil, piles with a small diameter are used. Standard products are common in the construction of small residential buildings.

About screw piles

screw pile driver
screw pile driver

Pile foundation for the first timewas used in the military industry, where there was a need to build strong supports or buildings in a short time. This foundation spread later to low-rise buildings. To date, new piles are known, with the help of which it is possible to build foundations not only for lightweight buildings, but also for multi-storey buildings.

The use of such structures is associated with the presence of moisture in the soil, the need to equip the foundation on difficult terrain, the presence of an equipped landscape or the replacement of the foundation. Screw piles allow you to restore the structure and reduce the amount of earthwork. Supports are also installed when the soil freezes deep enough.

Installation technology

flooring in a house on screw piles
flooring in a house on screw piles

The device of the foundation on screw piles involves the use of products in the form of a steel pipe made of metal. The thickness of the latter is 4 mm or more. Screw supports have a sharp end with a cutting blade that allows screwing. The strength of 3 people will be enough to install the piles.

If the construction object has drops, it is recommended to use supports with a sharp end and two blades. This will allow you to get a building with additional power. The average diameter of the blade varies from 20 to 80 cm. Sometimes the described supports are compared with a self-tapping screw, the diameter of which varies from 5 to 35 cm.

The length of the product will depend on the area where the installation is carried out, this parameter is the limit of 2 to 10 m. The minimum value is suitablefor fences and billboards. Sometimes hollow or cast piles are installed. The blades are placed perpendicularly, which eliminates the loosening of the soil. The bearing capacity can be as low as 5000 kg, while the maximum value reaches 25,000 kg.

Work Tips

baths on screw piles
baths on screw piles

The installation of a bath on screw piles should begin with a study of the soil. This will determine the depth of groundwater and the presence of certain layers of soil in the area. If you plan to do the work manually, then one person should monitor the evenness and quality of screwing, while other people will carry out installation.

After installing the support with the help of a device for twisting screw piles - a multiplier, the upper part of the product is cut off taking into account the level and poured with concrete mortar. As soon as it hardens, a metal structure in the form of a head is installed on each support.

To evenly distribute the load along the perimeter of the building, it is necessary to tie the piles. To give the foundation additional strength, a channel is used. In the process of working on uneven terrain, the piles will differ in height, but they must be placed at the same level. Half an hour will be enough to install a medium-sized support.

Sex in the bath

floor arrangement in the bath on screw piles
floor arrangement in the bath on screw piles

The device of the floor in the bath on screw piles provides for laying the strapping beam on the supports. It is important to ensure the availability of holdersfor the beam so that they are parallel to each other with a step of 1 m. Mounting of the holders is carried out so that the laid beams are on the same level with the strapping beam.

Work methodology

When the floor is made on screw piles, beams are placed in the holders, and it is necessary to try to measure their length so that each beam is laid indented from the strapping beam. A gap of 1 cm will ensure ventilation of the wood during the operation of the bath. On top of the beams is a draft floor, which is fastened with self-tapping screws. At the final stage, the finishing floor is covered. Between the boards should leave gaps of 8 mm. At this point, we can assume that the leaking floor on piles is ready.

Floor for building on screw piles

If you built a frame house on piles, then the flooring can be started after the construction of the pile foundation and the strapping. It is made from timber, channel or I-beam. As an example, a strapping of wooden beams is considered, to which logs are fixed.

The span length of the strapping beams is 3 m or less. If this value is increased, then additional pile supports should be used. For beams, a square beam with a side of 100 mm is selected. It is better to prefer coniferous wood. Before installing the strapping when installing the floor in the house on screw piles, it is necessary to waterproof the base using plastic wrap, roofing material or penofol.
