The foam block has not so impressive strength, but it is convenient to work with it due to its low weight, and if necessary, it can be cut. At the heart of such products is air, which, as you know, acts as the best heat insulator. But if you decide to use the described material during construction, then you should know the cons of foam blocks, this will eliminate errors.
Disadvantages of foam concrete

Foam concrete is widely used in the insulation of buildings for various purposes. Due to the fact that these products are characterized by low compressive strength, they should be transported and handled with care. This quality is also due to the low density. If we compare foam concrete with autoclaved aerated concrete according to this characteristic, then the first option is in a losing position. The production of foam concrete today is established at a huge number of private enterprises, where they do not always care about the quality of their products, this must be taken into account when purchasing products. In order to recoup the costs in the block manufacturing process as soon as possible, insufficiently technological equipment may be used.
Consfoam blocks can be aggravated if, after molding, the product has not acquired brand strength. In order to check this at the time of purchase, you can use a 100 mm nail. With standard strength, it will be impossible to pull out the nail after penetration into the body of concrete without using an additional tool.
Cons of the foam block in self-manufacturing
Another disadvantage may lie in the material of self-produced. It is expressed in a slow set of strength, which can slow down the development of a business or the construction process on its site. A significant disadvantage of foam concrete is also shrinkage, during which the product is covered with cracks. How intensively the material will shrink depends on several factors, one of them is the quality of the sand, as well as its fractionation, the type of cement and the water content in relation to the cement.
What to choose: gas or foam block

Assessing the disadvantages of foam blocks, many home craftsmen are beginning to turn their attention to the gas block. Both of these materials have pores and have the ability to absorb moisture, but if, after building the building, the drainage system is properly organized, then the building can be operated even without external protective finishes. For many, if not all, the issue of environmental friendliness is important today. Compared to the gas block, the foam block is completely harmless, since the first version of the material contains aluminum, which has a negative impact on he alth.
The disadvantages of foam blocks are also that they do not allow saving, because in the processlaying will have to use a cement mortar, the consumption of which is much higher compared to glue. The latter is laid in a thin layer and used in tandem with a gas block, and almost completely eliminates the formation of cold bridges.
Choice between foam concrete and brick

Despite all the shortcomings, foam blocks remain quite common today. Brick, however, also does not lose its popularity. But these two materials are often compared by consumers before construction begins. Foam concrete, for example, is superior to brick in terms of heat and sound insulation characteristics. But in matters of moisture resistance, foam concrete is not inferior to its competitor. The environmental friendliness of a brick is not so impressive, while lightweight concrete is compared in this property with wood. But in multi-storey construction, cellular material cannot be used.
It is foam blocks that allow to realize interesting architectural ideas, brick is somewhat behind in this matter. The laying process using a small brick will last much longer than using a large block, which allows you to reduce not only labor costs, but also the consumption of masonry mixture. And the cost of the lightest concrete is lower.
Tools and materials

To carry out the construction of the foundation of an oversized building, it is necessary to prepare some materials and tools, namely:
- shovel;
- capacity;
- gas block or foam block;
- level;
- pegs;
- fishing line;
- trowel;
- cement;
- sand;
- rubble.
Features of the construction of the foundation of foam blocks

The foundation of foam blocks can be built using the technology described below. It involves marking, according to which a trench is prepared with a depth of 70 cm. The width should be equivalent to the dimensions of the foam block, but about 15 cm will have to be added to this indicator. Sand and gravel should be poured into the bottom, the layer of each of which should be equal to 10 cm. Pillow rammed and poured with concrete.
Now you should wait until the mixture dries and gains strength, only then you can proceed to laying the blocks. It is necessary to start doing this from the corners, using a level in the process. In order to prevent shedding of soil from the walls of the trench, a protective mesh can be installed. Once the installation is completed, you can fill the seams with a special solution, this will prevent the absorption of moisture. Such waterproofing must be carried out over the entire outer perimeter of the structure.
Gas block or foam block is not intended for the construction of building foundations, so before starting work, you should think about whether it is worth using cellular concrete for this purpose. But if you still decide to do this, then you need to accurately calculate the load on the base and not build heavy buildings.
Price of foam block

The price of the block will depend on the size of the block. For example, a productwith dimensions equal to 150x250x600 mm, has a cost of 90 rubles apiece. Whereas, when purchasing a foam block with sides of 200x300x600, you will have to pay 130 rubles per unit of goods. Foam blocks, the price of which is 60 rubles, have dimensions of 600x250x100 mm. If you are interested in reinforced foam concrete, then you can purchase it in a volume equal to 1 m3, for about 2100-2600 rubles.
If you decide to accompany the construction with the independent production of cellular material, then before starting work you should ask how much you will pay for a foam block cube in your city, and compare whether it will be less profitable than making the material on your own. After all, the production of this kind of material involves the use of special equipment, the cost of which is quite impressive. But for the conduct of such work for the purpose of resale, the acquisition of appropriate installations will be a very profitable solution. However, it will be necessary to take care of the availability of a large warehouse for the maturation of the blocks after pouring.