Modern housing is hard to imagine without such a necessary attribute as a mirror. This piece of furniture meets us not only in the hallway, but also in the bathroom, and in the bedroom one cannot do without it. Of course, a mounted compact accessory would be more appropriate in the bathroom. In turn, in the bedroom or in the room of a young girl, a large solid mirror is simply indispensable, and if it is also complemented by a spacious cabinet in which you can store cosmetics and various little things, its value will increase significantly. What are these mirrors? This is a trellis, dressing table or dressing table.
Trumeau. Description
A dressing table is a large mirror, complemented by shelves and cabinets. From French, the term itself is translated as "wall". This is explained by the original location of this piece of furniture. Previously, it was installed mainly in the walls, between doorways and windows.
The history of the appearance of the dressing table goes back to the eighteenth century. Many mistakenly believe that the birthplace of the product is France, because of its name. However, according to historians, we owe the appearance of this subject to the English Baroque. Modern dressing table differs significantly fromits counterpart of the eighteenth century. Previously, it was made of precious wood and decorated with bronze, silver and gold inserts. Such a product was a sign of the prosperity of the owners.
A mirror on a stand was originally equipped with a dressing table, then psiché models came into fashion. Such mirrors were attached to a rotating frame or a folding table top and had an adjustable tilt angle. Some modern manufacturers produce such products in a retro style, but you can rarely find them in a store. Currently, a dressing table is made of heavy solid wood and is characterized by a laconic, strict style.

In the modern world, a dressing table is a convenient alternative to a bathroom mirror, which allows you to tidy yourself up faster and in much more comfortable conditions. A beautiful pouffe will be a good addition, it can be purchased separately or as part of a set.
There is also a children's dressing table - such a mini-copy of the growing beauty will definitely like it. In addition, this piece of furniture has drawers and shelves, this will help organize order and cleanliness in her corner.
Trillage. Description
Trillage is a mirror with three wings, the central part of which is fixed on a table or cabinet. Its other reflective elements, located on different sides of the middle link, are moving. This allows a person to consider himself from every side. This piece of furniture, along with a dressing table, appeared in the eighteenth century in England. Later it became an indispensable element of the boudoir of Frenchwomen who embodied the luxurious baroque. Soon the trellis spread throughout the world and won universal recognition among the most beautiful half of humanity.
Currently, not only in the ladies' room you can find trellis, but also in living rooms and hallways. The cabinets that are part of the product are equipped with shelves, cabinets and drawers. It is convenient to store accessories and cosmetics in them, and things that are regularly used during the day (lotions, combs, moisturizers, etc.) can be placed on the surface of the table.
Trillage patterns
When choosing a trellis model, you should know that there are two types: traditional and corner trellis with a mirror.

Traditional trellis is a mirror, beautifully designed, reaching to the floor. You can see yourself in it in full growth. This model is usually equipped with several drawers, suitable for storing cosmetics, face care products and all kinds of small accessories that every woman needs.
Corner trellis has mirrors, the doors of which are located above the bedside table. This is done in order to be able to see yourself from all sides, many choose models with movable mirrors.
What is the difference between trellis and dressing table
It will not be difficult to distinguish these interior items in appearance. After all, a dressing table has only one mirror, and a trellis has three of them. With the help of loops, side links are attached to the central link of the trellis, which are adjustable and allow you to independentlyset the reflection angle. Thanks to this, a person in the mirror can see himself not only from the front, but also from behind and from the side. This design allows the device to be especially convenient when creating and modeling hairstyles.

Large sizes usually have a central trellis mirror - this allows you to see yourself in full growth. Side mirrors are usually an order of magnitude smaller. While in the mirror of the dressing table a person sees himself only waist-deep. This piece of furniture is designed for facials and make-up.
Another difference between a dressing table and a trellis is that the first is often equipped with open-type side shelves, which are located at the level of the mirror. They are designed to accommodate various cosmetics. And if the trellis has open shelves, then they will be located under the mirror.

Models of both products can be optionally equipped with hidden cabinets that are hidden with reflective elements.
When choosing a trellis, dressing table or dressing table, you should pay attention to what material they are made of. Usually they are wooden or with metal elements. As for design, among all the variety, you can choose exactly the model that suits a particular interior: from high-tech style to classic and modern. These elements of furniture are selected both for the general interior and as part of the headset. The cost will vary depending onfrom material, fittings and decor. Decor elements can be made of various materials: artificial and natural. Often such furniture is decorated with artistic carvings.

Bedside tables with a mirror, reminiscent of a dressing table and trellis, at first glance will not seem so obligatory, but, having tried all their advantages in practice, it is already hard to understand how it was possible to do without it before.