When it comes to redecorating a room, there is always the initial fear of not knowing where to start. The process is not fast, and priorities should be set. If you follow all the technologies, you will get an excellent result, which will then delight you for many years. Even the initial stages are very important for the final result. Puttying walls is a very laborious process. But to do this work with your own hands is quite realistic. How exactly - we will tell in our article.
Wall preparation
Start with the preparation of the walls. Please note that you first need to do all the plumbing and electrical work in the room, and then proceed to the walls. It happens that they first prepare the walls for wallpapering, and then install, for example, sockets. To make a hole, you need to make a scratch, then cover it up again. This is a very unpleasant moment in the repair.

Preparation begins with the fact that the walls are cleaned of the old finish. Everything is removed without a trace. All corners, as well as places under the ceiling and below where the plinth will be, must be evenly plastered, as these are the first places that will indicate all the shortcomings. The walls must be fully stretched with plaster. Be sure to apply a primer in one layer. It must be deep penetration. This is necessary to get rid of dust and provide better adhesion to the putty. If this is not done, then the putty may crack or completely move away from the walls. This process is important for all types of work, both for wallpaper and for painting. A well-prepared base is the key to a quality repair.
Understanding putty
As for this material, its assortment is diverse, and for each stage of work it is worth selecting the composition according to certain parameters. It is important to determine in advance what you need to purchase. It is worth choosing materials based on gypsum and a white mixture. Usually manufacturers write both the composition of the mixture and the color. For example, they write “super white” on the package. This is a gypsum-based composition. Of course, it is worth giving preference to those types that have long been on the construction market. Do not think that it will still not be visible under the wallpaper. You can't save on this. The quality of the material is important even at this initial stage. There are types of putty that can harm when pasting walls. When sticking wallpaper, it can not always go the way it should. Sometimes it is worth correcting the sheet in the process. At this point, the putty can reach for the wallpaper.

There are materials for each stage of work. This should be taken into account. There is a base putty and a finish putty. Each type has its own limitations on the thickness of the layer. Not to be confused with plaster, which can be applied up to three centimeters. As for the base, it is applied with a layer of up to eight millimeters. Finishing, as a rule, up to five millimeters. All surfaces that require more than eight millimeters need to apply plaster. Usually the thickness of the puttying of the walls increases in two stages. Two layers are applied (each three to five millimeters). As for the first, use the base. The second is the finishing putty. In hardware stores you can also find a ready-made mixture for use. Usually it is more expensive. The cost varies from 260 to 350 rubles per five kilograms. It is perfect for the last layer. Often masters use it in preparation for painting.
Tool for the job
Here's what we need:
- Roller.
- Brush.
- Bowl for roller.
- Spatula length from 7 centimeters.
- Spatula from 30-50 centimeters (in the absence of experience, you should not take a very large one).
- Kneading bucket.

Mix kneading
For convenience, you should first pour water, then gradually fill in the putty. Long and thorough stirring will greatly facilitate the work. The mixture itself should be of a homogeneous consistency, not very thick in appearance. If it is too liquid (like sour cream), the putty will slide off the spatula. If you knead it hard,wall to apply it will be impossible. It is best to mix in small batches. A drill with a special nozzle for stirring will facilitate efforts. It is convenient to use a plastic bucket.
Theory of wall processing
So, we arm ourselves with tools. We take a large spatula in the right hand, a small one in the left. With the smaller one, we take the mixture and try to evenly place it on the spatula in our right hand (we stretch from one tip of the tool to the other).

Now put a large trowel against the wall at a 45 degree angle and pull from the bottom to the top. If horizontal, right to left. Making two or three sweeps, remove the excess from the working spatula. And we carry out on the wall already without putty. We do the same movements on the applied surface. So we remove any kind of stripes or bumps. We process all walls in a similar way.
About the ceiling
As for the puttying of ceilings, there are also nuances here. You need to choose a different consistency. Don't put too much on the spatula.

