Cooking firewood is a must for people living in rural areas. This process is a preparation for the harsh period. A thrifty owner of materials for heating a house is enough for more than one year. Everyone knows that quickly collected branches, deadwood, brushwood, thrown into the fire, flare up rather slowly. It won't produce much heat.
Thanks to the harvesting of wood in the woodpile, it dries perfectly, and this will help to warm up the house quickly and efficiently. Such materials are also suitable for baths. Logging must be done legally and requires a special permit.
Features of home heating
Citizens are hardly aware of the problem of home heating with their own hands, unless, of course, they have a dacha. Indeed, in apartments this procedure is not required, there are batteries for this. If a country house appears, then heating becomes an important task.

It's nice to be warm by the fireplace in the house, listen to the crackling of logs. For a bath, stocks of firewood will also be required. They must be prepared in advance. Before doing this, you need to calculate how much materialneeded to keep warm.
Scaffold rental
A permit is required by law to harvest firewood. For this, a forest lease agreement is drawn up, otherwise this work will be recognized as illegal. Thanks to this document, it will be possible to export firewood from a certain territory. There are other subtleties of logging for personal needs. Selective felling of trees downed by storms and damaged by pests is permitted.

Clear felling may be performed if it does not have natural sustainability. In case of unauthorized removal of a windbreak, a fine is imposed on the violator. Forest areas have serial numbers, which are painted on a nail on a tree. The forest of one section has identical numbers. They determine which trees can be used for firewood. Plants marked for felling are divided into shares.
If a person completely cuts down areas, he is entered into special lists. When an accurate marking of territories is carried out, they become the property of their owner. After that, legal wood harvesting can be carried out, and at any time. You can collect brushwood - thin tree trunks with a diameter of up to 4 cm, as well as branches. You can take everything that remains after cutting wood for free.
Terms and Conditions
To obtain permission, you must go through a special procedure. First, you should take a certificate from the village council stating that the house has stove heating. This serves as confirmation that firewood is necessary. Then you need to go to the forestry andto write an application. This body sends documents to the main department, after which an order is issued to conclude agreements for the sale of firewood.

Only after this is the contract concluded. You need to pay for your volume within 5 days. If there are benefits or the right to a free supply of firewood, then documentary evidence must be provided. Then the forestry sends the documentation to the Ministry. After a while, permission is received, which the applicant must have.
From now on, 1 month is calculated, during which firewood is harvested in the forest. Forestry provides a site where you can cut down. You just need to first find out what varieties of trees are required, and fix this in the application. After that, you can take the necessary tools, transport and go to your site.
Wood types
There are different types of wood for firewood. They will quickly kindle, radiate heat. Materials have heat dissipation, burn for a long time. The density of firewood determines how it will burn. It is best to harvest birch, oak, hornbeam, beech. Such materials are suitable for kindling a bath.
Oak has the highest combustion temperature, it smolders for a long time. Such materials are considered the most expensive, so the bath is heated with birch firewood. Thanks to their hot, even burning, a pleasant aroma will be in the house. It disinfects the air. During combustion, such materials release tar. To prevent such a substance from settling in the chimney, at the end of kindling it is necessary to putaspen firewood.
Pine needles and fruit trees are considered medium hardwoods. They burn well, but do not give as much heat as solid ones. Aspen and alder are considered soft and loose rocks. They are ideal for stoking fireplaces, as they emit small amounts of smoke and soot during combustion. To get a good heat, you need to combine such material with birch.
To perform the procedure, you need special tools for cutting firewood. The most popular tool is an ax, which can be manual and mechanical. The hand tool is suitable for those who do this kind of work only occasionally, as it is difficult to use it constantly due to the large weight.

An excellent tool is a wood saw. This device is both manual and mechanical. You need to use such products correctly, and then they will be the best helpers for harvesting wood.
There are a lot of mechanical woodworking tools for sale now. They allow you to quickly and efficiently perform work without the expenditure of physical strength. Although every manufacturer claims that their tools are the best, in fact, a mechanical splitter can cut wood better than a hand tool.
Mechanical tools
There are 2 types of mechanical type cleavers:
- Hydraulic.
- Screw.
To make the right choice, you should familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of each product. To the mostcommon include screw cleavers made at the factory or with their own hands. The main part of the device is considered to be a steel cone with a coarse thread. Thanks to the rotational mechanical element, the wood is split. Even large firewood can be divided into 2 parts.
The hydraulic splitter has a large capacity, but it is difficult to manufacture. The task of such a device is the breakdown of firewood into the desired dimensions. These machines run on electricity and gasoline.
Using an ax
This device is an assistant in the household. When the logs are brought home, it is with an ax that they are divided into smaller parts. These tools are different, so you should know what to choose. Their weight is important. A heavy ax cuts logs well, but working with it for a long time is difficult. And with a light tool, a lot of one's own strength is wasted.

When choosing a fixture, consider the following aspects:
- Blade shape: rounded and straight. The first has cutting properties, and the second is designed for splitting wood.
- Sharpening the blade. If it has an angle of less than 40 degrees, then the ax penetrates deeper into the material. Attachments are suitable for felling trees.
- Steel quality. Specifies the durability of the fixture. On branded instruments there is a stamp with the designation of the steel grade. It is advisable to choose a forged item.
- The length of the handle. Due to the short handle, work is performed with outstretched arms forincrease in swing strength.
- The thickness of the handle. The product must be comfortable to use.
These criteria should be relied upon when choosing a tool. With a quality fixture, it will be very convenient to carry out the workpiece.
Features of logging
For a long time it has been believed that the preparation of firewood for the winter should be carried out in the middle of autumn. Trees must be ready for the cold, as at this time they shed their leaves and do not have moisture. But many do this work at other times as well. It is advisable to harvest in warm and dry weather in order to cut and cut logs.

Harvesting firewood (not everyone can do it with their own hands) is a complex procedure that requires skills. Felling a tree is very difficult and also dangerous. The first notch is made on the side where the trunk will fall. The depth of the notch is 1/3 of the circumference of the tree, and the other is done opposite, it should be deeper and higher than the previous one. The fall of the tree occurs in cases where the next notch will be of critical size. In this case, you must move to a safe distance.
What happens next?
Branches must be cut off the tree, knots. Then the trunk is sawn into chocks to a certain length. Chocks must be split into logs using a cleaver and a deck. If they are thin, then they are divided into 4 parts, and thick ones - into 6 and 8. Then the firewood is stacked in a woodpile under a canopy, where it dries out before winter.
Usually, woodpile is located near the courtyard buildings. Near the walls of the house, if it is wooden, it is not necessary to stack firewood, as they are affected by pests that can move into the dwelling. Before laying the woodpile, it is necessary to drive stakes into the ground, which will serve as a barrier against spilling. The first row is usually laid on concrete blocks, boards, stones, bricks. Everything must be covered with waterproof material.
Drying firewood takes about 5-6 months, even with favorable weather. Dry wood burns well and gives a lot of heat compared to raw wood. The sound of the sound of wood indicates its readiness.
Firewood for summer cottages
Before you harvest firewood for your own needs, you should calculate how much it will take to keep the room warm all the time. According to the norms, for heating 10 sq. m log cabin throughout the winter will require 1 cubic meter of firewood.

It turns out that for a house of 50 square meters. m, it is necessary to complete the preparation of 5 cubic meters. m of wood. This volume is placed in a loaded ZIL car. And if there is a bath, for example, with an area of 4 sq. m., then you will still need 0.5 cubic meters. It is better to prepare a little more firewood. Thanks to the timely preparation of materials for space heating, the winter will be warm and comfortable.