Every hunter knows for sure - the better the equipment, the better the result of the hunt. Plunging into the water, which is most often muddy, the hunter must have a flashlight with him, the light of which can penetrate the water column. There are many factors that make hunting underwater difficult, such as algae and night time. However, not everyone, especially a beginner hunter, can afford to purchase expensive equipment. But you can make a lantern with your own hands.
What are underwater lights?
First, let's consider what kind of lights for spearfishing can be. They are divided into several types: rechargeable, on batteries that are not recharged (plus - they last longer than rechargeable ones, minus - as they are discharged, the light will dim), xenon, LED and halogen. An underwater flashlight for spearfishing should have the following qualities - be waterproof (which is the most important factor), have a solid body and design (there is increased pressure under water, so the body must be either metal or made ofimpact-resistant plastic), and, of course, be ergonomic (it is very important in conditions of poor visibility to fully rely on sensations - for this, the flashlight should be comfortably placed in the palm of your hand).
DIY lantern
How can I make an underwater lamp with my own hands? In principle, it is not so difficult, even more - it is interesting and exciting. It's about a simple flashlight powered by a built-in battery. The peculiarity of our model will be that it will be able to swim on its own, without support, with the handle up. In this case, the light of the lantern will be directed downwards, which will allow you to clearly see everything that happens around the hunter. So, first, let's decide what we need to work. For homemade, you need: an uninterruptible battery (dimensions play an important role - 90x65x150), a coupling for pipes 150 mm long and 110 mm in diameter, a plastic plug, an adapter (from 110 to 50 mm), a halogen spotlight with a diameter of 50 mm, a wooden handle from the door, styrofoam, silicone sealant.

Starting crafting
The first step is to improve the clutch a little - the battery is almost the same size as it, you need to carefully place it there. A soffit must be inserted into the adapter tube. So that the underwater flashlight for spearfishing does not sink, a circle of foam must be glued to the plug - it is important to strictly maintain a thickness of 2.5 cm. The handle, which must bewooden, so that a home-made underwater lamp stays well afloat, is attached with electrical tape (fastener options may be different). Wires must be removed from the case, which will replace the switching system by a simple short circuit.

What are the advantages of this model
Underwater lights made in this way have many advantages. The main one is a small weight that does not let your hands get tired during long use. The second obvious we alth is the low cost of all purchased parts. The horizontal position of the handle also plays a positive role - while the lantern seems to be looking a little downward, directing the light at an angle to the bottom, it is almost impossible to notice it from the shore. Again, the lack of a power-on system, which can fail at any, the most undesirable moment. All parts are easily replaceable and can be found at any hardware store. The service life of such an underwater lantern is quite long - if you protect it from accidental bumps and falls, such a lantern will serve faithfully for quite a long time.

LED flashlight
Underwater lights are not only on batteries, as mentioned above. The LED model is good because it consumes a fairly small amount of energy, and also has a high brightness of the glow. Making such a lantern is also not very difficult. To work, you will need a matrix consisting of eighteen super-bright LEDs, a controller, 4 Ni-Mh batteries, an EK-Light 18 module. From a sheetThe body is made of stainless steel, and the front part and nuts are made from the blank, which will then fix the glass. Plexiglas, eight millimeters thick, is first planted on a sealant, and then additionally tightened with nuts. You can also make an LED matrix yourself - a layout is drawn on paper, then transferred to an aluminum plate. Holes are drilled in the designated places (250 LEDs are needed - 10 groups of 25 pieces each). The reed switch and the power field switch replace the power button; a battery is used for power, the charge of which lasts for seven hours. Underwater hunting lamp is ready.

What else do you need to know?
So we know how to make an underwater lantern. What else do you need to know about them? Rechargeable flashlights must be completely discharged before being charged again. An under-discharged underwater hunting flashlight will lose energy intensity if it is not properly charged. The exception is lithium batteries, but they are very expensive. When going far from civilization, it is worth stocking up with an adapter through which you can connect the flashlight to the car's cigarette lighter. The LED flashlight will last the longest - it does not emit as much heat as halogen or xenon ones. Batteries made from cadmium and nickel are considered excellent in their characteristics - they are distinguished by a long cycle of charging and discharging.

What other qualities are important for underwater lights
In addition to all of the above, underwater lightsmust have a few more essential qualities. They must have a reliable mount that will not let you down if a serious battle with the caught fish breaks out under water. The "crab" mount is best suited - repeatedly tested not only in spearfishing, but also in other types of hobbies.

The type of light emitters must be of high quality, and the power of the light flux, selected individually for each hunter, must be quite productive. The cold light of the LEDs will give more brightness, and the warm tint will help to better see the contours of objects. Much attention should be paid to optics - blurry glass will not give the desired result. So, when creating an underwater lantern, it is worth taking every step with all responsibility - a small oversight or inaccuracy can affect the entire operation of the lantern as a whole. Also, once again, you can focus on the cost - a lantern bought in a store will cost at least seven thousand. Whereas a hand-made lantern will require at least seven times less cost. It is hard to argue that spearfishing with high-quality equipment will only be a joy, and your favorite pastime will bring not a single big victory in underwater fights.