It will be difficult to apply the mixture. The support on which we stand must be reliable and comfortable. Remember that more effort will be applied than when puttying the walls. The technology itself is the same as with a vertical surface, but already above your head. It's usually harder, so it takes longer.
Putting walls under wallpaper
Can I do it myself? Puttying the walls with your own hands under the wallpaper is not a difficult process. It is easy to master, and already on the fourth wallgood results can be achieved. As a rule, it is only two layers. First we apply the base. After that, the final puttying of the walls is performed. Since there are different types of wallpapers, it happens that they are translucent. To avoid such a nuisance, for this it is necessary to apply two layers. The latter is skinned, that is, all the shortcomings of the putty are removed (stripes from a spatula, growths, etc.). It is convenient to do this with a special bar, which can be purchased at a hardware store. Attention should be paid to the corners and areas near plumbing pipes (it is in these places that a lot of excess material accumulates).
After sanding the walls, prime the surface. This will avoid unnecessary consumption of glue and it is convenient to paste over the wall with wallpaper. If you follow the technology of puttying the walls, then the next time you repair, you will not need to repeat the process again. It will be enough to remove the wallpaper and stick new ones. Moreover, they will be filmed in one large canvas.
Putting walls for painting
How to do this job? As for the puttying of walls and ceilings for painting, the process here is more painstaking. As a rule, the material is applied in three layers. Putty, already diluted from the manufacturer, is perfect for painting. It fills in small scratches well. The consistency is prepared so that it is easy and pleasant to work with. Here, the preparation of the walls should be approached especially carefully. Walls and corners should be level. Otherwise, the paint will show all the flaws. More time should be devoted to sanding the walls. The skin should be fine grit, from 120 to 150. Light will help to see all the flaws. You can take a table lamp for a computer, put it close to the wall and direct it so that the light falls from the side. All flaws and shortcomings will be visible. They should be repaired with a smear of putty or rubbed with sandpaper.

Instead of a primer, you can use the paint itself. The material should be diluted in a ratio of one to one so that the color pigment is still present. Next, go through the first layer. Now again you need to inspect the wall visually and fix all the flaws. If you need to repair something, we add a little paint itself to the finished putty. And with this mixture we will fix the flaws.
After we made sure the walls were perfect, we paint until we get the color we planned. Please note: when dry, the enamel lightens a little. At the next repair, updating the interior, it will only need to be painted in a different color.
How is plasterboard wall plastering done? Even if the surface is smooth and dust-free, it is still primed. This is a required process. It is necessary to close up all the joints and places of self-tapping screws in drywall. First we glue with a sickle. It already contains glue, so it is easy to stick around the entire joint. After all the seams are processed with a spatula with putty. The tool should be kept level, in order to end up with a layer equal to the drywall sheet. In no case should there be excess that goes beyond the sheet. After drying, putty the wall completely. Drywall itself is a flat sheet. So one is enoughtimes of applying putty. In some countries, only seam sealing is practiced. Then move on to the final finish. But sometimes after the finishing operation (whether it's wallpaper or painting, it doesn't matter), dark spots show through. To avoid such incidents, it is better to apply two layers of putty. On drywall walls, you can use finishing putty in two layers. There is no need for a base layer here. For such walls, only a deep penetration primer should be used.

Drywall very quickly absorbs all the moisture applied to it. If this is not taken into account, then glue can dry quickly when wallpapering. You have to apply it over and over again. When painting, there is a possibility of a large consumption of the paint itself. Priming is an important step that should not be forgotten.
Putting slopes
Door or window slopes, when properly designed, give the room a finished look. Pull them out strictly according to the level. The window frame or door frame must be glued with masking tape.

You can shape the slopes with putty. It is worth applying from the inner corner to the outer. The rest of the process depends on what material will be used in the final finish.
Repair is a difficult, but still interesting business. Do not ignore the puttying of the surface, as this is the basis of the aesthetic appearance of the room. Cosmetic updates can be handled by hand. It is only worth applyinga little effort.