Project of a house 10 by 10. One-story house 10 by 10 from timber, foam blocks

Project of a house 10 by 10. One-story house 10 by 10 from timber, foam blocks
Project of a house 10 by 10. One-story house 10 by 10 from timber, foam blocks

The project of a 10 by 10 one-story house is a very common solution to the housing problem. In this way, you can equip your own corner outside the city limits without cluttering the building with additional tiers.

Why one

In cottage settlements, houses above 1 floor are more common. This is due to saving space on the land, since the bunk dwelling has a smaller outer perimeter. This is convenient for large families, where the upper levels are occupied by rooms for young household members.

house project 10 by 10 one-story
house project 10 by 10 one-story

One-story houses are currently gaining popularity. These are chosen by families with a small number of people and with elderly parents who, due to age or he alth, are inconvenient to climb to the second level.

The project of a 10 by 10 one-story house involves the use of a considerable building area, so this option is optimal for owners of large land holdings.

The issue of convenient placement of premises is relevant. When the rooms are on the same level, it is much more convenient to navigate andmove around.


When choosing the number of storeys of a house, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons of this or that decision. Consider the arguments in favor of a one-tier building with perimeter dimensions of 10 by 10 meters.

  • Comfortable layout within one floor.
  • Sufficient area to accommodate the required number of rooms (1010=100 m2).
  • Acceptable and optimal solution for the elderly and young children.
  • No risk of falling down stairs when lifting and starting.

The advantages of the house in terms of living are obvious. Convenience is a defining factor for many hosts.

The disadvantages of one-story cottages make no sense to put in a separate category: if the developer has determined the degree of convenience for himself, then most likely he will stop at this decision. The rest is technical nuances that will be resolved during the design and construction.

Material selection

Projects of a one-story house 1010 made of timber or stone materials are presented in various variations: with an attic, a veranda, with an attached garage, a bath - there are many solutions. Anything can be made from modern building components at the request of the customer.

A house made of timber is closest to nature: the material is environmentally friendly, while high operating efficiency. Wooden buildings are able to serve for centuries - this is proved by the architectural monuments of our ancestors, which have survived to our time in excellent condition. Modern methods of processing logs andbeams increase the service life of the material - chamber drying, the use of special impregnations, additional cladding of facades and walls - improve the performance of wood.

projects of a one-story house 10 10 from a bar
projects of a one-story house 10 10 from a bar

Projects of one-story houses made of foam blocks 1010 meters are common among lovers of solid solutions. Such a cottage is unpretentious in operation, and construction takes place relatively quickly. The foam block is a product made from a variety of lightweight concrete, it is highly efficient: it retains heat perfectly due to its porous structure, is resistant to chemical attack, does not deteriorate from microorganisms and fungi, and has been serving for more than 100 years.

projects of one-story houses from foam blocks
projects of one-story houses from foam blocks

If we compare the presented options, the project of a 10 by 10 one-story house made of timber is economical, and made of blocks is more solid. In terms of technical characteristics, they practically do not differ, the choice of material depends on the personal preferences of the developer.

The project of brick one-story houses 1010 meters is quite rare, because it is not effective: a large wall thickness and special insulation are required. This requires large material investments and labor costs. It is advisable to build a cottage from timber or blocks and make brick cladding of the facade.

Technological features

As already mentioned, for a one-story house, it makes no sense to single out the shortcomings in a separate category, since they rather relate to engineering and construction nuances thatresolved at the stage of design and construction of the facility. Next, we will consider these features using the example of comparison with houses of a higher number of storeys. An exception, perhaps, can be considered the need for a large area required for construction. 1010 meters make up a hundred square meters, so the option is only suitable for owners of a large plot.

project of brick one-story houses
project of brick one-story houses

Constructive solutions

The project of a 10 by 10 one-story house does not require a solid and powerful foundation, since the load from one tier is not significant. It does not matter whether brick, block or block walls are chosen for construction.

A concrete monolithic foundation for a house will require about 1.5 times more consumables compared to a two-tiered version. This difference is due to the relatively shallow depth and smaller base structure. Reinforcement consumption will also not be so large: the impact of a relatively lower load from one tier does not require powerful reinforcement.

Walls for a house can have a minimum allowable thickness, since only the roof rests on top of them. The volume of materials for construction is equivalent to a two-story dwelling. The number of overlap elements is also the same.

The project of a house 10 by 10 one-story simple or complex configuration requires a large roofing area. The complexity of its perimeter further increases the cost of work and the amount of material.

The layout within the same floor is the most efficient, since the lack of stairsprovides the opportunity to use the area as useful as possible.

house project 10 by 10 one-story simple
house project 10 by 10 one-story simple

Insulation and maintenance

Maintenance issues at home require a special approach. Maintaining a positive temperature, conducting communications, access to networks should be carefully thought out.

Heating a one-story house should be accompanied by special insulation of ceilings and walls, since warm air is well distributed in the vertical direction. In this regard, cube-shaped, taller houses are much easier to maintain. Therefore, the thermal insulation of structures should be arranged with a thicker layer.

Conducting communications even during the construction process is somewhat simpler: there is no need to break through the ceilings for pipes to the second floor. Within one tier, circuits can be positioned efficiently enough to facilitate maintenance.

house project 10 by 10 one-story
house project 10 by 10 one-story

Access to possible breakdowns within the volume of a one-story house is much easier than in a two-story house: the height of the building is lower, climbing into the attic or roof is not difficult. Cleaning and maintenance of the premises is much easier to carry out within the same plane than running up and down the stairs.
