Leather jacket is a fairly common wardrobe item that is ideal for the climatic conditions of our country. However, such a thing requires careful care. The question of how to clean a leather jacket at home will eventually arise for every person who wears such outerwear. In our article, we will try to analyze in detail the common types of pollution, as well as methods for their elimination, we will talk about the features of caring for a thing made of genuine leather.
Jacket care
Thought about whether a leather jacket is cleaned after contamination? Definitely! However, this should not be done every day, but only from time to time and only in those places where it is most noticeable.
If you notice that sleeves, zippers, pockets or buttons don't look as good as you'd like, it's worth itclean. To do this, it is usually enough to use a simple soapy solution with a small addition of ammonia. For more serious pollution, other methods will have to be used.

That is, if there are no difficult contaminants on the surface of outerwear, then you can gently clean it with a regular cloth and soapy water. This procedure will refresh the jacket, and you do not have to wash it all. However, if the wardrobe item is very dirty, then you should resort to using more serious methods, which will be described in the following sections.
Types of pollution
If you want to quickly and effectively clean a leather jacket, then you should familiarize yourself with the main list of contaminants that this item is most often exposed to. Since each variety requires a certain approach, the information provided will save you a lot of time and effort. Here are just the most common stains found on leather jackets:
- usual dirt after rain;
- makeup stains;
- traces of a ballpoint pen;
- paint;
- fat.
It's not hard to guess that the difficulty and method of getting rid of each of these species will be different. For example, if you want to get rid of the usual dirt on a lock or pocket that has formed as a result of falling to the ground after rain, then you should use plain warm water with soap. But if you want to get rid of fat or paint, then without usingchemicals are indispensable. Moreover, they must be used with extreme caution so that chemistry does not corrode expensive leather in any case.
Cleaning method for thin and soft leather
Before you start cleaning a white leather jacket or a jacket made from a very delicate material, it is highly recommended to choose the right stain remover. It is strictly forbidden to use a chemical solvent, even if there is a stain in the form of paint on the outer clothing. In this case, only a professional product that is used in dry cleaners can help.

However, if the jacket has a stain of a different origin, then you can try to remove it with a natural remedy. The algorithm of actions will be described below:
- Mix equal proportions of potato starch and chalk in water.
- After the formation of a thick mass, apply the resulting product to the stain.
- We stand the "sour cream" for several hours, after which we wipe it with a napkin.
This method will "take" most of the stains, especially if they are not too stubborn. However, if it does not help, it is best to seek professional help from a dry cleaner, as experiments with delicate skin can end very badly.
Can I clean my jacket with gasoline?
Judging by online reviews, you can clean a leather jacket at home with a small amount of gasoline. This is especially true when the item is contaminated.paint or other chemicals. However, this procedure should be carried out with extreme caution, in a well-ventilated area and only on those things that are made from natural pigskin.

Do not forget that gasoline has a rather specific smell that can be absorbed into your thing. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to treat the jacket with soapy water immediately after cleaning. However, if you do not want to risk an expensive thing, then medical alcohol can be used instead of gasoline. The effect will not be as strong, but the ethanol disappears very quickly.
Baking soda for all occasions
Many people are wondering if it is possible to wash a leather jacket and how to clean an expensive item on your own. The answer is quite simple: in most cases, you can’t wash a jacket in a typewriter, as this can harm the skin. However, no one forbids the use of folk remedies that help fight even stubborn stains on things.

It is best to clean a leather jacket with a regular soda solution. Or you can completely moisten the sponge in water, then sprinkle it with soda and proceed to get rid of the stain. However, this must be done very carefully - great physical effort can damage outer clothing. After cleaning, you can treat the surface with table vinegar, which will not only "eat" all the remnants of soda, but also give the jacket an extra shine.
Bow against stubborn stains
If you prefer to clean your leather jacket only with folk remedies, we recommend that you try the head of an ordinary bulb. The juice of this root vegetable ideally eliminates greasy stains. And if you are afraid of an unpleasant smell, then an ordinary soap solution will cope with it without any problems.

