A characteristic trend in the field of modern housing construction is the growth of private land holdings and the construction of housing on them in accordance with the individual tastes and preferences of the developer.
On my own land
The housing problem in big cities has managed to lose the acuteness that has been characteristic of it for many decades. A lot of housing has been built and more and more are being built every year. Today, the question of choosing a roof over your head is determined mainly by the financial capabilities of the applicant. But as the standard of living rises, people become demanding, and many people are not satisfied with even the quality housing that they are offered in modern residential complexes. Therefore, every year the number of those who made a conscious choice in favor of their home on their land is increasing. Properly embodied in the material, the architectural design of a private house allows you to independently create a living environment for yourself and your family. In this regard, even elite apartments in a prestigious multi-storey residential complex cannot compete with a private house. But anyone who has embarked on the path of independent construction is faced with the problem of how to rationally choose the architectural design of the house.

Is it possible to do without extra costs
The desire to save on design work is quite natural. No one has extra money. But practice shows that an attempt to delete the cost of an architectural project from the construction budget most often leads to the opposite result. This is the very classic case when the well-known principle "the miser pays twice" works. Trying to build without a professionally designed plan inevitably increases costs. Does the above mean that any architectural and construction project must be completely unique? Absolutely not. All stages of architectural design have long been unified, in practice they come down to choosing the best option from all available. And this, among other things, allows you to really save on design development.

Common misconception
In practice, the experience of independent design most often comes down to an attempt to select an acceptable architectural design from among the so-called "standard layouts". On the Internet, you can easily find many spectacular pictures with country houses pleasing to the eye with their expressiveness. And it is quite understandable that the desire of an amateur to simply copy what he saw on his own land plot. But the realization of the fact that it is impossible to build a house according to a visual image comes very soon. A beautiful picture is not a technically sound document or an architectural project. However, this does not mean that independent research of the desired architectural image of your home was in vain. Just to make it a real project for construction, a professional architect must work on the layout chosen by the customer. As a rule, he is interested in taking into account the wishes of the customer to the maximum extent.

What an architectural design must contain
First of all, the architectural project contains the aesthetic concept of the object being built, no matter how exclusive it may be. A well-written technical document for construction necessarily includes a planned layout of the object with a strength calculation and the choice of an acceptable material for all load-bearing wall structures, interfloor and roofing. The entire range of fire and environmental safety measures must be included in the architectural design of the house. In addition, the object being designed should be optimally tied to general engineering communications, power supply, water consumption and sewerage systems. If a customer who does not have professional knowledge tries to cope with the indicated range of problems on his own, he dooms himself to a deliberate failure and, as a result, to a multiple increase in the construction budget.

General layout of the village
We should not forget that all architectural projects of houses and cottagesare integral components of the general development plan of a particular settlement. The building being constructed should organically fit into it. The house and auxiliary premises should be placed on the site in an optimal way and not create problems for immediate neighbors in the field of insolation, connection to engineering and transport communications, and landscape design of the adjacent territory. But subject to the general architectural concept of the village, the developer has the opportunity to build everything he deems necessary within his land plot.

Approvals and approvals
According to the current legislation, the architectural design of the building under construction must be approved by a number of administrative authorities. Coordination of the project is carried out with environmental and fire protection structures. One copy of the approved architectural design must be handed over to the state archive for permanent storage. Authorized architectural bodies control the compliance of the structure being built with the approved project. It should be noted that the volume of necessary administrative approvals may differ significantly in different areas.