If you don't have an onion at home, you can replace it with beaten egg white. This method can be repeated several times until there is no trace left of the stain. In this case, you can absolutely not worry about your thing. Protein perfectly removes even stubborn grease and ordinary dirt.
How to properly clean a collar?
Now you know a few ways to clean a leather jacket at home. However, in order for the cleaning procedure to be as safe as possible for the gizmo, it must be borne in mind that each part must be processed in a special way. Here's how, for example, to clean the collar, which is so often contaminated? This is exactly what we will talk about next.
Lay out the jacket on a flat surface and straighten the collar. If you decide to use rubbing alcohol or gasoline, it is best to soak a few cotton pads in the substance, and also use protective gloves so as not to irritate your skin. The collar must be worked with very gentle movements, since in most cases the skin in this place is much thinner than in the rest.
Cleaning fasteners, sleeves, pockets

Varioushard-to-reach areas can be quite difficult to clean, but are subject to almost daily contamination. It is enough to put dirty hands in a pocket or fasten a button with them, after which they acquire a rather unpleasant appearance. In this case, the cleaning procedure is carried out similarly to the collar, but with greater intensity. To get to the difficult area, you can use an old toothbrush or toothpick. If you carry out such a procedure at least once a month, then your jacket will always look like new.
Erasing the lining
How to wash a leather jacket at home with your hands or in a typewriter? This can only be done if your thing provides for detaching the lining from the main part. The inside of the jacket can get as dirty as the outside, so it should also be cleaned or washed from time to time.
If you decide to do all the work by hand, you can treat the lining with a soapy solution with a small amount of powder and fabric softener. Cleaning should be done with a soft brush or sponge to avoid tearing the fabric.
In the case of the washing machine, everything is much simpler. Just remove the lining from the jacket and wash it in the mode that is shown on the label inside. If you cut it off a long time ago, then use a delicate wash with a water temperature not higher than 30 ° C. Otherwise, you risk ruining the lining.
Clean sleeves, front and back
How to clean a leather jacket and make it shine, you already know. However, the cleaning technology most oftenpolluted places has so far remained undisclosed. So how do you wash outerwear with soapy water or other means?
It all depends on the nature of the damage. If this is ordinary dirt, then it will be enough to wipe the surface with a sponge. However, difficult stains will have to be removed with a soft brush. After that, you need to moisten the sponge in clean water and get rid of soap stains, and then hang the jacket on the balcony for ventilation.
As for the sleeves, special care should be taken with them. In these places, the leather wears off pretty quickly, so if you clean your old jacket with a rough brush, you can peel off the skin, after which the thing will become unusable.
How to deal with specific pollution?
How do leather jackets dry clean? First, the nature of the contamination is revealed, after which the appropriate method for cleaning outerwear is selected. This is especially difficult if the soiling is of a specific origin, such as a blood stain or ballpoint pen paste. What to do to a person who does not have dry cleaning in the city? You will find the answer in the list below.

- Blood. Dried blood is much more difficult to remove than fresh blood. The worst enemy of such "blobs" is hydrogen peroxide, however, before proceeding with cleaning, it is necessary to test the substance, as it can change the color of the product. Blood stains can also be cleared up with regular aspirin. Just dissolve in a glass of water (250 milliliters)one tablet of this drug.
- Ballpoint pen. Eliminating such pollution is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The best remedy is medical alcohol and heated glycerin, mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. We moisten a cotton pad in such a solution, after which we treat the problem area with it. You can also additionally pour a little wet table s alt on the stain, then wipe it off, and treat the product with soapy water.
- S alt stains. What is the best way to deal with s alt? That's right, ordinary table vinegar. To clean a leather jacket, soak a cotton pad in it and treat the dirty surface with it. A solution of laundry soap may also be suitable. To do this, mix 1 liter of water and about 30 grams of chips.
As you can see, even the toughest stains can be de alt with effortlessly. To do this, it is enough to know what stains and how to remove them. Therefore, if you decide to clean your jacket, then first of all, be sure to read the theoretical information, and only then proceed to practice. Otherwise, you can simply ruin an expensive thing.
Video and conclusion
We hope our article has helped you better understand what and how to clean a leather jacket. I would also like to recommend that you watch a short video in which the author talks about another effective way to clean a leather product at home. In addition, in it you will learn how to distinguish between different types of skin with simple manipulations with water. This will lead to better qualitycleaning your item.

There are many ways to clean a leather jacket. The choice of methodology should be entirely based on the nature of the contamination. Also, do not forget about problem areas that require careful care. If you properly clean your outerwear, it will serve you for many years.